Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

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Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

Documentation of Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Temples weren't just places of worship. A close scrutiny of Indian history would reveal that temples acted as centers of excellence to several fields and were particularly instrumental in nurturing music and dance. Classified as temple arts, music and dance enjoyed patronage through temples for several centuries. While the political and sociological changes did affect every walk of life, traditional temple music continued to thrive in the nooks and corners of the country.

The evolution of musical instruments reveals that the roots of most instruments can be attributed to the purpose of announcement -- a drumbeat announcing a ritual or a blowing of conch announcing a deity in procession, etc. Latter-day sophistication resulted in creation of more melodic instruments. The repetitive monotones were replaced by contours of vibrant music.

Temple music reached its pinnacle with the arrival of Nagaswaram. The daily rituals and various occasions provided ample opportunities for Nagaswaram artists to hone their skills and exhibit their mastery. While the delectable music demonstrated artistic creativity, with time certain core musical values were crystallized to form new traditions. For example, during the yearly temple festival (called Thiruvizha) that ran for over ten days, the Nagaswara Vidwans were expected to play appropriate pieces according to the day, time, position of the deity during procession and the occasion. The newer entertainment entrants such as radio and television resulted in lesser number of connoisseurs for the traditional temple arts. The classical music rejuvenated itself mostly in the cities through newly formed organisations called Sabhas.

The artists who aspired to make a living through the art were forced to move out of villages. The temple centric music transformed into people centric music. The Carnatic music became composition centric with the creative aspects became extension of compositions. The political and sociological changes in the first half of the twentieth century have had several positive and negative impacts on the society. One such negative impact is the discontinuing of meaningful patronage of temples. In most temples, the appointment of temple artists is purely perfunctory – done with no consideration to music, tradition or meaningful livelihood; they are just nameless placeholders. The carefully chiseled out traditions have suffered a slow death. Today only a handful of temples possess anything hearkening back to the glorious traditions. One such rare location is Chidambaram in Tamilnadu.

Chidambaram is a unique place as it is considered sacred by both the Saivaites and Vaishnavites. Separate Nagaswaram traditions exist for both the Saivaite and the Vaishnavite groups. While musical pieces like the Mallari, played during procession or part of daily rituals are mostly common in both traditions, differences exist especially during the yearly temple festivals. This author has extensively worked on documenting the Saivaite Nagaswaram tradition of this temple. The pieces that are played on the 11 days of the festival were meticulously recorded in the form a DVD titled "Nadamum Nadanum" with a commentary from Dr. B.M.Sundaram - an authority in this subject.

The pieces were played by Vid. Achalpuram Chinnathambi Pillai (now 90 years old), who is incidentally the currently designated Nagaswara Vidwan of the Chidambaram temple (Asthana Vidwan).

He comes from a lineage that boasts of generations of artists that have served as Asthana Vidwans. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the last straw that is holding this tradition together. If efforts are not made to document this tradition through this rare artist, we are at great risk of losing one more glorious tradition forever.

In this proposal, we intend to document the Vaishnavite Nagaswaram temple tradition. During Navaratri, the yearly festival for the Vaishnavite deity Govindaraja Perumal is conducted. The Nagaswara artists are expected to play a specific set of musical pieces and songs during the ten days of the festival.

In this project, appropriate scenes will be recreated in a Vaishnavite temple and detailed documentation of the various rituals along with the applicable musical pieces will be carefully realised. Appropriate commentaries of scholars will be inserted to elucidate all aspects so that common public can appreciate this tradition. The execution of the project involves expenses for the below-mentioned purposes:

1. Remuneration to musicians (typically two Nagaswara Vidwans, two Thavil Vidwans, two more support staff)
2. Art director to set up the scenarios
3. Remuneration to scholars
4. Travel expenses for the project coordinator, artists, production crew, etc.
5. Video Production of the documentation for at least 5 days (typically with a HD two-camera set-up and hi fidelity live audio recording)
6. Post production expenses

The estimated expense is five lakhs and we have already raised about 1.2 lakhs for this purpose.
We request you to assist us in the form of a donation so that we could document this worthy tradition for posterity. We intend to get the filming done on the last week of March 2018.

