Going over the top: BGU

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Joined: 31 Jan 2017, 20:20

Going over the top: BGU

Post by Sachi_R »


An extraordinary phenomenon called Bengaluru Ganesha Utsava running for the 60th year now draws thousands to presentations by top artistes in extremely "rich"* settings. While listening to some of the stars of CM and HM online in this extravaganza, (last time I went there there was a lavish food court with every conceivable veg junk/darshini food), this subhashitam came to mind:

मर्कटस्य सुरापानं *****

मर्कटस्य सुरापानं तत्र वृश्चिकदंशनम्।
तन्मध्ये भूतसंचारो यद्वा तद्वा भविष्यति॥

"Imagine that a drunken monkey is bitten by a scorpion, and is meanwhile possessed by a ghost. Then what happens is nobody's guess!"

* Rich settings (What is going over the top? What is excess in a Concert?)

1. Jazzy LED screens all around projecting psychedelic images of geometric and symmetric figures spiral and eat themselves up with occasional Ganesha images zooming out.
2. Blast the music.
3. Create a "Woodstock" mood.

Post-edit: Did you zoom the pic to discover the musicians on stage?

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Joined: 22 Jun 2006, 09:30

Re: Going over the top: BGU

Post by arasi »

With all the glow and the glitz
Where is VighnESvarA? Wait!

Is this the way to reach the young
With classical music? What next?
To further carry the trend, pray!
Priests in jeans, patent leather shoes?

Woodstock at least was outdoors
One with Nature, a respite--but this!
No rhyme or reason here in all this

The one who guards us against ills
Is made to ail himself at our hands
Hypes like this he would not stand

GaneSa says:

Give me room under a banyan tree
And I am there, in a lovely temple too
But here, hell has broken loose, yes
Sting of the scorpion and the rest!

Have your fun, feasts, frivolity
But spare me and good music
An ambience like this I say--where
Peace and hymns have no place :(

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