Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by kvchellappa »

It would be a pleasure. Incidentally is there any comprehensive list of Bharathi songs and the ragas they have been sung in?

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Re Thank you: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by nmkmathan »

sridhar_ranga wrote:Madasamy

Great work!!! Thank you for posting Madasamy Pillai Original Photo

:o :D


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Joined: 04 Aug 2011, 13:54

Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by kvchellappa »

This is taken from FB:
Fowzia Iqbal

மகாகவியின் கடைசிப் பயணம்!

இன்று உலகம் போற்றும் நம் மகாகவி சுப்ரமணிய பாரதியின் நினைவு நாள். அந்த அக்னி குஞ்சு தனது பூத உடலை விட்டு பறந்து 95 வருடங்கள் ஆகிறது. யுகங்கள் கழிந்தாலும் அவனின் மிகச் சிறந்த எண்ணமும், சீரிய சிந்தனையும், அவனது ஒளிபடைத்தப் பார்வையில் இந்த உலகையும், மானிடத்தையும் ஒரு சேர தனது அன்பால் அணைத்து, இந்த மானுடமும் வையமும் வாழ்வாங்கு வழி கூறிச் சென்ற அந்த தீர்க்கதரிஷி நம்மை விட்டுப் பிரியவில்லை, நம்மோடு அவனது சிந்தனைகளாக வாழ்ந்தும் கொண்டிருக்கிறான்.

அந்த மகாகவியின் கடைசி நாளையும், அந்த இளஞ்சூரியனைத் தாங்கி இருந்த அவனது பூத உடல் அக்னிக்கு ஆகுதியானதையும் மீண்டும் ஒருமுறை அவனது நினைவு நாளிலே நினைத்துப் பார்ப்போம்.அந்த நாட்களினைப் பற்றிய நிகழ்வுகளை பாரதிப் பிரியரும் தமிழறிஞருமான திருவாளர். ரா. அ. பத்பநாபன் அவர்கள் தொகுத்து வழங்கிய ‘சித்திர பாரதி’ என்னும் நூலில் காணும் இப்பகுதியை நான் இங்கே பகிர்கிறேன்.

யானையின் மூலம் உயிரைக் கவராத யமன், இரண்டு மாதம் காத்திருந்து, வேறொரு எளிய வழியில் பாரதியை நெருங்கினான்.

1921 செப்டம்பர் முதல் தேதி பாரதிக்கு வயிற்றுப் போக்கு ஏற்பட்டது. பூஞ்சை உடல் தாங்கவில்லை. விரைவில் அது இரத்தக் கடுப்பாக மாறியது. முதல் தேதியிலிருந்து விடுப்பில் இருந்த பாரதி எப்போது வேலைக்குத் திரும்புவார் என்றறிய ‘மித்திரன்’ அலுவலகத்திலிருந்து ஓர் சக ஊழியர் வந்து விசாரித்தார்.

சில தினங்களில், சரியாக செப்டம்பர் 12ஆம் தேதி திங்களன்று வேலைக்குத் திரும்புவதாகச் சொல்லி அனுப்பியுள்ளான் பாரதி. அன்றுதான் அந்த இளஞ்சூரியனின் பூத உடல் எரிகாடு சென்றது !

1921 செப்டம்பர் 11 ஆம் தேதி இரவு பாரதி வீட்டில் கவலையுடன் விழித்திருந்த நண்பர்களில் ஒருவரான நீலகண்ட பிரம்மச்சாரி கூறுகிறார்:

“அன்றிரவு பாரதி ‘அமானுல்லா கானைப் பற்றி பற்றி ஒரு வியாசம் எழுதி ஆபீஸுக்கு எடுத்துக் கொண்டு போகவேண்டும்’ என்று சொல்லிக் கொண்டிருந்தார். அமானுல்லா கான் அப்பொழுது ஆப்கானிஸ்தானத்து மன்னராக இருந்தவர். 1914-18 முதல் மகாயுத்தத்தில் ஜெர்மாநியருக்குச் சாதகமாக இருந்தாரென்று சண்டையில் வெற்றிப் பெற்ற பிரிட்டிஷார் அவர் மீது கறுவிக் கொண்டிருந்தார்கள். முன்னிரவில் பெரும்பாகம் மயக்கத்திலிருந்த பாரதி, இறப்பதற்கு இரண்டு மணி நேரம் முன்னால் சொன்ன இந்த வார்த்தைகளே அவர் பேசிய கடைசி வார்த்தைகளாகும்”

நெல்லையப்பர், “எங்களுக்குத் தூக்கம் வரவில்லை. அடிக்கடி எழுந்து, எமனுடன் போராடிக் கொண்டிருந்த பாரதியாரைக் கவனித்துக் கொண்டிருந்தோம். பின்னிரவில் சுமார் இரண்டு மணிக்கு பாரதியாரின் மூச்சு அடங்கி விட்டது. உலகத்தாருக்கு அமரத்துவ உபதேசம் செய்த பாரதியார் மரணம் அடைந்தார். “கரவினில் வந்து உயிர்க் குலத்தினை அழிக்கும் காலன் நடுநடுங்க விழித்தோம்” என்றும், “காலா, உன்னை நான் சிறு புல்லென மதிக்கிறேன் – என்றன் காலருகே வாடா ! சற்றே உன்னை மிதிக்கின்றேன், அட (காலா)” என்றும் பாடிய பாரதியார் காலனுக்கு இரையானார்” என்று கூறுகிறார்.

பாரதி காலமானது சரியாக இரவு 1:30 மணி. இதை நீலகண்ட பிரம்மச்சாரி, ஹரிஹர சர்மா முதலியோர் தெரிவித்துள்ளனர்.

பாரதியின் மரணச் செய்தியைப் பொழுது விடிந்ததும் நண்பர்களுக்குச் சொல்லியனுப்பினார்கள். துரைசாமி ஐயர், ஹரிஹர சர்மா, வி.சக்கரைச் செட்டி, கிருஸ்துவப் பாதிரியாராகப் புரசைவாக்கத்தில் ஒரு பங்களாவில் குடியிருந்த யதிராஜ் சுரேந்திரநாத் ஆர்யா, மண்டயம் ஸ்ரீநிவாஸாச்சாரியார், எஸ்.திருமலாச்சாரியார், குவளை கிருஷ்ணமாச்சாரியார் முதலியோர் வந்தனர்.

பாரதி குடும்பத்துக்கு எப்போதும் ஆதரவுப் புரிந்துவந்த துரைசாமி ஐயரே பாரதியின் கடைசி நாள் கிரியைகளுக்கும் உதவிபுரிந்தார். “பாரதியார் உடலைக் காலை எட்டு மணிக்குத் திருவல்லிக்கேணி (கிருஷ்ணாம்பேட்டை) மயானத்திற்கு கொண்டு சென்றோம். நானும், லஷ்மண ஐயரும், குவளை கிருஷ்ணமாச்சாரியார், ஹரிஹர சர்மா, ஆர்யா முதலியவர்களும் பாரதியார் பொன்னுடலை சுமந்து செல்லும் பாக்கியம் பெற்றோம்.

பாரதியார் உடல் மிகச் சிறியது. அன்று தீக்கிரையான அவர் உடல் நிறை சுமார் 100 பவுண்டுக்கும் குறைவாகவே இருக்கும். இன்று உலகம் போற்றும் கவிச்சக்ரவர்த்தியுடன் அன்று அவரது கடைசி நாளில் திருவல்லிக்கேணி மயானத்திற்குச் சென்றவர்கள் சுமார் இருபது பேருக்கும் குறைவாகவே இருக்கலாம்.

பாரதியின் பொன்னுடலை அக்னி தேவரிடம் ஒப்புவிக்கு முன்னர் நண்பர் சுரேந்திரநாத் ஆர்யா சிறியதோர் சொற்பொழிவு நிகழ்த்தினார்” -இவ்வாறு நெல்லையப்பர் கடைசி நாளை விவரித்துள்ளார்.

பாரதிக்குப் ஆண் பிள்ளை இல்லாததால் யார் அவருக்குக் கொள்ளியிடுவது என்ற பேச்சு வந்தபோது, யாரோ நீலகண்ட பிரமச்சாரி கொள்ளியிடலாமென்று சொன்னார்கள். உடனே அவர், “என்ன, நானா? இந்தச் சடங்குகளிலெல்லாம் துளிக்கூட நம்பிக்கை இல்லாதவன் நான். என் தகப்பனாராகவே இருந்தாலும் இந்தச் சடங்குகளைச் செய்யமாட்டேன். அப்படியிருக்க, பாரதிக்காக நான் செய்வேனென்று எப்படி நினைத்தீர்கள்?” என்று மறுத்துவிட்டார்.