For contributions:

Parivadini Charitable Trust,
Union Bank of India
Account Number: 579902120000916
branch: Kolathur, Chennai,
IFSC Code: UBIN0557994

For More Details

+91 9980992830

Posts: 1191
Joined: 22 Oct 2013, 22:44

Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

வைணவ நாகஸ்வர கலைமரபு – ஓர் ஆவணமாக்கும் முயற்சி

- லலிதாராம்

கோயில்கள் வெறும் வழிபாட்டுத்தலங்களல்ல. வரலாற்றைப் புரட்டினோமெனில், கோயில்களை ஒட்டியே நம் வாழ்க்கைமுறை இருந்ததையும், பலதுறைகள் கோயில்களால் பாதுகாக்கப்பட்டதையும், பெருகி வளர்ந்ததையும் உணரமுடியும். குறிப்பாக நாட்டியமும், இசையும் “கோயில் கலைகளாகவே” வளர்ந்து செழித்தன. காலப்போக்கில் எண்ணற்ற சமூக மாற்றங்கள் நிகழந்த போதும், பாரம்பரிய இசை பல்வேறு கிராமங்களிலும் நகரங்களிலும் கோயில்கள் ஊடாகவே தொடர்ந்து வளர்ச்சியைப் பெற்றது.

இசைக் கருவிகளின் பரிணாம வளர்ச்சியை நோக்கினால், பெரும்பாலான கருவிகளின் தோற்றம் அறிவிப்பின் பொருட்டே நிகழ்ந்திருப்பதை உணர முடியும். (உதா: ஊர்வலத்தின் வருகையை குறிக்கும் முரசொலி, நிகழ்வைக் குறிக்கும் சங்கின் முழக்கம் முதலியன). நாட்பட இந்த கருவிகளும், அவை எழுப்பும் இசையும் மேம்பட்டு, ஒரே மாதிரியாய் ஒலிக்கும் ஒலிகள் அழகிய இசையாகி வெளிப்பட ஆரம்பித்தன.
நாகஸ்வரத்தின் வரவு கோயில் இசையை உச்சத்தில் இட்டது. ”நித்ய கர்மா” என்று வழங்கப்படும் கோயிலின் தினசரி வழிபாட்டு காரியங்கள் அனைத்திலும் நாகஸ்வரத்தின் பங்கு இருந்தது. இதத் தவிர விசேஷ பூஜைகள், விழாக் காலங்கள் போன்றவற்றிலும் இசை முக்கிய இடம் வகித்தது. இதனால், நாகஸ்வர கலைஞர்கள் தங்கள் கலையை வளர்த்துக் கொள்ளவும், தங்கள் கற்பனையை வெளியிடுவதற்கும் கோயில் களங்கள் நல்ல வாய்ப்பாக அமைந்தன. காலப்போக்கில் வழிபாட்டு முறைகளை ஒட்டி நாகஸ்வர வாசிப்பு முறைகளும் உருவாகின.
உதாரணமாக, ஆண்டுதோரும் நடக்கும் கோயில் திருவிழாகளில், ஒவ்வொரு நாளும் – அந்த நாளுக்கு ஏற்ப, நேரத்துக்கு ஏற்ப, ஊர்சவ மூர்த்தி நிற்கும் இடத்துக்கு ஏற்ப என வெவ்வேறு ராகங்களையோ, கீர்த்தனைகளையோ அல்லது மல்லாரி, உடற்கூரு போன்ற உருப்படிகளையோ நாகஸ்வர வித்வான்கள் வாசிப்பார்கள்.

