TMK to share all his music knowledge

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TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by sais72 »

This is quite laudable. We have moved a long distance from take down notices to openly sharing all music knowledge. This will be wonderful for aspiring music students and rasikas.

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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by ganesh_mourthy »

It is good that he gives a prelude to the upcoming compositions so that the learners do not have to watch everything. Pick and choose what best suits you. Looks like I am going to skip the first few sessions and wait for the trinity composisitons.

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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by SrinathK »

Given the rise of the internet, I was thinking it would only be a matter of time before this happened. Hopefully they will get tons and tons of views and even earn a good deal of money from online views like many very successful YT channels. But even music classes, wow. My best wishes.

I also hope other musicians will follow suit.

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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by ramakriya »

There are many musicians who are already doing it. Although I do not play the Veena, I found videos of Vidwan Veena D Srinvas fascinating and keep watching them.

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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by msakella »

The teacher-cook must sit in a chair and initiate orally the aspirant-cook in cooking without getting down from the chair and such person is the real
teacher-cook. It is same even in respect of learning music. I and my Akella's army has been doing this since last more than 15 years logically initiating
the aspirants sing both mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras in all the six popular Talas hardly within a year even before learning the first Kriti hardly within the first year of learning.

I heartily appreciate if any music-teacher honestly does it and help the poor aspirants. msakella

Pratyaksham Bala
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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by Pratyaksham Bala »

You may consider shifting Post #5 to the appropriate thread "Beginners Q&A - Learning area"

Pratyaksham Bala
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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by Pratyaksham Bala »


TODAY (23.04.2021) 7.30 PM

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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by msakella »

As you cannot, however, make him or any other person do what i wrote it is better to do as you wrote. msakella

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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by ganesh_mourthy »

Post 7.

Seriously ... is that knowledge sharing. ? As far as TMK, he has, in recent years, always struck as an impassioned hardliner spreading his perspectives. Knowledge sharing is just a by-product of this series, as it readily seems. you have to wait until all dosages of the new-age ezhuChies are over. Will it be over ???

Pratyaksham Bala
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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by Pratyaksham Bala »

Let us hope for better days. And wait for a week at least.

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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by Ranganayaki »

Pratyaksham Bala wrote: 23 Apr 2021, 07:31 .

TODAY (23.04.2021) 7.30 PM
I agree with post #1. It certainly is laudable. But this YouTube posting of a song makes me uncomfortable, no matter how open-minded I set out to be. I wondered why and I think it is because most Carnatic songs are focused on the divinity of man. The songs are always aspirational and elevating. Singing about worldly miseries and faults or the dark aspects of human life does not seem worthy of carnatic exposition. So the question is brought back to the purpose and character of carnatic music. Can we ignore the suffering of women and say that this song /theme does not belong? Does that put carnatic music into the category of ivory-tower pastimes ? Or is there a valid reason for CM to aim to be elevating?

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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by shankarank »

The well known composers have dealt with negatives of humans.

The composers in the tradition pointed inwards into the negativities of men as they were men and hence in adhyAtmic approach that is valid.

As regards whether Carnatic music is in a high pedestal due to divine themes, we should look beyond branded Carnatic music as a Genre and into the broader philosophy of sound/Sabda as divine that underlies all of music. Those who reject this philosophy - I would call them close minded. How long would it it take for one to say? - they are just a bundle of cells, bacteria, Carbon-Hydrogen-Nitrogen long chain molecules and proteins. Where, the ethic that human life should be regarded with sanctity, comes from?

So the question of whether Carnatic music is suited to this or that theme, should not arise. No platform or medium , classical or popular is a right choice to spread extreme negativities in an intense way in today's media reach especially. Else the consequences are there for all to see. E.g. violence in movies, video games, etc. Some people watch crime channels - but if all manners of people do it that is not healthy. People who have that requirement in their duties should do it.

Also good / positive things like divine music can be disseminated to those that seek something in the appropriate venue. Else there will be distractions, and negative discourse and questions out of context.

And the so called "Elite" environment filled with today's "elites" behave like appropriate venues or not - is a question to be asked as well!

If you are going to make it an "art" form that belongs to "humans" who have "rights" to receive it, then I'd say be prepared for all kinds of questions. The humans to whom you are targeting the art must find the answers.

Where do rights come from? And the agencies/institutions which are tasked with Human rights, do they think of music this way? Why did they not include it in educational curriculum and offer the choice widely. Were they waiting for "relevant" content and this divine stuff is irrelevant? So all these social issues/themes are going to make it acceptable to those in charge of setting the agenda for education, start including "classical art forms"?

And how will they include such negative content? Oh! this will be in some special curriculum of liberal arts that prepares social activists?

IIT M is expanding it's humanities! May be this is the content , that is under preparation for the same!

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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by msakella »

Nowadays, each and everyone is ready to avail all kinds of modern gadgets and get benefitted in each and every manner but very sadly our kids are unable to get such benefits while learning our own music very quickly and very efficiently. Is there any honest person in this country to truly and truthfully help our own kids leave all other things alone? Nobody!!!

We don't have even a single efficient and honest music-teacher like Shonthi Venkataramanayya!!!

Pratyaksham Bala
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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by Pratyaksham Bala »

Back to the topic!

Dr. U. Ve. Swaminatha Iyer's Compositions
rendered by T.M. Krishna

Kriti: ARumukhanai siddhAnanda rUpiyai
Ragam: Surati
Talam: Mishra Chapu

Kriti: ilandai nagar vAsanE
Ragam: Sahana
Talam: Adi

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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by msakella »

While concluding our Karnataka music concert all our musicians are used to sing or play one or two 'Hindusthani-songs' but i never heard Hindusthani musicians singing any Karnataka music composition while concluding their concert!!! None of them do so!!! So great our Karnataka music is!!! msakella

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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by hnbhagavan »

If Hindustani musicians do not sing Carnatic songs, it is more a reflection on their attitude .Our system has taken a broader attitude and speaks volumes about open nature of Carnatic Musicians and their versatility.

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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by shankarank »

Pardon my ignorance , I don't listen to HM too much, here and there some sampling. Do they really sing any songs? They are known to be to singing only rAgAs don't they? Even when rhythmic flow is on?

With the result , we have this false grand narrative that Indian music is rAgA based?

And do we know what is actually a song - even in CM? We keep using the term!

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Re: TMK to share all his music knowledge

Post by msakella »

For music note is the mother while beat is the father and many are very well aware of the Shruti deficiency of our Karnataka musicians in general. That's why Karnataka music could be enjoyed only by South Indians only but Hindustani music could be enjoyed by many all over the globe. As even Cini music is more nearer to Hindusthani music many are enjoying it. To tell the fact Karnataka music is so great that this includes all music systems of the globe. But, our egoistic and selfish musicians have lost the way of balancing the greatness of it very sadly. A lot of things must be discussed openly in this respect which is not possible here. msakella

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