முடிவில் பாரதியின் தூரத்து உறவினரான ஹரிஹர சர்மாதான் கர்மங்களைச் செய்தார். பல நூற்றாண்டுக்கொருமுறை தோன்றும் அதிசய மேதை ஒருவரின் வாழ்வு இவ்வாறு முடிவெய்தியது. தம்மிடையே ஒரு மகாபுருஷர் வாழ்ந்தாரென அவர் காலத்துத் தமிழுலகம் அறியவில்லை. நண்பர்களும், அறிஞர்கள் சிலருமே உணர்ந்திருந்தனர்.

தென் தமிழ்நாட்டில் 1882 டிசம்பர் 11 தோன்றிய அந்த சித்த புருஷர், சென்னை திருவல்லிக்கேணியில் 1921 செப்டம்பர் 12 ஞாயிறன்று, அதிகாலை 1:30 மணிக்குப் புகழுடல் எய்தினார். அப்போது அவருக்கு வயது 39 நிரம்பவில்லை! சரியாக 38 வயதும் 9 மாதங்களுமே ஆகியிருந்தன!

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by arasi »

End of the MahAkavi's Journey

Today, it's world class poet Subramania Bharathi's remembrance day.That live spark of Agni (the fire) left this world on this day, ninety five years ago. Ages may come and go, but Bharathi's vision and his noble thoughts shall stay with us. The powerful glow in his eyes still proclaims to us his thirst for humanity to unite as one, and his love and hope for us to live on that way.

That seer is still with us. He that dreamed of that ideal and lived for it is with us in his glowing ideals and his works.

Let's recollect the day when the young poet--who like a ray of the dazzling sun had enlightened the land--reached the end of his journey, here on earth. A tamizh scholar and a great admirer of Bharathi, RA. A. Padmanabhan has this to say in his loving and dedicated work Chitra Bharathi on the life of the bard:

YamA did not take Bharathi's life by coming as the mad elephant at the temple which threw him up in the air when he went to feed him. He waited two months, and then took his life as he would of a sick man. Bharathi's diarrhea on the first of September turned into a more serious stomach ailment. He was weak and vulnerable.

A colleague from the SvadEasmitran office came to see him and asked when he would be back at work. "the 12th", Bharati replied--the very day he was destined to arrive at the cremation grounds!

On the 11th evening, friends kept a vigil on him. Nilakanta Brahmachari says: Bharathi wanted to write an essay on Amamullah Khan who ruled over Afganistan then--the britishers were livid that he sided Germany in the world war. Those were Bharathi's last words, that he wanted to write about Khan.

Nellaiyappar, Bharathi's close friend says: we couldn't sleep. We kept a close eye on him. At about two in the morning, he breathed his last. The one who spoke of amaratvA (eternal life) was sentenced to death. He wrote that he would stare at kAlA (yamA) in such a way and dare him, which would surely make him shudder."I think of you as a mere blade of grass, O kAlA! Come near me! I will trample on you!" he declared, but succumbed to death at such an early age.

Harihara Sarma says he died around 1-30 that morning.

At dawn, the news reached other friends. Doraisami Iyer, Harihara Sarma, V.Sakkarai chetty, Yathiraj Surendra Arya, MAndayam Srinivasa Iyengar, Tirumalai Iyengar, Kuvalaik kannan...

Doraisamy Iyer who had helped Bharathi and family all along, took care of the cremation arrangements.

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by arasi »

In Nellaiyappar's words: At eight in the morning, we carried our precious treasure to Tirualllikeni's Krishnampettai cremation grounds. Me, Lakshman, Kuvalaik kannan, Harihara Sarma and Arya. It was our great privilege. Bharathi was small in stature. He would have weighed barely a hundred pounds after his illness. The bard supreme was on his final journey and there were barely twenty men in the funeral procession!

Arya gave an eulogy before the cremation.

Since Bharathi did not have a son, someone suggested that Neelakanta Brahmachari could do the final rites. He refused, saying that he did not believe in them, and would not do them at his own father's death. So, Harihara Sarma, also a distant relative of Bharathi performed them.

The event of a such a dazzling human being born happens only once in a few centuries. Such a life came to an end that day. That a supreme human lived among them, people were unaware--except for a few friends, scholars and lucky ones.

That SiddhA who was born on the 11th of December in 1882 in southern most India, joined the pantheon of the greats on Sunday, September 1921, at one thirty in the morning. He wasn't yet thirty nine!

(a translation from a face book entry by Fowzia Iqbal (thanks!).
Thanks also to KVC who brought it to us).

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Joined: 04 Aug 2011, 13:54

Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by kvchellappa »

That is nice of you to render it in English in your inimitable style.

Posts: 63
Joined: 05 Apr 2014, 17:08

Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by kvjayan »

The story of a benefactor who helped the poet’s family after his death.

"The poet and the pupil — a story from Ettayapuram", B. KOLAPPAN.

http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/t ... epage=true

A letter written by Subramania Bharati’s wife Chellamma speaks of the family’s difficult times

A recently discovered letter written by Chellamma, Subramania Bharati’s wife, to a family friend tells the story of a benefactor who helped the poet’s family after his death. Congressman Kamu Reddiyar from Vadhalakarai near Vilathikulam had come to the family’s rescue and provided supplies for 33 years. The letter was written when the monthly rations stopped. Chellamma wrote to Reddiyar, unaware that he was no more.

“The letter is with Kamu Reddiyar’s family. I got a copy from his son Pappuraj,” says M.S. Sekar, 70, an ex-serviceman and classmate of Mr. Pappuraj Reddiyar. Kamu Reddiyar, a Congress president in Kovilpatti, helped Bharathiyar’s family as it was the poet who accommodated him in his house when he joined Raja’s High School in Ettayapuram.

“There was no high school in Vadhalakarai and Kamu Reddiyar’s father took him to Bharathiyar in Ettayapuram. He helped him,” says Mr. Sekar.

The families stayed in touch though the elder Reddiyar returned to farming after completing Class 10. Bharathiyar then moved to Chennai. His family returned to Ettayapuram after his death in 1921. When Kamu Reddiyar called on Chellamma, he saw the family’s distress. “He wanted to gift land but she declined. So he sent farm produce. But that stopped in 1954, when he died. Missing the ration, Chellamma wrote to him,” says Mr. Sekar.

“You promised Koolam (produce) and viragu (firewood). They have not arrived and I am expecting them. Do not forget, and send them. Please bring your children too, I am keen to see them,” says the letter posted in 1954.

Kamu Reddiyar was an ardent Congressman and even donated 200 acres of land to Acharya Vinobha Bhave’s Boodhan Movement. “We still have the records of the donation. Even recently, we surrendered a lot of land under the Land Ceiling Act,” explains P. Aravindan, the grandson of Kamu Reddiyar. Though Bharathiyar’s death anniversary is observed on September 11, scholar Seeni Viswanathan says the actual date is September 12, since he died at 1.30 a.m.

Since there was a confusion about the date, for many years his death anniversary was observed on both days. “During the time of Kalki and Parali Su. Nellaiyappar, the friend of Bharathiyar, it was observed on both the days,” says Mr. Viswanathan, who has compiled all works of Bharathiyar.

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by rshankar »

Mahakavi wrote:"I think of you as a mere blade of grass, O kAlA! Come near me! I will trample on you!" he declared, but succumbed to death at such an early age.
I love thisrendition
Mahakavi wrote:"I think of you as a mere blade of grass, O kAlA! Come near me! I will trample on you!" he declared, but succumbed to death at such an early age.
The first time I read this, I was reminded of this....

But on further thought, he's a ciraMjIvi - he lives through his writings, that are timeless and will live on to the end of time. And in that aspect, has he not literally kicked death or his messengers into the netherworld, and not just trampled on them? To paraphrase what rAma said to vibhIshaNa (in the words of Sri Arunachala Kavi)

indrAdi dEvargaL uLLa nAL varaikkum
vEdamuLLavum vEda gItamuLLavum
pArijAtam uLLavum panca bhUtamuLLavum
kAr uLLavum kaDal nIr uLLavum
IrEzh pAr uLLavum
rAman pEr uLLavum nilaikkum, nilaikkum, nilaikkum

Right? :)

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by arasi »

A crowning glory, your post. Thanks!

Sowmya sings 'kAlA' with intense bhAvA.

Girish_a's translation of antakana dhUtarige, is beautiful. Is he active still on Rasikas.org?

And your lines from Arunachalak kavirAyar...!

You are a rich asset here at the fora--with your translations specially, which you do with such sensitivity and care...:)
Last edited by arasi on 13 Sep 2016, 07:15, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by rshankar »

Thank you, Arasi!

