Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

To teach and learn Indian classical music
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Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by Soundarya »

What are the general Roles and Responsibilities of a Good Music Teacher? Here are my thoughts.

1) Be in a position to identify potential kids and coach them extra take them to next level.
2) Involve themselves before every performance to check if the kid is ready to perform the song or identify the song that the kid is ready to perform.
3) Listen to the recordings on how the kid has performed and give feedback on what was lacking or what was good.
4) Conduct regular tests or surprise tests to listen to the kid individually if the kid is learning in a group.

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by VK RAMAN »

Why not start with student rather than teacher

Nick H
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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by Nick H »

Which came first? The teacher or the egg?

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by Soundarya »

The student and the parents also has responsibilities. Not denying.

1) Practice hard.
2) Learn with enthusiasm.
3) Parents should take the initiative to them to practice whenever required by the teacher.
4) Listen to every note while they practice.

Now given the above main points, discuss what the teachers responsibilities are?

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by VK RAMAN »

Personal Qualifications:
Musical talent and skill, Ability to work with people, Ambition to continually study and improve, Excellent voice, Showmanship.

Knowledge and Skills Required:
Specialized skill in singing and interpretation of songs, Multilingual and vocal literature, Skill in sight singing and memorizing,

Recommended Precollege Training:
Ability to read music, Background in tampura and harmonium, performance skill in singing, Experience in singing groups.

Minimum College Training Required:
Degrees always required

Nick H
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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by Nick H »

Degree always required?

What sort of music teacher are you guys talking about?

Whilst my assumption was a carnatic teacher of the more-or-less traditional kind, I think VK Raman is talking about a college employee?

Anyway... as to the student and the hen... the hen comes first, because the hen is the adult, and the chicken cannot even begin to know their responsibility until the teacher shows them.

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by msakella »

Yes. In the process of teaching while the responsibility of the teacher is more than 80% the aspirant-kid’s responsibility is less than 20%. And in respect of this invisible art, Music, in particular, the responsibility of an efficient, honest and reliable teacher is far more than 80%, I believe. But, most unfortunately, nowadays, though many may not agree with me, the state of affairs is quite reverse and suicidal. amsharma

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by ramamantra »

My friend's daughter sang her first radio concert. Her music teacher kept asking her when it would be broadcasted. Once it was clear, she enthusiastically told her teacher about the broadcast date. After the broadcast, when she called up the teacher, the teacher responded saying she forgot to listen. The girl didnt take it amiss but got the teacher's response by showing the recorded cd. Her teacher condemned her singing completely.

The girl felt disheartened and asked me but I couldnt figure out any reason. Cld somebody enlighten?

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by VK RAMAN »

Sit down with the teacher and find out what you did right and wrong and how the wrong could be corrected? Did your friend's daughter rehearse two or three times before the teacher and if not, why not.

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by ramamantra »

Thx for the suggestion.

Yes, the ragas/krithis to be sung for the radio concert was completely listed by the teacher herself and practice sessions were on for a month or more.

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by msakella »

If the items to be sung are listed by the teacher herself and the practice sessions were for a month or even more your daughter must have sung well. But, you are telling that the teacher, in turn, condemned her singing completely. This is contradictory. Something must be wrong. That is why, the modern gadgets must be utilized properly to get the session of entire lesson recorded either by a tape-recorder or a transcend mp3 player which, in turn, not only helps the aspirant a lot in listening to the lesson but also repeat it hundreds of times to get it properly. Even in Skype, in ‘extras’, the Pamela recorder is provided to record the entire process of talk. In general, anybody can record for 15 mts. and if the required charges are paid once for all you can record the session for any longer duration of time beyond 15 mts.. Thus, if you have the recorded session and verify it with the broadcast of your daughter you can yourself sort it out properly.

In fact this is the case with many of the aspirants whose parents are unable to discuss it openly lest their kid will not be taught further by that teacher. amsharma

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by msakella »

If the items to be sung are listed by the teacher herself and the practice sessions were for a month or even more your daughter must have sung well. But, you are telling that the teacher, in turn, condemned her singing completely. This is contradictory. Something must be wrong. That is why, the modern gadgets must be utilized properly to get the session of entire lesson recorded either by a tape-recorder or a transcend mp3 player which, in turn, not only helps the aspirant a lot in listening to the lesson but also repeat it hundreds of times to get it properly. Even in Skype, in ‘extras’, the Pamela recorder is provided to record the entire process of talk. In general, anybody can record for 15 mts. and if the required charges are paid once for all you can record the session for any longer duration of time beyond 15 mts.. Thus, if you have the recorded session and verify it with the broadcast of your daughter you can yourself sort it out properly.