இருபதாம் நூற்றாண்டில் பத்திரிகைகளின் எழுச்சியும், ரேடியோ மற்றும் திரைப்படங்களின் வருகையும், கோயில் கலைகளை பொதுமக்களின் பொழுதுபோக்கு வடிவத்தின் முதன்மை இடத்திலிருந்து நீக்கின, பாரம்பரிய இசையும் கிராமபுரங்களில் இருந்து நகர்ந்து நகரத்தில் உருவான சபைகளில் தன்னைப் புதுப்பித்துக் கொண்டது.
இசையை வாழ்வாக எடுத்துக் கொள்ள நினைத்தவர்களை நகரங்களை நோக்கி செல்ல ஆரம்பித்தனர். தமிழ் சமூகம் கோயில் சார்ந்த சமூகம் என்ற நிலை இன்று முற்றிலும் மாறிவிட்டது. கோயில்கள் ஆன்மீகத் தலங்களாகவும், சுற்றுலாத் தளங்களாகவும் மாறிவிட்டன. இன்று கிராமப்புறங்களில் வாழும் நாகஸ்வர கலைஞர்கள், மின்னியப் பழம்பெருமையின் எஞ்சிய நட்சத்திரங்களாக வாழ்கின்றனர். சின்னச் சின்ன ஊர்களிலும் கூட அந்தந்த ஊர்க் கோயில்கள் ஆதரித்து வந்த நாகஸ்வரக் குழுவினரை, இன்று நாராசமாய் ஒலிக்கும் தானியங்கி முழக்கு எந்திரங்கள் வெளியேற்றிவிட்டன.

கோயில்களின் உருவான இசை மரபுகள் பல இடங்களில் சுவடழிந்துவிட்டாலும், சிதம்பரம் போன்று ஒரு சில கோயில்களில் இன்றும் தப்பிப் பிழைத்துள்ளன.
நாகஸ்வர மரபில் சைவத்திற்கும் வைணவத்திற்கும் தனித் தனி மரபுகள் வளர்ந்து வந்தன. சைவம், வைணவம் – இரண்டு பிரிவினரும் முக்கியமாய் கருதும் தலம் சிதம்பரம். அதனால், இரண்டு வகை நாகஸ்வர மரபுகளையும் இங்கு காண முடியும். புறப்பாடு போன்ற சமயங்களில் வாசிக்கப்படும் மல்லாரி மற்றும் தினப்படி நிகழ்வுகளைக் குறிக்கும் இசை உருப்படிகள் பெரும்பாலும் இரண்டு மரபுகளிலும் ஒன்றுதான். இவ்விரு மரபுக்குமுள்ள மாறுபாடுகளை வருடாந்தர உற்சவங்களில் காணலாம்.

2013-ல் சைவ நாகஸ்வர மரபை முழுமையாக பதிவு செய்து, ”நாதமும் நாதனும்” என்ற ஆறு மணி நேர டிவிடியாக வெளியிட முடிந்தது. இந்த முயற்சி இந்தத் துறை விற்பன்னர் திரு.பி.எம்.சுந்தரம் அவர்களின் வழிகாட்டலில் பதிவு செய்யப்பட்டது. இந்த மரபைப் பற்றிய விரிவான அறிமுகமும் இந்த டிவிடியில் இடம் பெற்றுள்ளது. கோயிலில் நித்யபடிக்கு உரிய உருப்படிகளையும், பதினொரு நாள் திருவிழாவின் போது வாசிக்க வேண்டிய உருப்படிகளையும் சிதம்பரம் நடராஜர் கோயிலின் ஆஸ்தான வித்வான் ஆச்சாள்புரம் திரு. சின்னத்தம்பி அவர்கள் வாசித்துள்ளார்.

சிதம்பரம் ராதாகிருஷ்ணன் பிள்ளை போன்ற ஜாம்பவான்களிடம் குருகுல வாசம் செய்து, தன் இளமைக் காலம் முதல் சிதம்பரம் கோயிலின் பல்வேறு நிகழ்வுகளுக்கு வாசித்து வரும் சின்னத்தம்பி பிள்ளைக்கு இன்று வயது தொண்ணூறு.