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by sivakami »

Yesterday, there was a live telecast of pancharatna krithis of SUbramanya Bharathi on Podhigai TV. I was happy to see an announcement serendipitously, about this programme scrolling on the screen scheduled to start at 10.05 AM. The event was organized by “Vanavil Panpattu Mayyam” as the ‘23rd Andu Bharathi Thiruvizha’ at ‘Bharathiyar Ninaivu Illam’ in Triplicane. I kept aside all my jobs for the day and watched the event. After the deeparadhanai to a golden-color idol of the Mahakavi which was brought in a procession from the Parthasarathi Temple(I think), it was brought inside to the stage. It was a pleasant surprise to see inside the hall, an arrangement similar to the pancharatna seva at Thiruvaiyaru, with several vidwans and vidhushis seated on the stage, many instrumentalists, children and teens sitting on either side below ready to sing. In the audience I was able to spot Sri. L. Ganeshan(BJP-MP), Sri. Kumari Ananthan, Amudhasurabhi Editor Sri. Tiruppur Krishnan and other dignitaries along with numerous Bharathiyar-rasikas. On the stage were Smt. Aruna Sairam and Sri. Rajkumar Bharathi, Smt. Charumathi Ramachandran, Smt. Geetha Raja, Sri. Maharajapuram Srinivasan, Sirkazhi Sivachidambaran, Smt. Mahathi (whom I could identify) and so many others.
After the invocation song “ Karpaga Vinayaga Potri’ they rendered the aindhu-ratna krithis. I can recall only three, 1. Bharatha Samudhayam vazhgave, 2. Mandhil urudhi vendum & 3. Vazhga Nirandharam, vazhga thamizh mozhi. I had to miss the remaining two due to some phone calls, visitors etc., Some other rasikas may be able to fill-in.
I particularly enjoyed the children below 10-12 yrs of age singing with so much of enthusiasm. There were so many young boys playing the ghatam and mridangam, a tabla-player and also a morsing vidwan. Two flautists and Smt. Padma Shankar(violin) were playing the lead-ragam tunes before each song. Overall it was a grand event, a wonderful initiative by the organizers “Vanavil Panpattu Mayyam” lead by Sri. Ravi, Smt. Shobana Ramesh and Smt.Meenakshi (they announced). Kudos to their efforts!!

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by kvchellappa »

An enjoyable programme on Bharathiyar and Kannan:

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by vgovindan »

11. மற்றிதனைக் கண்டார் மலமற்றார் துன்பமற்றார்
பற்றிதனைக் கொண்டார் பயனனைத்துங் கண்டாரே.

12. இப்பொருளைக் கண்டார் இடருக்கோ ரெல்லைகண்டார்
எப்பொருளுந் தாம்பெற்றிங் கின்பநிலை யெய்துவரே.

பரசிவ வெள்ளம்

யமனுக்கென்ன வேலை யமனுக்கு யமனைக் கண்டவரிடம்?
கொள்ளியும் சடங்குகளும் உலர்ந்தபோன உடலுக்கே;
உண்மை கண்டார் உடலை வென்றார், உடலை வென்றாரே!

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by vgovindan »

போருக்கு வந்தங் கெதிர்த்த கவுரவர்
போலுவந் தானுமவன் - நன்னெஞ்சே!
நேருக் கருச்சுனன் தேரிற் கசை கொண்டு
நின்றதுங் கண்ண னன்றோ - நன்னெஞ்சே! (பகைவனுக்கருள்வாய்)

தின்ன வரும்புலி தன்னையு மன்பொடு
சிந்தையிற் போற்றிடுவாய் - நன்னெஞ்சே!
அன்னை பராசக்தி யவ்வுரு வாயினள்
அவளைக் கும்பிடுவாய் - நன்னெஞ்சே! (பகைவனுக்கருள்வாய்)

This is to highlight that Bharati was a jnAni - not just a freedom fighter in a political sense - as some would like us believe.

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by shankarank »

Sri V Govindan - when I read about his last vyAsam attempt on the king of Afghanistan and the knee-jerk support for Russia puratchi - I feel the loss of intellectual tradition that studied the others carefully. In persuading Mahatma Gandhi on agreeing to support Indian Troops to WWII, Nehru and Rajaji seemed to have understood and applied Gandhi's Hind Swaraj better than Gandhi himself. They were able to discriminate what was happening to Jews vs. what was being done to Indians ( much of it: what was done to Indians by Indians) by the British! Netaji was on the wrong of history for the same reason!

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by grsastrigal »

As we observed mahakavi's 96th death anniversary, TOI, yesterday, published an article where it came out with 2-3 events and also a picture of yadugiri ammal.

Thanks to Arasi for bringing it out much early in this column (translation of the tamil book).

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by arasi »

Thank you so much. Can't believe more than six years have gone by since I was inspired to translate Yadugiri Ammal's memoir to share with rasikAs who cannot read the original in tamizh...

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by RSR »

Barathy has written about the state of Carnatic music during his time. ( around 100 years before now). (sangeetha vishayam) ( barathy -prose writings-poompukaar pathippakam). Liberal transaltaion of some lines there. Barathy begins by mentioning the nine 'rasa's. 'people who sing pallavis and ' keerthanangal' without rasa gnaanam' are showing the corpse of music . Most musicians today do not know that 'rasa' is the soul of music.
.....People who sing some of the keerthanais of Muthuswamy Dhikshithar, Thyagaiyar and Patnam Subramanya Iyer'
with much 'sangathi's are considered to be first rate musicians. But all these jkeerthanams are in Sanskrit or Telugu. So, 90% of vidwans do not know the meaning of these keerthanams. For such people who slaughter the language by omitting some words, or swallowing some parts, cannot know anything about 'rasa' of the songs.
( more to follow..)

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by RSR »

Barathy on music..continued. from #694...." I have all along been observing. The music concert begins..... Vidwan starts with Vaathaapi Ganapathim.... 'Rama nee samaanam evaru,.... mariyaadha kadhura',.... varamulosaki', ..Oh ..God! oh God! The same songs all the time.! You go to any village, any district, or take any vidwan.. this is the same story. Our tamilnad listeners seem to have ears made of iron.which is the reason that they are listening to these seven or eight songs again and again, without complaining. In countries having people with normal ears, they wont be tolerating this.
I am not saying that we should ignore the keertahnais of earlier great souls but we should sing those kerrthanais with understanding of the meaning. We should not mis-pronounce the words. The words should be clearly sung. We should not swallow some words conveniently. We should not make listening to music a nuisance by simply singing the same ten/thirty songs again and again.
We must create new keerthanais. Leading musicians of the present time, should try to create new keerthanams in new tunes .They must learn the nine 'rasa's and how to create songs in different rasa's.
" Our saintly predecessoirs had divine grace. ...but we are not so blessed' " should not be the refrain of vidwans as an excuse to avoid creating new keerthanams.
Gods are still there. They are nor dead.
If we really worship them, they will surely bless us and grant the ability. We can earn Divine Grace by steadfast devotion, compassion to all living beings, honesty, truth and unceasing effort
--------------------- to be continued.


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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by RSR »

Barathy on music..continued. from #695.
"Our musicians sing the keerthanams of Muthuswami Dheekshithar, Thyagaiyar and Patnam Subramanya Iyer , most of the time. Of these, Dhikshithar keerthanams are written in chaste Sanskrit. These songs have majesty and grandeur . There are other merits too but as they are in Sanskrit, these are not suitable for common people to sing with 'rasa-anubavam' unless they know sanskrit.
Thyagaraja had been blessed with Divine Grace. If Carnatic music is still alive, he is the main reason for that. Like the ancient sages , he lost himself in the worship of his 'Ishta Devatha' and was oblivious of the 'self'. He became the embodiment of his art. Though the present day vidvans pollute his divine songs by overloaded sangathis,rasa-naasam, mumbling and swallowing the words etc, his songs still have the old glow in them. .
Can not the gem-examiners , spot the gems though they appear dull having been cast for long in dust and dirt? Similarly, despite all this confusion, people with rasa-gnaanam can still perceive the true greatness of Thyagayya's craft. A good keerthanai will bring out the rasa in the ragam and layam themselves ( even without the lyrics!_.... This we say, is rasa-composition. .Thyagaraja was a specialist in that.
For instance, take the kru'thi, 'Chakkani Rajamargamu'. Try to sing that song without much sangathis and gymnastics, The meaning 'why do you wander in dirty bye-lanes when the royal-road is before you'. will be available in the music itself. Try singing 'maarubalga (' why are you not replying to my entreaties?) . The meaning will be available in the music itself than in the words.
' Nannu brova neekkintha thaamasamaa' ( 'so much delay in coming to my protection?" will sound in the song's tune/layam itself.
This is true of all his keerthanams. All the more remarkable because he achieves this effect without conscious effort.,but spontaneously.
When we have Truth in our heart, music will naturally flow like this."
In subsequent times, the above quality is found missing in the songs of Patnam Subramanya Iyer and others. If you consider 'varamusosaki' song, ( 'is it difficult for you to grant boons and protect ?') there is very little common to the lyrics and music rasa. The music is just fighting with beats of war-drums'!
(to be continued in two more posts). .
Last edited by RSR on 29 Oct 2017, 09:41, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by RSR »