In fact this is the case with many of the aspirants whose parents are unable to discuss it openly lest their kid will not be taught further by that teacher. amsharma

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by Soundarya »

When the teacher says it was horrible or not good, is it not the responsibility of the teacher her to tell what is wrong or what places were sung wrong so that the child does not make the same mistake? Some times the teacher does not even bother to listen to it but gets an opinion of somebody who has listened and comments. This will definitely dis-hearten the kid and will ruin the kids singing in future.

Should the parent be questioning the teacher about what was wrong or should the Child and the teacher work it out?

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by VK RAMAN »

Did she record her own singing and listen any time? Did the teacher listen to the recording along with the student?

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by ramamantra »

Nonplussed is the word I feel like using.

Teaching sessions were recorded, radio pgm was recorded, teacher and student listened to the pgm cd together and teacher condemned.

What still surprises me is why the teacher kept asking her abt the pgm date and then promptly responded that she forgot to listen. Is it that traditionally teachers have to act like they have to ignore students and by condemning they feel not let the 'praising' thing go into the students' heads. I am trying to reason out keeping the assumption that the teacher is right. But then the inconsistencies in her approach do puzzle me.

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by msakella »

All over the globe umpteen irregularities are happening in respect of these music teachers but the poor parents or aspirants are suffering a lot as no music teacher is ready to take any time-bound and result-oriented responsibility in giving qualitative-music (not quantitative-music at all) to the aspirants. Most of them are used to elongate the process of the quantitative-teaching only to swindle money from the aspirants. After my retirement in 1996, to enlighten the aspirants of this heart-burning problem, as a free service, I have held umpteen Lecture-demonstrations and workshops on the easy methods in teaching music in a number of private or Govt. Music institutions and music departments of several Universities for the benefit of the respective Staff and students but later found that, in the absence of any kind of academic supervision, no Staff member is interested in qualitative-teaching but in quantitative-teaching which helps only to successfully produce impotents in music. amsharma

Nick H
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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by Nick H »

Everybody has bad days, although, if it is one's profession to deal with children, then part of the responsibility is not to let the bad days show, and categorically, never to take it out on the students.

Assuming that this was not just a bad day, and if no extenuating circumstances are to be found, then putting the whole student-teacher aside, surely we must observe that this is a person who acts without respect and therefore deserves none. Tell that teacher what she can do with herself and her lessons and find someone else! Remember; the basics of human decency and good manners rank higher than tradition based on roles, and maybe she needs to learn that.

BUT... we have not heard the teacher's side of the story, and my suggestion would be that ramamantra begins by asking her, discussing the situation, pointing out how upset the student was, and hearing what is said. It would be good to do this cooly and calmly, and trying not to be confrontational: that will be the best way to find out how the teacher responds and what her attitude is.

Then, if not satisfied, go to another teacher.

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by ShrutiLaya »

Nick H wrote:
BUT... we have not heard the teacher's side of the story,
Precisely! Without knowing anything about the facts, let me play devil's advocate here. Perhaps the girl is conscientious, sensitive and high strung. On the day of the performance, perhaps she was nervous and didn't sing her best. Perhaps the teacher did hear that performance broadcast, but knowing the temperament of the student, told a little white lie rather than upset her. Perhaps the girl actually understood this at some level too. But when the teacher was cornered by zealous parents / friends-of-parents with a recording and a comment was demanded, she had to say something and was less than effusive. Girl bursts into tears (partly because she knows the truth and blames herself) and parents get upset ..

In my opinion, the right reaction to this episode would be for the girl to vow to do so well next time that not only the teacher, but everyone who listens would applaud her. In other words, take this up as a challenge. Or go to a different teacher, someone whose personality matches hers better. But since it sounds like she actually wants to do well, she shouldn't settle for a "yes-man" teacher, but find someone who would push her to push herself.

My 2 paisa worth!

- Sreenadh

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by ramamantra »

Thx for all your suggestions. Will let the parents know. Hope they clear it asap.

Nick H
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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by Nick H »

ramamantra wrote:Will let the parents know.
Apologies for assuming that you were the parent.