சிதம்பரம் நடராஜர் கோயிலுக்கு மட்டுமின்றி, சிதம்பரம் கோவிந்தராஜ பெருமாள் கோயில்லுக்க்சைவ மரபை ஆவணப்படுத்தைப் போல வைணவ மரபையும் இவர் வாசிப்பில் ஆவணப்படுத்தாவிடில், ஒரு நெடிய பாரம்பரியத்தை முற்றிலும் தொலைக்கும் அபாயமுள்ளது.
இந்த முயற்சியில், நவராத்திரியை ஒட்டி நடக்கும் சிதம்பரம் கோவிந்தராஜ பெருமாள் உற்சவத்தில் வாசிக்கப்படும் நாகஸ்வர மரபை முழுமையாகப் பதிவு செய்ய விழைகிறோம். சிதம்பரத்தில் நடப்பது போன்ற ஊர்சவத்தை வேறொரு கோயிலில் நடத்தி, பத்து நாட்களில் வாசிக்கப்படும் இசையை ஆவணப்படுத்த உள்ளோம். சைவ மரபில் செய்தது போலவே, இந்த ஆவணப்படுத்தலும் திரு. பி.எம்.சுந்தரம் அவர்களின் வழிகாட்டலில் நடைபெறும். இந்தத் துறை வல்லுனர்களின் விளக்கங்களும், வழிகாட்டல்களும் தக்க இடங்களில் இசையினூடே இடம் பெரும்.

இந்தத் திட்டத்தை செயல்படுத்த பின்வரும் செலவுகளைக் எதிர்கொள்ள வேண்டியுள்ளது:

1. மங்கல வாத்ய குழுவினரின் சன்மானம் (2 நாகஸ்வர கலைஞர்கள், 2 தவில் கலைஞர்கள், 2 துணை கலைஞர்கள்)
2. உற்சவத்திற்கான பொருட்செலவுகள்
3. ஆவணத்தில் பங்குபெரும் விற்பன்னர்களுக்கான சன்மானம்
4. துல்லிய ஒளிப்பதிவு, ஒலிப்பதிவுக்கான செலவு
5. போக்குவரத்து, தங்கும் செலவு முதலியன.
6. ஆவணத்துக்குப் பின் செய்யப்படும் படத்தொகுப்பு முதலான வேலைகளுக்குரிய செலவு

இவை அனைத்தையும் கணக்கில் கொண்டு, இந்த முயற்சியை செயலாக்க சுமார் ஐந்து லட்சம் ரூபாய் தேவைப்படுகிறது. இதுவரை, 1.2 லட்சம் ரூபாய் இந்தப் பணிக்காக சேர்ந்துள்ளது.

இந்தப் படப்படிப்பை 2018 மார்ச் கடைசி வாரத்தில் நடத்த உத்தேசித்துள்ளோம். இந்த முயற்சியை பரிவாதினி அறக்கட்டளை முன்னின்று நடத்தும். இதற்கான பங்களிப்பிற்கு வருமான வரி பிரிவி 80ஜி-யின் படி வரிவிலக்கு பெற முடியும்.

இந்த முயற்சிக்கு பொருள் உதவி செய்ய விழைவோர்.

Parivadini Charitable Trust,
Union Bank of India
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branch: Kolathur, Chennai,
IFSC Code: UBIN0557994

என்ற வங்கிக் கணக்கில் தங்கள் பங்களிப்பை அளிக்கலாம்.

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

Thanks to support from fellow rasikas we have raised about 36% of our requirement of five lakhs. Need your support to get to 100%.

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

Happy to inform we have raised about 51% of the required 5 Lakhs.

We are not able to trace some of the donations to the source. Kindly intimate us if you have made a donation.

Thanks for the support. We hope we could reach the target soon.

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Joined: 11 Oct 2015, 23:31

Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by RSR »

Very happy to learn about the project and its progress. Commendable work.
May I suggest a similar Srirangam-based project? Best Regards

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by harimau »

RSR wrote: 23 Jan 2018, 16:46 Very happy to learn about the project and its progress. Commendable work.
May I suggest a similar Srirangam-based project? Best Regards
What will you suggest as a name for that project?

The name Nadamum Namamum has already been reserved for the Chidambaram Govindaraja Swamy nagaswaram project. :evil: :twisted: :lol:

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by RSR »

'திருவரங்கன் திரு உலா இசை'( Thiru Arangan Thiru ulA isai ) . ..At first reading, I missed the pun. on naamam. I took it as 'names'. // While Chithambaram is the accepted prime shrine for Saivites, I believe that Srirangam is the counterpart for Vaishnavites for so many centuries ( even from Silappathikaaram era.). Parivadhini can have another project soon centered on Srirangam. Contributions will be there aplenty.

