Omanthinkal kidavo

Place to go if you want to ask someone identify raga, tala, composer etc or ask for sāhitya (lyrics) or notations or translations.
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Joined: 11 Nov 2018, 20:41

Omanthinkal kidavo

Post by Madhumita.sathe »

Hello. Requesting translation for lyrics of the malyalam vatsalya padam 'Omanthinkal Kidavo'. It would be best if it is word-to-word.
Thanks in advance.


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Joined: 10 Feb 2010, 18:52

Re: Omanthinkal kidavo

Post by Lakshman »

: drSTikku veccOramrtO kUriruTTattu vecca viLakkO
9: kIrttilataykkuLLa vittO ennum kETu varAtuLLa muttO
10: Artti timiram kaLavAn uLLa mArttANDa dEva prabhayO
11: sUktiyil kaNTa poruLO ati sUkSmamAm vINA ravamO
12: vampicca santOSavalli tanre kompattu pUtta pUvalli
13: piccakattin malar ceNTO nAvinnicca nalkunna kalkaNTO
14: kastUri tanre maNamO nalla sattukaLkkuLLa guNamO
15: pUmaNamETrOru kATrO ETram ponnil kalarnnOru mATrO
16: kAccikkurukkiya pAlO nalla gandhamezhum paninIrO
17: nanma viLayum nilamO bahu dharmmannaL vAzhum grhamO
18: dAham kaLayum jalamO mArgga khEdam kaLayum taNalO
19: vATAtta mallikappUvO ~nAnum tETiveccuLLa dhanamO
20: kaNNinnu nalla kaNiyO mama kaivanna cintAmaNiyO
21: lAvaNyapuNya nadiyO uNNikkArvarNNan tanre kaLiyO
22: lakSmIbhagavati tanre tiru neTri mEliTTa kuriyO
23: ennuNNikrSNan janiccO pArilinnane vESam dhariccO
24: Ishvaran tanre krpayO ini bhAgyam varunna vazhiyO
25: padmanAbhan tan kripayO mattum bhAgyam vArunna vazhiyO

1.Is he the darling baby of the moon?
Is he a very pretty lotus flower?
Is he the honey filled inside the flower?
Is he the soothing light of the full moon?
2.Is he the newly formed coral reef?
Is he prattling of the parrots?
Is he the slowly moving peacock?
Is he the sweet song by the Nightingale?
3.Is he a jumping baby of the deer?
Is he the swan which shines?
Is he the treasure given by God?
Is he the parrot held by Parvathy?
4.Is he the tender leaves of Parijatha?
Is he the result of my lucky streak?
Is he a golden box given to me to store the gem of my love?
5.Is he the pot of nectar kept for taking out an evil eye?
Is he a lamp kept in pitch darkness?
Is he the seed for the creeper of fame?
Is he the pearl that never gets spoiled?
6.Is he the light of the Sun god,
Meant to remove cataract and gluttony,
Is he the meaning of philosophy?
Is he a very lower note of Veena?
7.Is he the flower at the end of the creeper of happiness?
Is he the bouquet made of sweet scented jasmine flowers?
Is he the sugar candy which creates desire in the tongue?
8.Is he the incense of the musk?
Is he the property of good people?
Is he the wind carrying scent of flowers?
Is he that which makes the gold more pure?
9.Is he boiled and condensed milk?
Is he the rose water with sweet scent?
Is he the land from which goodness is reaped?
Is he the house where great charities live?
10.Is he the water which removes the thirst?
Is he the shade which removes tiredness in travel?
Is he the jasmine flower which never fades?
Is he the money that I have earned?
11.Is he the lucky first sight to the eye?
Is he the wishing gem that I have got?
Is he a pretty holy river?
Is he the play of the baby Krishna who is black?
12.Is he the dot worn in the forehead by Goddess Lakshmi?
Is he the baby Krishna who has dressed like my baby?
Is he the gift of Lord Padmanabha?
Is he the luck entering my courtyard?

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