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by msakella »

Our Culture is very great and, accordingly, no one tries to find fault either with the Guru or with the husband. Thus, many of the Gurus or husbands are safely getting on with their ignorance or innocence escaping from their responsibilities. However, a person dared to start a discussion in these columns and very few are responding. As usual, many of the parents or even the aspirants hesitate to bring out their sufferings as they may not find a teacher to learn music or even the teachers themselves never want to participate in these discussions lest they may spill out their own beans being the real culprits of the show. amsharma

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by Soundarya »

msakella wrote:Our Culture is very great and, accordingly, no one tries to find fault either with the Guru or with the husband. Thus, many of the Gurus or husbands are safely getting on with their ignorance or innocence escaping from their responsibilities. However, a person dared to start a discussion in these columns and very few are responding. As usual, many of the parents or even the aspirants hesitate to bring out their sufferings as they may not find a teacher to learn music or even the teachers themselves never want to participate in these discussions lest they may spill out their own beans being the real culprits of the show. amsharma
You have rightly pointed out the what is going on to-days world. My dad used to be a music teacher and i have pesonally seen how he used to teach.(Sad i never learnt from him and it is too late to realise). He never used to take more than 6 or 7 students. He will make each one of them sing individually and correct them. No more than one song per month and at times he will ask them to sing some random old song that he has thought them. Now-a-days, i am not sure how many teachers do this. Everything is fast paced. The children dont understand the notes and just repeats what was taught and after a while forget the whole song. i have personally seen that the student learns atleast 3 songs in a month. The children put in lot of effort to practice due to their own willingnes or from the pressure of parents. (I dont know if this true but heard one of my friend say that one teacher taught 4 pancharatnams in a span of 6 classes which includes Varali) and 3 to 4 practice sessions before it was presented on stage. Surprising Surprising.

The parents are also to be blamed to some extent. They put so much pressure on the teacher too as they want the child to be a performing artist soon. So the teachers take short cuts. I am still curious to know if the teachers realise this? If the parents start pressurising the teacher, should the teacher drop the student or have a one on one conversation with them? I am yet to see a teacher who does one on one with parents about the growth of the student and where they lack? Do they conduct regular tests on the songs learnt?

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by VK RAMAN »

In Kerala many of the CM teachers keep their teaching profession as part time. They sign up for teaching and agree on a monthly fee for two classes a week. For sure the teacher will show up first two days of the month to pick up their monthly fee but miss majority of other days in the month. Parents are afraid of confronting the teacher lest they antogonize the teacher and end up losing the teacher. It may be a good idea to pay the teacher per diem and then agree on a bonus per song taught during the year for the full satisfaction of the parents, IMHO. It worked for me during my nine months of stay in Kerala during 2005-2006.

Nick H
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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by Nick H »

Per song taught means per song learnt --- and that has as much to do with the student as the teacher.

If the teacher can't be trusted, or does not fulfil their responsibilities, surely a new teacher is the answer, not financial workarounds? Surely carnatic teachers are not hard to come by in Southern India itself?
I am yet to see a teacher who does one on one with parents about the growth of the student and where they lack?
I have observed fear on both sides. The parents are afraid to offend the teachers, and the teachers are afraid of the parents, upon whom they depend for their living. On the other hand, some parents bully the teachers to get their children on stage, which can even be to the detriment of other students.

All a bit of a minefield, really!

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by msakella »

Dear b/s-member, Soundarya, Thanks a lot dear. You are the only person to come out and write boldly your true experiences. Many always blame me that I am dead against all the music-teachers. No, that is not true. I am dead against the bad music-teachers who are inefficient, dis-honest and unreliable. If the person feels the responsibility the teaching profession is the noblest one, I always feel, in truly educating a generation itself. We can understand the struggle for survival of the low-grade music-teachers surviving upon private tuitions who have not been trained properly by their so called ‘Gurus’ but are compelled to live upon music itself. But, what about the persons getting regular salaries as Teachers, Lecturers, Professors, Deans, Principals etc., etc., but giving the lowest-grade music to their students making them true impotents? While getting their regular salaries is it not their duty to later, at the least, retrospect themselves and justify to their level best in the interest of our society.

In the beginning of my teaching profession, having appointed as ‘Professor in Violin’, I know nothing about teaching which helped me in successfully spoiling each and every kid approached me for 20 long years, believe me. But, only by God’s grace, I could retrospect myself, realized of my parasitic-life and from then onwards, till date, even after 15 years of my retirement, I have not been teaching my students but learning a lot daily from them while teaching them.

Every word of your post is absolutely true in every respect. I truly admire music-teachers like your dad who honestly teach their students paying individual attention and bow down to them. We can only wish that all the music-teachers become efficient, honest and reliable and serve the society properly. amsharma

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by Soundarya »

Thank you very much MsAkella. I am not against all teachers. Dont get me wrong. I just feel pity for the students and the parents who trust their lives on the teacher and put so much effort in all aspects only to find at the end that their efforts are not rewarded. Students make mistake, That is why are the students. But it is the responsibility of the teacher to tell them where they went wrong. When i started my career, first thing i learnt was EFFORTS are not Recognized only RESULTS are. So with all the efforts that parents and the student put in, the teacher should also be considerate to give proper guidance and to the aspiring parents. IT is called working to-gether.