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by harimau »

RSR wrote: 24 Jan 2018, 15:27 'திருவரங்கன் திரு உலா இசை'( Thiru Arangan Thiru ulA isai ) . ..At first reading, I missed the pun. on naamam. I took it as 'names'. // While Chithambaram is the accepted prime shrine for Saivites, I believe that Srirangam is the counterpart for Vaishnavites for so many centuries ( even from Silappathikaaram era.). Parivadhini can have another project soon centered on Srirangam. Contributions will be there aplenty.
You also missed the fact that just one letter was changed between the first word and second word. :lol:

Continuing in that vein, the DVD could be titled Thenkaraiyum Thenkalaiyum as Srirangam is situated on the southern bank of the Kollidam river and the temple follows the thenkalai traditions of Sri Vaishnavas.

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

Starting today, we intend make the documentation done for Nagaswaram tradition in Shaivite temples public on YouTube.

The first video in this series is the Thaligai Mallari.

Thaligai Mallari is a musical piece played when the Neivedhyam is brought from the Madapalli of the temple to the sanctum sanctorium as an offering to the presiding deity.

This Video is a Part of Documentation of Nagaswaram tradition in Shaivite Temples.

Concept: Dr. B.M.Sundaram


Vid. Achalpuram Chinnathambi Pillai
Vid. Seergazi Vid. Sivasubramaniam
Vid. Sivapuri Ramamurthi
Vid. Reddiyur A. Saravanan

We are currently doing a fundraising campaign for documenting the Vaishnavite Tradition.

More details can be found here: https://carnaticmusicreview.wordpress.c ... gaswaram1/

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Joined: 18 Nov 2009, 16:58

Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by CRama »

Congrats Parivadini for the great work you are doing. Thanks for sharing it in yt.

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

Theertha Mallari is a musical piece played when the water from the temple tank is taken to the sancton sanctorium for Abhishekam.

This Video is a Part of Documentation of Nagaswaram tradition in Shaivite Temples.

Concept: Dr. B.M.Sundaram


Vid. Achalpuram Chinnathambi Pillai
Vid. Seergazi Vid. Sivasubramaniam
Vid. Sivapuri Ramamurthi
Vid. Reddiyur A. Saravanan

We are currently doing a fundraising campaign for documenting the Vaishnavite Tradition.

More details can be found here: https://carnaticmusicreview.wordpress.c ... gaswaram1/

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Joined: 02 Feb 2010, 22:26

Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by rshankar »

parivadini wrote: 30 Jan 2018, 00:06Thaligai Mallari is a musical piece played when the Neivedhyam is brought from the Madapalli of the temple to the sanctum sanctorum as an offering to the presiding deity.
taLigai can mean offering/neivEdiyam, right?

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

rshankar wrote: 31 Jan 2018, 02:19
parivadini wrote: 30 Jan 2018, 00:06Thaligai Mallari is a musical piece played when the Neivedhyam is brought from the Madapalli of the temple to the sanctum sanctorum as an offering to the presiding deity.
taLigai can mean offering/neivEdiyam, right?

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

In the third video in this series, Dr. B.M.Sundaram speaks about specific pieces such as Mallari, Rakthi, Pallavi etc. He also described the various occiasions in temples and the relevant musical pieces that are played accordingly in the Nagaswaram.

He also lists out the event of the 11 day thiruvizha in a Shaivite temple and the respective musical pieces associated with it.

This Video is a Part of Documentation of Nagaswaram tradition in Shaivite Temples.

Concept: Dr. B.M.Sundaram


Vid. Achalpuram Chinnathambi Pillai
Vid. Seergazi Vid. Sivasubramaniam
Vid. Sivapuri Ramamurthi
Vid. Reddiyur A. Saravanan

To Contribute to documentation of Vaishnavite Tradition: https://carnaticmusicreview.wordpress.c ... gaswaram1/

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

In the fourth video - we present "Beri Pooja"

Beri Pooja marks the beginning of the yearly festival.

