Vijay Siva TBGS 6.1.22

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Vijay Siva TBGS 6.1.22

Post by grsastrigal »

6th Jan 2022
Thyaga Brahma gaana sabha
Vijay siva
Vidwan Trichy Sankaran
RK Sriramkumar
Chandrasekar Sharma - Ghatam

I was very fortunate to attend the concert. On the one side, pandemic protocol on the other side, reluctance from the family to move out and a distant TBGS, but I went into the concert.

Surprise RTP that to Nattaikurinji, TN SeshagOpalan mastered “enduku dayarAdudA” and other lovely kritIs.

When I entered, he was “swaraming” pAhi ShrI girirAja sudE’ a beautiful SS piece on Ananda bairavi.

So thrilled seeing the team. Trichy shankaran Sir is always the best. RKS is the best pair for VS as VaradU for Sanjay.

Almost all the sabhas closed their schedule, only TBGS and Bharat kalAchaar started some concerts. Around 50 people scattered in the big hall, I felt bad of God’s injustice to these great artists. (by bringing pandemic again…..)

pAhi ShrI- Ananda bairavi- SS

pUrvi kalyAni- Ragam- inda pArAmukham edu - Desika vinayagam pillai - N & S

mAra koTi- Arabhi- MD

Todi- Ragam- Enduku daya- Thyagarajar - Swaram

kA vA – varAli- PS

RTP – Nattakurinji – P- “satyAnanda, sAanandA, nityAnandA, gOvindA


Inda celuvakE – dAsar

periAr tiruvAi mozhi (abheri, sahana) followed by mAlE – AndAl tiruppavai- Kundala varAli

kandar anubhoodhi


few lines (review) will follow. Gr8 concert. Gr8 Tani.

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