K. Gayatri @PARAMPARA (Suguna Purshottaman) Sep 23, 2016 - Rec.

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K. Gayatri @PARAMPARA (Suguna Purshottaman) Sep 23, 2016 - Rec.

Post by shankarank »


A fitting dvi-tAla avadhana Bhairavi varNam.

Nice renditions on nannu BrOvu Lalitha ( rAgam was neat!)
a serene jambU patE ( without being awfully slow ;) ) - good control at that speed.
and an effective karahapriyA - with nataci nataci jUcE - away from heard often ones.

Interspersed with JankAra Sruti seykuvAye - pUrvikalyANi and a Bilhari composition.

The rAga Alapana for karaharapriyA was very much an engaging one - phrase by phrase - for somebody like me who can get bored by this rAgam easily. Her layam speaks in Alapanas as well, comes out like a controlled well thought out execution every step of the way!.

Her focus on dwelling in kArvais with good control on layam elevates the music - I guess she has some resistance training in her voice. She does not have the run away voice - i.e. she is not going to run away to singing in films :D - We can take comfort that she is going to be there - as that quitessential classical ariste - always for us the classical elitists ;) !!

Her kOrvais though challenge the accompanists - She is like the TNS in his prime somewhat - who turns to his tantrums when MC demands a turn and plays - only to be dumbfounded by an arbitrary kaNNakku the next round!

Dr Hemalatha coming as she does from a percussion descent ( her father Sri Rangachari - a kanjira artiste) - shows her control on it as well. Nice balanced replies.

B Sivaraman reflects the TKM school style faithfully - with nice new tries ably assisted by Prasanna on Ghatam. The mOhra was executed in a fresh new pattern involving tiSra jatis! This is one Mridangam / Ghatam combination that had good clarity on Sollus when playing the final tani rounds together in recent memory!.

Gayathri's post main piece Sri vEnugopala in kurinji in madyama Sruti - as she sang in upper stAyi continuously - brought out her voice resemblance to Smt. Suguna Purushottaman clearly - apparent even to me who has heard Suguna mAmi only twice once in a Chamber and once at Cleveland.

sakhi nAnenna seyvEnaDi - in paras - sounds like the varNamettu for celinEnEtlu sahintunE javaLi that was discussed in Vijay@Dallas thread.

A nice follow up to her parivAdini event in August - good consistency!

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