In the olden days, Beri Pooja was done in the grave yard, were the thavil was offerred a special pooja.

While the flag hoiting marks the beginning of the thiruviza, one can say the 'beri poojs' marks the musical beginning of the yearly festival.

This Video is a Part of Documentation of Nagaswaram tradition in Shaivite Temples.

Concept: Dr. B.M.Sundaram


Vid. Achalpuram Chinnathambi Pillai
Vid. Seergazi Vid. Sivasubramaniam
Vid. Sivapuri Ramamurthi
Vid. Reddiyur A. Saravanan

To Contribute to documentation of Vaishnavite Tradition: https://carnaticmusicreview.wordpress.c ... gaswaram1/

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

This video is shows a glimpse of the first day festival.

It begins with a short mallari. This piece is played during the beginning of the procession of the "Pancha Murthi" (the five idols). Upon reaching the streets a grander maller is taken up for exposition. Depending on the time and skills - exercises such as "trikalam", "tisram", "kalpana swaras" etc. are rendered in the mallari.

In Chidambaram, this mallari played until the procession reached the "thEradi" (chariot yard), Upon reaching this location - the raga pertaining to the day is taken up for exposition.

This Video is a Part of Documentation of Nagaswaram tradition in Shaivite Temples.

Concept: Dr. B.M.Sundaram


Vid. Achalpuram Chinnathambi Pillai
Vid. Seergazi Vid. Sivasubramaniam
Vid. Sivapuri Ramamurthi
Vid. Reddiyur A. Saravanan

To Contribute to documentation of Vaishnavite Tradition: https://carnaticmusicreview.wordpress.c ... gaswaram1/

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

Thiruvizha - Day 1 Proceedings

On the first day of the thiruvizha - when the procession hits the thEradi - the raga for that day - Shankarabaranam (or Hamsadhwani) is taken for exploration.

This first video for today contains a raga alapana in Shankarabaranam. In reality - this segment alone would run for hours. Due to the constraints in documentation - Vid. Chinnathambi Pillai has rendered a short version.

He follows it up with short thaanam in the same raga

Thaanam is followed by a Rakthi. Rakthi is a piece usually played to a seven beat cycle with a thathakaaram of 'thIn thaka Tha Thi thai". Upon listening to the expert nagaswara vidwans rendering a rakthi, one can understand how deceptively simple they are. Rakthi's a re like a pallavi - however they do not have a Uttarangam. They contain just one part set to seven beats. Rakthis are rendered for only a chosen few ragas. Shankarabaranam is one such.

Finally, a pallavi in the same raga (Shankarabaranam) is taken for exposition. These pallavis could be Sahithya Pallavi or a Thathakaara Pallavi.

This Video is a Part of Documentation of Nagaswaram tradition in Shaivite Temples.

Concept: Dr. B.M.Sundaram


Vid. Achalpuram Chinnathambi Pillai
Vid. Seergazi Vid. Sivasubramaniam
Vid. Sivapuri Ramamurthi
Vid. Reddiyur A. Saravanan

To Contribute to documentation of Vaishnavite Tradition: https://carnaticmusicreview.wordpress.c ... gaswaram1/

Posts: 22
Joined: 08 Jan 2017, 18:19

Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by jshrikanth »

Parivadini -
Thanks for the wonderful work you are doing to document these vanishing traditions and skills. And thanks for sharing it for free in youtube.

The worpress link you shared also mentions DVD recordings. Are these available for purchase as DVD or HD digital downloads?

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

jshrikanth wrote: 07 Feb 2018, 11:10

The worpress link you shared also mentions DVD recordings. Are these available for purchase as DVD or HD digital downloads?
We had made about 500 copies of DVDs. I have distributed them over the last 4-5 years (mostly for free) and I'm left with only a couple of them. That is another reason we are publishing this on YouTube - so that it is accessible for free for everyone.

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

While the raga for the day is chosen when the procession reaches the chariot yard, mallaris are played during the beginning of the procession. A shorter mallari is played inside the temple and a grander mallari is played when the procession hits the streets. Usually different mallaris are chosen for different days. while we presented the triputa thala mallari for Day 1. We were also fortunate to record another mallari before we recorded the proceedings of Day 2.