Barathy on Music ( in continuation of #696)...."The singers should realize that beats('thaalAM) are meant for the song and song is not meant for beats.
it may be appropriate to sing the song to be in step with the beats in some types of 'folk dance' ('kootthu). ( empasis mine-rsr)
Even there, we should not destroy the music by giving over-emphasis to beats (thaaLam(. If that is so even in a 'kootthu ', it is not fair to kill the joy of music by giving priority to 'thaaLam', and call it a 'music concert!'. Especially when singing Keerthanams, we must give importance to revealing the bliss of music first and treat the beats as just a support to enhance the experience. "

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by RSR »

Barathy on Music ( in continuation of #697)...
" I was living in Kaasi ( Benares) for two or three years, a decade back. All the male singers who were concert performers had a fine voice like 'bell-metal' .('vengalakkkural'). Ladies had Golden voice.
From there, I came to thamizhnadu. I was hugely surprised and dismayed to find that the voice of the singers was of poor quality (except a few),
Why is this so without exception? I asked some Vidvans about it. They said that in North India, the vocalists take only milk, 'rotti', ghee . They do not take much of 'puLi ' and 'Kaaram(chilli) '. but here we revel in exactly those two tastes. That is why the voice is spoiled." When I thought about it, I could agree to a certain extent. But this is not the main reason. Our vocalists do not train their voice sufficiently. They should go to river banks, lake sides, seashore and sing freely . The practice of training our voice by Sasthric 'aahaar' is deficient in tamizhnadu. "
So writes Barathy. Over.

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by RSR »

ரஸ ஞானம் இல்லாமல் பல்லவிகளும், கீர்தனைகளும் . பாடுவோர் சங்கீதத்தின் உயிரை நீக்கிவிட்டு வெற்றுடலை அதாவது பிணத்தை காட்டுகிறார்கள். இக்காலத்து வித்வான்களில் பலர் 'சங்கீதத்திற்கு நவரசங்களே உயிர்' என்பதை அறியாதவர்.
696 original "முத்துஸ்வாமி தீக்ஷிதர் ,தியாகய்யர், பட்டணம் சுப்பிரமணிய அய்யர் -இந்த மூன்று பேர்களின் கீர்தனைகளைத்தான் அதிகமாய் பாடுகிறார்கள். இவற்றுள்ளே , தீக்ஷிதரின் கீர்த்தனைகள், பச்சை சம்ஸ்க்ருத பாஷையில் எழுதப்பட்டவை . இவை கங்கா நதியைப் போல் கம்பீர நடையும், பெருந்தன்மையும் உடையன. வேறு பல லக்ஷணங்களும் இருந்த போதிலும் ,சம்ஸ்க்ருத பாஷ்சயில் எழுதப் பட்டிருப்பதால், இவை நமது நாட்டு பொதுஜனகள் ரஸானுபாவத்துடன் பாடுவதற்கு பயன்பட மாட்டா.
தியாகய்யர் தெய்வ வரம் பெற்றவர். தியாகய்யர் ரசக்கடல். கர்நாடக சங்கீதம் இப்போது உயிர் தரித்திருப்பதற்கு அவரே காரணம். பூர்வ காலத்து ஞானிகளைப் போல அவர் இஷ்ட தேவதைக்கு ஆத்ம யக்ஞம் செய்து , தான் அற்று ,விததை வடிவாகி நின்றார். இவருடைய பாட்டுக்களை ,இக்காலத்து பாடகர், அதிக 'சங்கதிகளாலும்' ரஸ நாசத்தினாலும் சொற்களைத் திரித்தல், விழுங்குதல் முதலிய செயகைகளினாலும் இயன்றவரை ஆபாசமாகி விட்டபோதிலும், இன்னும் அவற்றில் பழைய ஒளி நிற்கத்தான் செய்கிறது...........சக்கனி ராஜ மார்கமு என்ற கீர்த்தனையை எடுத்துக் கொள்வோம். அதிக சங்கதிகளும் ,பின்னல்களும் இல்லாமல் இதன் பல்லவியை சுத்தமாகப் பாடிப் பாருங்கள். "நல்ல ராஜமார்க்கம் இருக்கும்போது , ஏன் சந்துகளில் சுற்றுகிறாய் மனமே ' என்ற அர்த்தம் இந்த இசையில் அகப்படும். ....
பிற்காலத்தில் பட்டணம் சுப்பிரமணிய அய்யர் முதலானவர்கள் பாட்டில் இந்த லக்ஷணம் இல்லை. 'வரமுலோஸகி' என்ற பாட்டை எடுத்த்தீர்களானால், இசைக்கும் பொருளுக்கும் சம்பந்தமே இல்லை என்பது விளங்கும். "வரம் கொடுத்துக் காப்பது உனக்கு அரிதா?" என்று சொற்கள் கேட்கின்றன. இசை சண்டை போடுகிறது! .....
697 in thamizh "மேலும் பாட்டுக்குத் தாளமே தவிர , தாளத்திற்கு பாட்டில்லை' என்ற விஷயத்தை, பாடுவோர் நன்கு தெரிந்து கொள்ளவேண்டும். சிலவிதக் கூத்துக்களிலே தாளத்திற்கு பாட்டுப்பாடுதல் பொருத்தம். அங்கே கூட முழுதும் தாள நயத்தையே கருதி இசை நயத்தை நாசம் செய்துவிடக் கூடாது. அப்படியிருக்க 'பாட்டுக் கச்சேரி ' என்று பெயர் வைத்துக்கொண்டு அங்கே இசையின்பங்களைக் கொன்று ,தாள முழக்கத்தைப் பிரதானமாக்குதல் தகாது. அதிலும் கீர்த்தனங்களை பாடும்போது ,இசையின்பங்களைக் காட்டுதல் முதல் காரியமாகவும் ,தாளத்தை உபகரணமாகபவும் கொள்ள வேண்டும். "

Posts: 3427
Joined: 11 Oct 2015, 23:31

Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by RSR »

I have read about M.P.T.Acharya. and am an admirer of his great work. Along with Savarkar and V.V.S.Iyer, he was very active in England and Europe ( and Soviet Union too and was one of the founder-members of Communist Party of India as a branch of Comintern in Tashkent. ( Lenin's time). His full name was Mandayam Parthasarathi Tirumal Acharya (1887–1951). I would like to know if there are any reminiscences about him, from Mandayam family's senior surviving members. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._P._T._Acharya

Posts: 4062
Joined: 15 Jun 2009, 07:16

Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by shankarank »

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McMgRmVYBxM - nice discussion.

Bharati's sayings are not dogmas - we should allow for pursuit of Lakshana and Lakshya and many times - as it really happens - together as well. We should do Tamizh songs in Andhra and Telugu songs in TN ( the latter not that it is/was rare , but even more pointedly to the new Age CM listeners!)

Posts: 16787
Joined: 22 Jun 2006, 09:30

Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by arasi »

What a veritable treat! Listening to it and thinking--how truly inspiring Ramanan's sharing of Bharathi with us is:) Thanks...

Posts: 3427
Joined: 11 Oct 2015, 23:31

Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by RSR »

பாரதியின் நெருங்கிய நண்பர், புரட்சியாளர் மண்டயம் திருமலாசாரி அந்த வருடங்களில், முதலில், இங்கிலாந்து, பின் பிரான்ஸ், பின் ஜெர்மனி,பின் ரஷ்யா என பல நாடுகளில், புரட்சி இயக்கத்திற்காக பணி ஆற்றி,லெனின் அமைத்த , மூன்றாம் அகிலத்திலும் பங்கேற்றிருந்தார்.அவர்மூலமாகவே , பாரதி , ருஷ்ய , ஐரோப்பிய நிகழ்வுகள் பற்றி அறிந்து, அவற்றை தனது
பத்திரிகையில் பிரசுரித்தார்.

இனி பாரதியின் கட்டுரைகளிலிருந்து சில குறிப்புகள்.

