O S Thyagarajan - 1994

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O S Thyagarajan - 1994

Post by ram1999 »

A beautiful concert of Sri OST. The kalyani alapana in particular is spellbinding, an unimaginable flow like the rapids, a sweet voice.

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Re: O S Thyagarajan - 1994

Post by shankarank »

There is a sangati , missing in this rendition , for the Pallavi of Eta vunnAra that starts from 1/2 place - iDam (the kriti's setting that is) and ends quarter before arudi that goes like the pattern:

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ta-ka-ta-ki-ta  ta-ka-ta-ki-ta  ta-ka-ta-ki-ta  ta-ka-ta-ki-ta  tAm tAm tAm..
E...            E...            tA...           A...            vun.nA..rA.............
4*5(s) + 2*3(s) ( for the 3(s) only first two tAms count. The last one ends the whole phrase and leads into pause)

20 + 6 = 26 - which is short of 4 (1/2 offset anAgatam) in the front and 2 (1/4 pre-offset or atItam) before arudhi or midpoint of the tALA cycle.

The pause after the last tAm goes for 1/4 before and then 1/2 after arudhi for nilakaDA nIKu to take off. A total of 3/4th and quite unsymmetric , but creates an exhilarating verve ride for a listener who follows the beat!

Instrumentalists likely render this. And last I heard was with Sri MAS and MAK duet in IITM CLT for Mardi Gras - 1990 or 1991 with about a single digit audience!! Sri SrimushNam Raja Rao as Mridangam artist.

Coming to think of it , time we heard them together once more - nostalgia sake! Over to Mr Arkay!

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