The mallari starts with a alaaripu by the thavil vidwans. Exercises such as trikaalam can be observed in this recording.

This Video is a Part of Documentation of Nagaswaram tradition in Shaivite Temples.

Concept: Dr. B.M.Sundaram


Vid. Achalpuram Chinnathambi Pillai
Vid. Seergazi Vid. Sivasubramaniam
Vid. Sivapuri Ramamurthi
Vid. Reddiyur A. Saravanan

To Contribute to documentation of Vaishnavite Tradition: https://carnaticmusicreview.wordpress.c ... gaswaram1/

Posts: 22
Joined: 08 Jan 2017, 18:19

Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by jshrikanth »

parivadini wrote: 07 Feb 2018, 11:29 We had made about 500 copies of DVDs. I have distributed them over the last 4-5 years (mostly for free) and I'm left with only a couple of them. That is another reason we are publishing this on YouTube - so that it is accessible for free for everyone.
Thanks for the response. And thank you once again for documenting this tradition and sharing it on YouTube.

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

On Day 2, the raga taken for exposition is Reethigowlai.

In the first video you can see a brief raga alapana

Followed by a Pallavi in the same raga

This Video is a Part of Documentation of Nagaswaram tradition in Shaivite Temples.

Concept: Dr. B.M.Sundaram


Vid. Achalpuram Chinnathambi Pillai
Vid. Seergazi Vid. Sivasubramaniam
Vid. Sivapuri Ramamurthi
Vid. Reddiyur A. Saravanan

To Contribute to documentation of Vaishnavite Tradition: https://carnaticmusicreview.wordpress.c ... gaswaram1/

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Joined: 22 Oct 2013, 22:44

Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

The raga taken for exposition on Day 3 is Chakravaham

In the first video you can see a brief raga alapana

Followed by a Pallavi in the same raga

This Video is a Part of Documentation of Nagaswaram tradition in Shaivite Temples.

Concept: Dr. B.M.Sundaram


Vid. Achalpuram Chinnathambi Pillai
Vid. Seergazi Vid. Sivasubramaniam
Vid. Sivapuri Ramamurthi
Vid. Reddiyur A. Saravanan

We are currently doing a fundraising campaign for documenting the Vaishnavite Tradition.

More details can be found here: https://carnaticmusicreview.wordpress.c ... gaswaram1/

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Joined: 22 Oct 2013, 22:44

Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

The raga taken for exposition on Day 4 is Hamsabrahmari

It is a rare raga (janya of Hemavathi) in the concert circuit. However, this is a regular among Nagaswaram artists. Legendary TNR seems to have rendered this extensively esp. during temple festivals.

This video has a brief alapana of the same.

After raga alapana, a pallavi is rendered in Hamsabrahmari.

This Video is a Part of Documentation of Nagaswaram tradition in Shaivite Temples.

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

On Day 5, during the procession of Panchamurti's five mallaris are played - one in each of the five gatis (Tisra, Chatusra, Kanda, Misra and Sankeerna gatis).

Mallari 1:

Mallari 2:

Mallari 3:

Mallari 4:

Mallari 5:

The mallaris are followed by Kalpana Swaram in the five Ghana ragas - Nattai, Gowlai, Arabhi, Varali and Shri.

This Video is a Part of Documentation of Nagaswaram tradition in Shaivite Temples.

Concept: Dr. B.M.Sundaram


Vid. Achalpuram Chinnathambi Pillai
Vid. Seergazi Vid. Sivasubramaniam
Vid. Sivapuri Ramamurthi
Vid. Reddiyur A. Saravanan

To Contribute to documentation of Vaishnavite Tradition: https://carnaticmusicreview.wordpress.c ... agaswaram1

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

The collection for this cause so far has touched INR 450583 - we are stepping into the last ten percent of our target.

Thank you all for the wonderful support.

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

On Day 6, the raga taken for elaboration is Shanmugapriya.

This video has a short alapana of the same.

The raga alapana is followed by a Pallavi

This is a Part of the Documentation of Nagaswaram tradition in Shaivite Temples.