"இது போலவே செல்வத்தைக் குறித்த வேற்றுமைகளையும் இல்லாமற் பண்ணிவிடவேண்டும் என்ற கொள்கையும் ,உலகத்தில் மிக தீவிரமாக பரவி வருகிறது. ஐரோபாவிலேதான், இந்த முயற்சி வெகு மும்முரமாக நடந்து வருகிறது. ஒரு தேசத்தில் பிறந்த மக்கள் அனைவருக்கும், அந்த தேசத்தின் இயற்கைச்செல்வ முழுவதையும் பொது உடமை யாக்கி விட வேண்டும் என்ற கொள்கைக்கு இங்கிலிஷில் ' சோஷலிஸ்ட்' கொள்கை என்று பெயர். அதாவது கூட்டுறவு கொள்கை. இந்த கூட்டுறவு வாழ்வு கொள்கை ஐரோப்பாவில் தோன்றியபோது , இதை அங்கு முதலாளிகளும் மற்றபடிபொது ஜனங்களும் மிக ஆத்திரத்துடனும், ஆக்ரஹத்துடனும் ,எதிர்த்து வந்தனர். நாளடைவில், இக்கொள்கையின் நல்லியல்பு, அந்த கண்டத்தாருக்கு மென்மேலும் தெளிவுபட்டு, வரலாயிற்று....எனவே இதன் மீது ஜனங்கள் கொண்டிருக்கும் விரோதம் ,குறைவு பட்டுக்கொண்டு வரவே ,இக்கொள்கை மேன் மேலும் பலமடைந்து வருகிறது.
ஏற்கனவே , ரஷ்யாவில் ஸ்ரீமான் லெனின் , ஸ்ரீமான் த்ரோஸ்கி (TROTSKY)
முதலியவர்களின் அதிகாரத்தின் கீழ் ஏற்பட்டிருக்கும் குடியரசில் , தேசத்து
விளை நிலமும், பிற செல்வங்களும், தேசத்தில் பிறந்த அத்தனை
ஜனங்களுக்கும் பொது உடைமை ஆகிவிட்டது

இக்கொள்கை , ஜெர்மனியிலும்,ஆஸ்திரியாவிலும், துருக்கியிலும் அளவற்ற வண்மை கொண்டு வருகிறது. ,.ருஷ்யாவிலிருந்து, இது ஆசியாவிலும் தாண்டிவிட்டது. .வட ஆசியாவில் பிரம்மாண்டமான
பகுதியாக நிற்கும் சைபீரியா தேசம் ரஷ்யாவின் ஆதிக்கத்தை சேர்ந்தது
ஆதலால், ,அங்கும் இந்த முறைமை அனுஷ்டானத்திற்கு வந்துவிட்டது.
அங்கிருந்து இக்கொள்கை மத்திய ஆஅசியாவிலும் பரவிவருகிறது.
ஐரோப்பாவில் உள்ள பிரான்ஸ், இங்கிலாந்து முதலிய வல்லரசுகள், இந்த
முறையை தம் நாடுகளுக்குள்ளும் பிரவேசித்தது வரக்கூடும் என்று பயந்து,
அதன் பரவுதலை தடுக்குமாறு பல விதங்களில் பிரயத்தனங்கள் புரிந்து வருகிறார்கள்

"ரஷ்யாவில் சமீபத்திலே ,அடுக்கடுக்காக நிகழ்ந்துவரும் பல புரட்சிகளின் காரணத்தால், ,அவ்விடத்து சைன்யங்களில் பெரும் பகுதியார், தொழிற்கட்சியையும் அபேதக்கொள்கைகளையும் சார்ந்தோராகிவிட்டனர்.
இதனின்றும்,அங்கு ராஜ்யாதிகாரம் , தொழிற்கட்சிக்கு கிடைத்துவிட்டது.
தேசத்து நிதியனைத்தையும் சகல ஜனங்களுக்குப் பொதுவாகச் செய்து
,எல்லாரும் தொழில் செய்து ஜீவிக்கும்படி விதித்திருக்கிறார்கள்.
தேசத்து பிறந்த சர்வ ஜனங்களுக்கும் தேசத்து செல்வம் பொது என்பது
உண்மையாய்விடின், ஏழைகள் செல்வர் என்ற வேற்றுமையினால் உண்டாகும் தீமைகள் இல்லாமற் போகும்படி சகலரும் தொழில் செய்துதான்
ஜீவிக்க வேண்டும் என்ற விதி வழங்குமானால் , தேசத்துத் தொழில் மிகவும்
அபிவிருத்தி அடைந்து , ஜனங்களின் க்ஷேமமும் சுகங்களும் மேன்மேலும்

எனவே, ருஷ்யாவிலுள்ள அபேதவாதிகளுடைய கொள்கைகள் அவ்வளவு தீங்குடையவையல்ல.
---- "ஆனால் அவற்றை வழக்கப்படுத்தும் பொருட்டு, அவர்கள் நாட்டில்
ஏற்படுத்தியிருக்கும் தீராச்சண்டையும் அல்லலுமே , தீங்கு தருவனவாம்.
ருஷ்ய கொள்கைகளை இப்போது அனுஷ்டிக்கப்படும் ருஷ்ய முறைகளின்படி உலகத்தில் ஸ்தாபனம் பெற்று வெற்றி பெற வேண்டுமானால், அதற்குள்ளே முக்காற்பங்கு ஜனம் கொலையுண்டு மடித்து போவார்கள்.
வெளிநாட்டுப்போர் அத்தனை பெரிய விபத்து அன்று.
நாட்டுக்குள்ளேயே செல்வர்களும் ஏழைகளும் ஒருவரை ஒருவர் வெடிகுண்டுகளாலும் துப்பாகிகளாலும் பீரங்கிகளாலும் தூக்கு மரங்களாலும் கொல்ல தொடங்குவார்களாயின், அது தீராத தொல்லையாய் விடுமன்றோ?"
(உண்மையான சமுதாயபுரட்சி , வெளிநாட்டுப்போர ல்ல , அது மிகவும் கசப்பும் வெறியும் மிகுந்த உள்நாட்டு யுத்தமே என்பார் நேரு-RSR)).
ஆனால் , இந்த முறைமை , போர் , கொலை, பலாத்காரம் மூலமாக உலகத்தில் பரவிவருவது எனக்கு சம்மதம் இல்லை. எந்தக்காரனத்தைக்கொண்டும் மனிதருக்குள்ளே சண்டைகளும், கொலைகளும் நடக்கக்கூடாது என்பது என்னுடைய கருத்து. அப்படியிருக்க, ஸமத்வம், ஸ ஹோதரத்வம் என்ற தெய்வீக தர்மங்களை கொண்டோர்,, அவற்றை குத்து , வெட்டு, பீரங்கி, துப்பாக்கி களால் பரவ செய்யும்படி முயற்சி செய்தல், மிகவும் பொருந்தாத செய்கை என நான் நினைக்கிறேன்.

பலாத்காரமாக் முதலாளிகளின் உடமைகளையும் , நிலஸ்வங்களின் பூமியையும் பிடுங்கி,தேசத்திற்கு பொதுவாக செய்ய வேண்டும் என்ற கொள்கை ரஷ்யாவில் வெற்றி பெற்றதற்கு பல பூர்வ கா ரணங்கள் இருக்கின்றன. நெடுங்காலமாகவே ருஷ்ய தேசத்தில் ஆட்சி புரிவோரின் நிகரற்ற கொடுன்கொன்மையாலும் அநீதங்களாலும் செல்வர்களின் குரூர தன்மையாலும் , பல ராஜாங்க புரட்சிகள் நடந்து வந்திருக்கிற படியால், இந்த மாறுதல் அங்கு அமைப்பது சுலபமாகிவிட்டது.

மற்ற ஐரோப்பிய தேசங்களில், முதலாளிகளும் செல்வர்களும், இன்னும் முற்றிலும் பலஹீனம் அடைந்து போகவில்லை. பெரும்பாலும் அவர்களிடத்திலேயே எல்லா பலங்களும் சக்திகளும் அமைந்திருக்கின்றன. அங்கெல்லாம் சோஷலிஸ்ட் கூட்டுறவு வாழ்க்கை கட்சி , ருஷ்யாவிலுள்ள சக்தியும் பராக்கிரமுமும் பெற்று விடவில்லை.
அங்ஙனம் பெறுவதற்கு இன்னும் பல வருஷங்கள் செல்லும் என்றே தோன்றுகிறது. தவிரவும் , அங்ஙனம் ஸோஷலிஸ்ட் கட்சியார் பலமடைந்தபோதிலும், அந்த பலத்தை உபயோகிப்பது நியாயமில்லை என்று நான் சொல்லுகிறேன். ஏனென்றால், பிறர் உடமையை தாம் அபகரித்து வாழவேண்டும் என்கின்ற எண்ணம் உடையவர்களும், சர்வ ஜனங்களும் ஸமமான சௌகர்யங்களுடன் வாழவேண்டும் என்ற கருத்து இல்லாத பாவிகளும், தம்முடைய கொள்ளை விருப்பங்களை நிறைவேற்றும பொருட்டு , வாள் , பீரங்கி, துப்பாக்கியால் அநேகரை கொலை செய்து, ஊர்களையும் ,
வீடுகளையும் கொளுத்தியும் அநியாயங்கள் செய்வது , நமக்கு அர்த்தமகக்கூடிய விஷயம்.
ஆனால், எல்லா மனிதரும் உடன் பிறந்த ஸஹோதரர் ஆவார்கள் என்றும், எல்லாரையும் ஸமமாகவும், அன்புடனும் நடத்தவேண்டும் என்று கருதும் தர்மிஷ்டர்கள், தம்முடைய கருனாதர்மத்தை நிலை நிறுத்த , கொலை முதலிய மகா பாதகங்கள் செய்வது, நமக்கு சிறிதும் அர்த்தமாகாத விஷயம். கொலையாலும் , கொள்ளையாலும் அன்பையும் , சமத்தவத்தையும் ஸ்தாபிக்க போகிறோம் என்று சொல்வோர், தம்மைத்தாம் உணராத பரம மூடர்கள் என்று நான் கருதுகிறேன்.
'இதற்கு நாம் என்ன செய்வோம்? கொலையாளிகளை அழிக்க கொலையைத்தானே கைக்கொள்ள நேருகிறது? அநியாயம் செய்வோரை , அணியாயத்தாலே தான் அடக்கும்படி நேரிடுகிறது ' என்று ஸ்ரீ மான் லெனின் சொல்லுகிறார்.
இது முற்றிலும் தவறான கொள்கை.
கொலை , கொலையை வளர்க்குமே தவிர ,அதை நீக்க வல்லாது. ..
அநியாயம், அநியாயத்தை விருத்தி பண்ணுமே அல்லது அதை நீக்காது.
பாபத்தை புண்ணியத்தாலேதான் வெல்ல வேண்டும்.
மேலும் ரஷ்யாவிலும்கூட , இப்போது ஏற்ப்பட்டிருக்கும் சோஷலிஸ்ட் ராஜ்யம்
எக்காலமும் நீடித்து நிற்கும் இயல்புடையது என்று கருத வழியில்லை.
சமீபத்தில் நடந்த மகாயுத்தத்தால் , ஐரோப்பிய வல்லரசுகள் ஆள்பலமும் , பணபலமும், ஆயுதபலமும் ஒரேயடியாகக் குறைந்துபோய் , மஹாபலஹீனமான நிலையில் நிற்பதையோட்டி , மிஸ்டர் லெனின் முதலியோர், ஏற்படுத்தியிருக்கும் 'கூட்டு வாழ்க்கை
குடியரசை ' அழிக்க மனமிருந்தும், வலிமையற்றோராக நிற்கின்றனர்.