In the technology world it is very easy. Communication is no biggie.. Pick up the phone and talk. I know a techer who keeps saying i am not a technology savy person. But when the teacher needs it, they immediately become technology savy to communicate. I

It is just disheartning to see this young kids with so much potential, wanting to learn the art and not being recognized by the teacher to give them the path. The blame is always one side.Being a great music lover i myself have told some parents to stop their kids from learning and not waste the time of teacher. Being blunt is harsh, but parents need to realise reality. But at the same time i have seen kids with so much potential not being guided properly and these potential kids are forced to stop learning the art.... What a cruelty.... Teachers should talk to their conscience and act accordingly... If not acted upon now this art is going away quickly....

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by msakella »

Dear b/s-member, Soundarya, Again every word of your post is absolutely true. In our cultural tradition we call all teachers ‘Gurus’ irrespective of their abilities or disabilities expecting them to guide us properly towards the end of the art and treat each and every ‘Guru’ as the personification of the Almighty himself. But, many of the music-teachers, having not been trained properly by their Gurus and, thus, having no efficiency either in performing or teaching, are compelled to take teaching music as a means for their earning in their struggle for survival. In this process of their teaching many of our kids with so much potential are becoming prey to these inefficient teachers. After having seen this heart-burning situation of such kids I have struggled very hard for years and found out a way formulating the ‘Time-bound and result-oriented’ system of teaching music. In this system, having completed learning of 10 Varnas within the duration of only one year, the aspirant becomes able to sing the notated composition, to write a composition in notation, to ably sing intricate mathematical-svarakalpana and brief Ragalapana even without learning a single Kriti. All the details of this system are furnished and discussed at length in the sub-thread ‘AMS Easy Methods 2007 – Teaching and learning methods’ under the main thread ‘Music School’. amsharma

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by Soundarya »

Some people have bad experience even with well established teachers who are students of great yesteryear stalwarts. Once they start get more and more students, the quality of teaching takes a nose dive. These teachers have well established system of sing the notes first and then the sahityam. The teacher also gets influenced by some parents who shake their head to whatever the teacher says and not bold enough to stand up for themselves for the fear that they will loose the teacher and have to search for another one.

I just hope one day that these teachers realize what if their Guru had done the same thing to them and correct themselves and act according to their conscience.

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by msakella »

A great performer may not be a good teacher and vice versa. However, a society needs more a reliable teacher than a great performer. I sincerely feel that the teacher’s primary duty is to make the student independent in all respects. Since last 15 years I have been vigorously trying to find an efficient, honest and reliable teacher who can make his students just like replicas of him but couldn’t.

In my experiments I have found out that after singing notes one must invariably sing ‘Akaara’ also before proceeding to lyrics. amsharma

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by VK RAMAN »

a society needs more a reliable teacher than a great performer - we need both - one to teach and the other to propogate, IMHO

Nick H
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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by Nick H »

Yes, I agree.

I also think that people should be happy to learn music for pleasure and interest. Only the few will want a stage career, and of those only a very few will make it.

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Re: Roles and Responsibilities of a Music Teacher

Post by msakella »

The four pillars of the society are 1.Praana-daata (doctor) 2. Nyaaya-daata (lawyer) 3. Jnaana-daata (teacher) 4. Naayak (leader). If the leader becomes selfish and corrupted in any manner.entire society itself will become highly contaminated like the present society of INDia which has become highly INDisciplined. Moreover, all these four categories will only be shaped by the 3.Jnaana-daata (teacher) himself. That is why, primarily, the society needs more a teacher than a performer.

Everybody wants to sing music in his own way. Dancer needs music, Priest needs music to sing his code of ethics. A teacher needs to sing his poems in music. But, music is an independent art unlike any other art and it gives unfathomable peace and pleasure if treated properly. This itself doesn’t need any propagation at all. That is why everybody wants to learn music in every possible way with high interest for peace and pleasure in his mundane life.

If anybody tells that he is suffering from head-ache each and everybody around him suggests one medicine or other to get relief even though none of them is a certified doctor. In the same way, whoever sings music tries to teach some music to others and, thus, a person who knows only abcd of music becomes the Guru of another person who doesn’t know even abcd. Most unfortunately, many people think that each and every stalwart in music can also teach music excellently which is absolutely incorrect. But, in which way, I have, at first, been appointed as Professor in Violin and started ‘shaving’ each and every aspirant who came across, since many years, many stalwarts in music have been appointed as Teachers, Lecturers, Professors, Deans, Principals and they have also successfully been ‘shaving’ the aspirants. But, the thing is, having no idea of the true misery felt by the aspirants, everybody blames me of my statements as they do not know that a thief only can catch a thief. amsharma

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