Ragas with same swaras - Sagothras?

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Ragas with same swaras - Sagothras?

Post by nri »

I was trying to list some non-madhyama ragas that share the same swaras in ArO and ava, but with different sthanas. I started off with the simplest oudava ragas, and off-my head I could immediately recollect mOhanam (28th janya), bhUpaLam (8th janya), rEvagupti (15th janya) and sivaranjani (22nd janya) – all with SRGPDS and SDPGRS.
I tried to verify later, if I were correct. There were many surprises in store for me, being a novice. And it may not be so with the knowledgeable members of this forum. I hoped to get informed, but as is usual with me, I ended up with more questions that rather make life unsettling. I shall tell you later, why it is unsettling.
One surprise was that I thought that there could be twins / triplets / quadruplets / pandavas(!) at the maximum, but they are turning out almost like Gauravas. Many are oblivion sagothras (!!)
Second, and more important was that there are some ragas with exactly same swara sthanas as well. Is that possible? Two or more ragas with different names, but with same swaras and sthanas, and from the same or different melas? Two examples are mOhanam - jayathsri (R2 G3 D2) and rEvagupti - kalyANakEsari (R1 G3 D1), and there are many more.
Now my unsettling questions for the moment |(
What could happen with ragas with more numbers of swaras? And why do we have to refer a particular swara sthana by a particular raga name; why not by an alias?
Or am I reading something incorrect?

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