நாளை , இந்த வல்லரசுகள், கொஞ்சம் சக்தியேறிய மாத்திரத்திலேயே , ரஷ்யாவின் மீது பாய்வார்கள். அங்கு உடமை இழந்த முதலாளிகளும், நிலசுவான்தார்களும் , இந்த அரசுகளுக்கு துணையாக நிற்பர. இதனின்றும் இன்னும் கோரமான யுத்தங்களும் ,கொலைகளும் கொள்ளைகளும் ரத்தப்ரவாஹங்களும் ஏற்ப்பட இடமுண்டாகும். லெனின் வழி சரியான வழி இல்லை ."

( translation in English will be given tonight)

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by RSR »

( disclaimer: this is just a translation of Barathy's essays. Nehru had a better understanding of the nature of Leninism. . His chapter on Russian Civil War . endorses the Marxist view as expounded in Lenin's classic 'The State and Revolution' and endorsed by Harold Laski in 'The State in theory and practice' and in Liberty in the modern state' (RSR)
Over to Barathy now.
SIMILARLY,( like the demand for social equalty)
the demand for Economic equality also is spreading fast in the world. It is in Europe that it is happening seriously. The concept that all the natural resources and wealth of a nation should be shared by all the people of the land is known as Socialism. You can call it Co-operative principle too. When the demand arose first in Europe , the people and capitalists opposed it ferociously. In due course, people began to appreciate the good aspects of the concept and so it is gaining ground all round.
In Russia, the republican government under the leadership of Lenin and Trotsky, all the land and wealth of that land has been nationalized. It is gaining great strength in Germany and Austria. From Russia it has spread to Asia also. The gigantic land mass of Siberia belongs to Russia. Therefore it has come into practice already. From there, it is spreading in Central Asia also. The Imperialist powers in England and France are doing everything in their power to stop the growth of the movement out of fear of its consequence on their hegemony. .Due to the successive revolutions in quick sequence occurring in Russia, the armed forces there have all become firm supporters of Socialist parties. Thus, political power has passed into the hands of Socialists there. They have made it compulsory that all the citizens should earn their livelihood by the sweat of their brow. When all the wealth is thus Nationalized, the difference between the poor and rich will vanish . Industrial and other form of wealth will grow fast and this will benefit all the people. and their standard of living will improve...So, the ideology of the Socialists in Russia is not all that bad. .but the endless strife and war that they have created there in order to implement their ideal is bad. If the Russian Socialist ideology is made to establish itself all over the world by their present method, by the time they realize that ideal, 75% of the population would be dead. External war is not so very dangerous. But, if the poor and the rich start attacking each other by bombs, rifles , guns and gallows, will it not become endless tragedy? Hence, I do not approve of this method of spreading socialism by war , murder and force. My policy is that whatever be the reason, there should be no strife and murder among people.
When that is so, adoption of such methods by proponents of divine principle of Equality and Fraternity , is, in my opinion, is incongruous. There were many reasons for the success of Forcible Expropriation of the capitalists and landlords in Russia. The acceptance of this method there became easy due to the endless and unparalleled cruelty of its past rulers and the occurrence of many attempts at forcible overthrow there.But in the other European Nations , the capitalists and landlords and the rich have not been enfeebled much.n those countries, the Socialist ideology has not become as powerful and strong as in Russia. It appears that it will take a long time for that to happen. I feel that even if they gain such strength , it is not fair on their part to use that power We can understand the adoption of methods like killing people using swords, guns, and rifles, and arson, by scoundrels who think nothing of swindling others and are inherently anti-social and selfish sinners. But, adoption of such violent methods by idealists who want to establish the reign of Fraternity, Equality and universal love among all people, is incomprehensible to us. I think that people who say they can establish the kingdom of heaven in earth by murder and loot are fools who do not know what they are doing. " In what way are we responsible? We have to adopt cruel methods to finish off cruel people" says Lenin. . This is wrong approach. Murder will only lead to Murder . It can never remove it. . We cannot remove injustice by injustice. We must strive to win over Evil by Justice. Moreover even in Russia, there is no reason to believe that the socialist government will last for ever. Due to the huge loss in manpower, wealth and military resources, because of the recent great war, the European powers are now powerless to attempt the attack on Socialist Russia now though they very much want to. But as soon as the gain some strength, they will immediately pounce on Russian socialist government. The expropriated capitalists and landlords in Russia will join hands with them and this will lead to much more wars, atrocities and blood letting. The path shown by Lenin is not correct."

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by kvchellappa »

It is a moot point what Nehru understood and I am sure he did not understand Leninism as he has not massacred people like Lenin did, but he chose Indian economy instead as the target if still we need to concede that he understood Leninism.

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by RSR »

kvc@705 ...one must read good books... Read what Gandhiji says about Lenin. https://sites.google.com/site/rsrtrials ... revolution

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by Sachi_R »

Beautiful article in Vijayavani.
Title: His poems inspire patriotism across generations
Subheading: Sri Subrahmanya Bharati strove day and night to instill patriotism in fellow citizens. It was ironical that towards the end he could not even feed his own wife and children. When his second daughter was struggling between life and death, he could not pay the doctor's fees, and spent the entire night chanting, "Om Shakti Om Shakti".

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by RSR »

@707-> posting non-english material is not desirable. as the forum members may not be able to read. Either we give FULL translation or omit the vernacular material or image and just give a gist of the article. For all that we know, the non-english part may contain half-truths and insinuations. Not likely I know, but still. ...

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by kvchellappa »

The gist is given. That must suffice.

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by RSR »

@709-> NO.. It won't suffice. It would suffice if given without the image or material in another language. See how I have quoted extensively from Barathy's writings and have given FULL TRANSLATION.

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by kvchellappa »

Let moderator decide.

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by Sachi_R »

Even if one person reads the Kannada article, my effort would be rewarded.
(Vijayavani is a Kannada newspaper of high literary standards. They carry such articles on the centre page everyday!)

And if anyone wants it=requests it, I would be happy to provide a translation 😀

Nick H
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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by Nick H »

RSR wrote: 15 Feb 2018, 13:06 @707-> posting non-english material is not desirable. ...
An one-time manager of mine would quip, "I find myself agreeing with you today: should I be worried?" :evil: :lol:

Well, on the whole, I do agree. But posting a page like this is not the same as typing a post in another language. If the moderators don't allow it, then it might be on the basis of copyright rather than non-English!

Sachi, Arasi awoke my interest in the great poet way back at the start of this thread. She did a a great deal of translation work to make the content available to a wider world, and I remain grateful to her. I won't demand a translation, but I can say that... If you do translate it, I for one, will read it!

No obligation :)

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by Sachi_R »

Here you go. The author is Dr Bapu Krishnamurthy, a senior journalist.
The Congress conference happened in Dec. 1906 in Calcutta. Prior to that, Swami Vivekananda, Bipin Chandra Pal, and other monks of Ramakrishna Order had stirred up the spirit of Swadeshi, Swaraj, and Swadharma, in Madras Presidency. As a result, to take part in the Congress conference, a big group of hot-blooded youth from Madras had arrived. Among them, a 24 year old young man moved about mercurially, all over the meeting, discussing with the leading lights the idea of swadeshi (self-rule). But he had an important agenda, too. To go meet an eminent lady on Bose Para Lane.

When he entered her residence, he saw her sitting at her desk, writing something. He was surprised. What a radiant figure! Emotionally, he prostrated on the floor, with teary eyes. He was trembling as he stood by her side, with folded hands. He was speechless. She herself looked at him with a smile. "From where have you come, child?"

"I have come from Madras. My name is Subrahmanya Bharati. Till now, I worked for a Tamil magazine, Swadesha Mitran. The owners couldn't brook my pungent writings against the British. They asked me to tone it down. Therefore I quit. Now Mandyam Tirumalachari and Mandyam Srinivasachari, two gentlemen, have started for my sake a magazine called India. Swami Vivekananda is my God. Therefore I have used his famous words, "Uttishthata, Jagrata, Prapyavarannibodhata" as our motto in the India magazine. "

That divine lady was intently watching him and listening to his words." Child, what a radiance fills your eyes! Goddess Shakti has blessed you fully. You shall have a major role in India's struggle for freedom". The young man was thrilled, and shed tears.

That divine lady was Sister Nivedita. That youth of great emotional sensibility was the Tamil Maha Kavi, Patriot, one of the Tamil Trinity of Freedom Struggle, Subrahmanya Bharati!

"Child, keep your mind unfettered at all times. Abandon uncivilised divisive ideas of party, regionalism, and caste, and serve the country. Install on the throne of your heart the high ideal of patriotism, love of your land. Then your name will be etched in golden letters on the pages of history", said Nivedita.

"Bharati, are you married?"
"Yes, and I have a daughter, too". "Then why didn't you bring your wife to the Congress conference?" "Our custom does not permit taking women to public places, madam". There was anger in Sister Nivedita's response. "How can society's one half keep the other half in chains and hope to achieve freedom? Don't keep you wife confined to a corner. She is your ardhangi (other half). Worship her like a goddess. Is your land not the blessed soil on which they worshipped women as goddesses?"

When Bharati was taking his leave, Nivedita took out an old dry leaf from her bag. She said, "This leaf is from the Himalayas, I gathered during my travels. Keep this as a memento from me. Don't lose it".

Bharati preserved that leaf as a priceless treasure all his life. Whenever he looked at that leaf, he would connect with that divine lady of his inspiration, and would be rejuvenated in his endeavours.

End of First Column.

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by RSR »

Sachi_R » 15 Feb 2018, 16:40
Even if one person reads the Kannada article, my effort would be rewarded.
(Vijayavani is a Kannada newspaper of high literary standards. They carry such articles on the centre page everyday!)

And if anyone wants it=requests it, I would be happy to provide a translation
Sachi Sir, We are on the same wave length most of the time. Yes. I have read of this meeting between Sister Niveditha and Barathy. With your permission, I will try to provide a tamil translation in a few days and add it here.
Perhaps, other forum members from other language regions also may chime in with their translation and sharing( say, malayalam and telugu).

See, English unifies!
What I would have done.. is give the gist , and a pointer to kannada article in the language section. and at leisurely pace give the translation in English in this thread , as done now..
I know, it is tedious work doing lengthy translation. It is worth the labour as many like me would wait for the next part now. Great article. it is more rewarding now to share with all the forum memnbers

Nick H
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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by Nick H »

Thank you Sachi :)

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by Sachi_R »

Column 2:
Talent blossomed early:
Ettayapuram in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu was his birthplace. The region was under a zamindar. Chinnaswamy Iyer, a smarta brahmana was the father. Mother's name was Lakshmi. Their son was Subrahmanya Iyer. He was called by everyone Subbiah. He was born on December 11,1882.

Virtually a king in that small region, the Ettayapuram zamindar Raja Jagavira Rama Ettappa Nayackar was looked upon with respect by the people. He was a man of culture and loved literature. The 15 year old Subbiah was much loved by him. One day there was a meeting of literateurs in the Raja's assembly. The wise men were discussing at length the subject of the education system. The boy Subbiah who entered in the middle spoke extempore on the education system with great lucidity. His speech mesmerised the assembly. A senior scholar exclaimed, "Child, Goddess Saraswati dwells on your tongue! You are indeed "Bharati", boy! " And blessed him heartily.
*(The word Bharati in Hinduism denotes Saraswati as well as people endowed with great learning). From that day, Subbiah became Subrahmanya Bharatiyar.

Subrahmanya Bharati's entry into journalism was through the Congress functionary and moderate Subrahmani Iyer's Swadesha Mitran journal. Lacking neither ideas nor passionate feelings, Bharati employed his pen as a destructive weapon against all adversaries. That was the period of the historic Bengal Partition. The national political scenario changed forever.

As he was covering the Congress conferences, Bharati developed deep expertise in the area of national politics and its goings-on. His thinking gained crystallisation. In 1905, when Gokhale presented the approach of moderates in the Varanasi Congress convention, it irked Bharati no end. A worshipper of Shakti, he was greatly opposed to the pacific moderates. In 1907, he participated actively in the Congress convention in Surat along with V O Chidambaram Pillai and sided with Tilak in the exchanges.

When a Poet Laureate ignited Patriotic Fervour:

A serendipitous turn came that transformed the journalist Bharati into a Tamil Maha Kavi. He thought there should be a book of poems that stirred patriotic fervour. An invitation went out to writers to send in poems to Swadesha Mitran. Unfortunately, not a single entry was received. He was deeply disappointed. In those days, singing and writing such poems of patriotism was sacrilege. Had not the British banned "Vande Mataram" ?

In this state of affairs, Bharati decided to launch his own book of poems, that would whip up patriotism and set ablaze nationalistic fervour. But who would publish such a book?

A young publisher, Natesan, suggested that a senior congressman, V. Krishnaswamy Iyer, might offer financial help. But Bharati was deeply sceptical, as he had demolished that man in his writings. However, on Natesan's insistence, he went to Iyer's residence and recited with his customary passion the poem, "Vande Mataram". Iyer, who was greatly opposed to Bharati and his writings, was surprisingly stirred and inspired. He readily agreed to sponsor the book and gave the required funds.

Thus his book of poetry, "Janma Bhoomi" was published in 1909. Each poem in that anthology started dancing on everyone's tongue. Meanwhile, his poems spread like wild fire and instilled strongly in people across Tamil Nadu feelings of national fervour, the idea of freedom, awareness about one's bounden duty, democratic values. Thus they touched everyone's heart transformationally, stirring them to active participation in the freedom struggle. There would be no meeting, march, or agitation, without the singing of his poems. These Indian nationalist poems set fire to the Imperial seat of power.

The government decided to arrest him and the news reached him through his friends. They ensured he moved to Pondicherry, a French colony, in 1908.

End of Column Two.

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by Ponbhairavi »

பாரதியும் நோபல் பரிசும் .

“ 1913 இல் நோபல் பரிசுப்பேற்ற கவி தாகூர் 1919 இல் மதுரை வருகிறார் .அப்போது பாரதியாருக்கும் அவரது சீடனுக்கும் நடந்த உரையாடலை சான்றுக்கு அழைக்கிறேன்;
பாரதி: ஒய், நாம் தாகூருக்கு ஒன்று சொல்வோம்.:நீர் வாங்க கவி ,நாம் தமிழ் கவி .விக்டோரியா ஹாலில் கூட்டம் போடுவோம் .உமது நோபல் பரிசை சபை முன் வையும் .நாமும் பாடுவோம் ,நீரும் பாடும் .சபையோர் யார் பாட்டுக்கு applause கொடுக்கிறார்கள் என்று பாப்போம்.
நமது பாட்டே நயம் என்று சபையோர் மெச்சுவார்கள் .உடனே, உமது கையால் எமக்கு நோபல் வெகுமதியை தந்து செல்லவேண்டியது என்போம்.

சிஷ்யன் : அதெப்படி ? வங்காளத்துக்கு கிடைத்த நோபல் பரிசு உமது தமிழுக்கு எப்படி கிடைக்கும்.?
பாரதி :அட அட ஜடமே ,சர்வேஸ்வரன் தமிழனுக்கு எல்லாம் வைத்தான். புத்தி மட்டும் வைக்கவில்லை .நேற்று பிறந்த வங்காளத்தான் நோபல் பரிசு வாங்க வேண்டும் கர்ப்ப கோடி காலம் வாழ்ந்த தமிழ் அந்த பரிசுக்கு லாயக்கு இல்லையோ?
இது சிஷ்யனாகிய கவியோகி சுத்தானந்த பாரதி யின் பதிவு .”

Talk by vairamuthu vide youtube: https://youtu.be/qgRoTnXa_FA (22 to 24 mnts )
.translation will follow

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by Ponbhairavi »

Bharathi and the Nobel Prize.

“ Poet Tagore who got the nobel prize in 1913 came to Madurai in 1919.Let me quote a conversation which took place between Bharathi and one of his disciples.
B#(harathi:- cOy, we will tell this to Tagore ;” You are a bengali poet, I am a tamil poet.Let us convene a meeting at Victoria Hall,You place your Nobel prize on the dais. I will sing a poem. You sing yours .Let us see whose poem gets the applause of the audience.
The audience will laud only my poem as the finer one.Thereupon you should give your nobel prize to me with your own hands and go.. This will be our proposal.
Disciple :How is that?The Nobel prize which was given to Bengal, how can you get it for your tamil?
Bharathi :- stupid.The Omnipotent God has given everything to Tamilians except brain. A Bengali born yesterday can get a Nobel prize whereas the tamil language whlch exists from time immemorial is unfit to get that ?
This has been recorded by Kavi yogi Suddhananda Bharathi who was Bharathi’s disciple.”

Talk by Vairamuthu in you tube.

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by RSR »

Rabindranath Tagore was not a poet only. He was an outstanding essayist, novelist, musician, composer(Rabindra Sangeeth), statesman,educationist ,philosopher and more.May be he was a painter too. The national anthems of India, Bangladesh and Srilanka are his poems. He was above any religious or linguistic or nationalist chauvinism. Though it is true that he was born in a famous and aristocratic family, that was not the only reason for his achievements. Possibly because United Bengal had the first exposure to thought currents of England from 1750 to 1920, it was the Bengal Renaissance which heralded the New India (quoting Ghokale). Calcutta University 1857 ,closely followed by Maharashtra (Bombay University) and then Madras University sowed the seeds of our National level Independence movement. Begun with Bankim, nurtured by Autbindo Ghosh, joined by Lokamanya and followed by Barathy, VOC and Subramanya Siva. Another branch of Lokamanya's ideas was taken up by Savarkar and his comrades V.V.S.Iyer and M.P.T. Acharya.
A careful study of the list of eminent personalities of Bengal Renaissance will be an amazing exercise. .how nearly a hundred stars shone in all their brilliance in the firmament.. in the same decades..be it Literaure, Science, Music, Painting and other arts, advanced socio-political ideology and action, death-defying heroism and spirit of sacrifice, spiritual quest ,philosophy and everything that is of value in our mundane lives. despite horrendous famine ( man-made) and misery.
No other state in India did as much as Bengal. Tamilnad movement in 1907 drew its inspiration from Bengal and Maharashtra.
Among the regional languages of India, Bengali comes closest to Sanskrit and voted as the sweetest language of the world and its charm has had its greatest martyrs in the cause of their language in Bangladesh, a predominantly Islamic state, rejecting Urdu ( a corrupted form of Sanskrit..after all)and mixture of arabic and persian. .
Barathy undoubtedly was and continues to be the greatest Nationalist and spiritual poet of modern Tamilnadu.( 1900 onwards). But his prose writings are poor. And he was translating Tagore's essays. his output as a shortstory writer, or novelist or major translator is next to nil. Barathy would have been the first person to concede that Tagore was far superior polygot fully deserving the International recognition... Kalki's arguments were along these lines. and he was second to none in his love of tamil and contribution to its growth under many fields and played a major role in raising the Barathy Memorial.
Suddhananda Barathy for all his voluminous output was more a patriot and yogi than a very creative writer. From the very recent controversies about the sources of information peddled by this poet-laureate of present day tamil polity, it should be taken with a pinch of salt. ( with due apologies to the moderator..just imagine that this is a translation,, though it is not)
Kalki gave us two songs on Subramanya Barathy. ( set to music most probably bt SVVenkataraman) by MS...
78 RPM record Side A..thavamum palitthathammA being discussed now in
and side B..another gem of a ragamalika by MS ( Jonpuri, Desh, ? , Chenchuttti)
dheyvath thamizh nAttinile ..https://sites.google.com/site/homage2ms ... aattinilae
Last edited by RSR on 17 Feb 2018, 16:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by kvchellappa »

Sri RSachi,
It is wonderful translation. Thanks.

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by Sachi_R »

🙏🏻Column 3:
Hiding the pen- Incognito:
Following him, the Mandyam brothers' printing press went to Pondicherry and so did the magazine India. Bharati's writings resumed with heightened vigour. The "Company" government relentlessly pursued like a ghost, deploying spies there and tried to arrest him. India magazine folded up. The rain of fire filled with Mahakavi's writings ceased.

Bharati was despondent. By mid 1910, he reached a point when he could not provide even a single meal per day to his wife and children. Reading his diaries of around 1915, and the stories therein of his terrible poverty, is heart-rending. When his second daughter contracted illness and lay battling between life and death, Bharati was unable to afford the doctor's fees and spent the entire night chanting, "Om Shakti Om Shakti".

In this desperate condition he wished to move back to Madras. But the police arrest warrant was still out for him. Somehow he gathered courage, left the haven of the French colony, and entered India through Cuddalore. The police arrested him and put him in the Cuddalore sub-jail. Swadesha Mitran magazine's A. Ramaswamy Iyengar contacted the Police General in Madras and worked out a compromise for his release.

In 1920, Bharati rejoined Swadesha Mitran at Ramaswamy Iyengar's invitation and saw a somewhat better life.

Then he lived in Triplicane, near Parthasarathy temple. One evening, he went to the temple. He took coconut, jaggery and plantains in his hands and went to feed the elephant. Perhaps provoked by someone, the elephant got into a rage and smashed him with its trunk. Bharati fell at the animal's feet. Just as the elephant was about to trample him, his close disciple Kuvalaya Kannan, who was with him, rushed forward and pulled away the guru who was unconscious and carried him home.

Bharati recovered somewhat and started going to Swadesha Mitran office to write, again. Maybe because of the elephant's blow he had suffered, he fell ill soon. He became semi-conscious. He made his final journey in peace in the predawn hours of 12th September, 1921.

Only twenty percent of his poems are patriotic songs. But till today, he is known as Desha Bhakti Kavi. Just see this sample stanza:

Vande Mataram!
Be it that victory comes,
Be it that death and defeat come,
We shall all stand as one,
And proclaim
Vande Mataram!
Vande Mataram

-Vijayavani Kannada Newspaper 15.2.2018 by Dr Bapu Krishnamurthy

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by Ponbhairavi »

RSR wrote: " Barathy would have been the first person to concede that Tagore was far superior polygot fully deserving the International recognition..." any basis for this or is it just your opinion?
Taking that polygot is a typo for polyglot Wikipedia mentions only bengali and english as languages for Tagore.It is not far superior to many of us let alone Bharathi.

Nick H
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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by Nick H »

Thank you for your excellent work, Sachi. Much appreciated ;)

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Re: Oy BhAratiyArE!--A Child's Eye View of the Poet

Post by RSR »

Prof. "Taking that polygot is a typo for polyglot Wikipedia mentions only bengali and english as languages for Tagore.It is not far superior to many of us let alone Bharathi.
Professor, I slipped. I meant polymath.(I should also add that Barathy was a true polyglot. He knew as many as ten languages! .
.It is not far superior to many of us let alone Bharathi.
..something amiss here? you mean 'it'? you really claim that we are superior to Tagore? How many Nobel prizes have 'we' won?
That apart, you might have heard of one of the best researchers into the recent past of Tamil society in all the literary and social aspects... A.R.Venkatchalapathy.. "The author bristles at Ashokamitran’s suggestion that there might have been rivalry between the two great poets. "...Ashokamitran is here repeating an old story; and like most old stories, this has little basis in fact. Smallness is not what one associates with Bharati. On the contrary, we can piece together a narrative that testifies to Bharati’s unqualified admiration for Tagore.
http://www.thehindu.com/books/books-aut ... 075434.ece
A few lines from the article cited. "Bharati’s first extended reference to Tagore comes in November 1915. Narrating the now-familiar tale of ancient glory and medieval decline, he observed, ‘We now see the signs of resurgence in everything. The Indian nation has been born anew. The whole world now acknowledges that Ravindranath is one of the mahakavis of our times.’...Bharati produced two books of Tagore translations. In August 1918 he published Pancha Vyasangal, a translation of five essays drawn from The Modern Review: ‘The Small and the Great’, ‘Thou Shalt Obey’, ‘The Nation’, ‘The Spirit of Japan’, and ‘The Medium of Education’. Shortly afterwards, Bharati’s translations of Tagore’s stories were published: ‘False Hope’, ‘The Lost Jewels’, ‘Giribala’, ‘In the Middle of the Night’, ‘The Editor’, ‘Subha’, ‘The Homecoming’, and ‘The Conclusion’.
Sometime after April 1919, Bharati wrote a celebrated poem, ‘Bharata Mata Navaratna Mala’ — essentially a panegyric to Gandhi. Here he makes reference to ‘Hark unto Ravindranath, world-renowned composer of songs, the Kavindranath, who said, “The first among the men of this world, the embodiment of Dharma, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi”’. This is but a poetic translation of Tagore calling Gandhi ‘a great leader of men [who] have stood among us to proclaim your faith in the ideal which you know to be that of India.’

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