Concept: Dr. B.M.Sundaram


Vid. Achalpuram Chinnathambi Pillai
Vid. Seergazi Vid. Sivasubramaniam
Vid. Sivapuri Ramamurthi
Vid. Reddiyur A. Saravanan

To Contribute to documentation of Vaishnavite Tradition: https://carnaticmusicreview.wordpress.c ... agaswaram1

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

Dear Friends, Happy to inform that we have managed to raise the amount required to carry out the Vaishnavite Nagaswaram Documentation Project.

Since our resource person Dr. B.M.Sundaram is undergoing an eye surgery this week, we plan to do the documentation around 20th of May. We will keep the details [posted.

A big thank you for each one of you who has contributed to this cause.

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

All the videos of the Shaivite Nagaswara Tradition Documentation work (including the ones that weren't posted earlier) can be seen in this plalist: ... A0aIAa1f-T

Thanks again for the support.

Posts: 2338
Joined: 16 Dec 2008, 09:10

Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by sankark » wow! husEni sparkles.

Is this one rAgam that transitioned into CM a la ykk?

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by Sivaramakrishnan »

parivadini wrote: 23 Mar 2018, 18:26 All the videos of the Shaivite Nagaswara Tradition Documentation work (including the ones that weren't posted earlier) can be seen in this plalist: ... A0aIAa1f-T

Thanks again for the support.
An excellent reference material.

Posts: 3427
Joined: 11 Oct 2015, 23:31

Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by RSR »

I would like to share a great piece of writing ( in thamizh) by Prof.Jayaraman, . ) It is about the vanishing cultural traditions of Cauvery delta. due to our craze for money-making and bad planning. Especially the passages regarding 'theerthavari' function. ... epage=true
காவிரி என்பது வெறும் நீரல்ல!
"தியாகராஜரின் இசை நாடகம் ‘நெளகா சரித்திரம்’. அதில் வரும் கிருஷ்ண லீலை யமுனையில் நடப்பதாகக் கற்பனை. நாடகத்தை இயற்றியவர் காவிரிக் கரையில்தான் வாழ்ந்தார். அதற்கும் மேற்கே வரகூர் நாராயண தீர்த்தரின் கிருஷ்ண லீலா தரங்கிணியில் துவங்கி, மெலட்டூர் பாகவத மேளா, ஊத்துக்காடு வேங்கட கவியின் பாடல்கள், மாயவரம் கோபால கிருஷ்ண பாரதியின் ‘நந்தனார் சரித்திரம்’ வரை காவிரிக் கரையில் பிறந்தவை. காவிரிக் கரையில் இனி கற்பனை பிறக்குமா?

I request all the forum members who know thamizh , not to misss this article.
. . .

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

The documentation of Vaishnavite nagaswaram tradition took place in Kattumannarkoil in the last few days. It was a dream come true moment when Shri. Chinnathambi Pillai started off with a whirlwind Gajananayutham to mark the start of the proceedings. I’ve heard him in 2012 when he looked a lot fitter. Six years has taken a toll out of him. He couldn’t stand and play anymore but the difference ended there. The ragas that came out of his instrument were as divine as ever. We were able to meticulously document the tradition thanks to Dr. BM Sundaram’s supervision.

All this was possible only because of the support we received for this cause when launched a fund raising campaign. We can’t thank you enough. Can only bow our heads in gratitude!

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by parivadini »

It has been a couple of days since we finished recording the Vaishnavite Nagaswaram Tradition at Kattumannarkoil. I'm still pinching myself to reality. I was having nightmares for five years. The Shaivaite Documentation project was funded by a noble man Shri. Nandakuma Joshi. I was waiting for another such donor to execute this.

An interview of mine was published in Thendral earlier this year. I had casually mentioned about my effort to get this documentation done. The response I received after the interview was out was truly unbelievable. Little did I realise that my appeal would turn viral and soon I would collect enough funds for the project.

When the money was there, Dr. B.M Sundaram - our resoource person - had to undertgo an eye surgery. When he recovered we had another problem. Shri. Chinnathambi Pillai - the authority in this tradition - was relectant to play as he felt he is too weak to take this project up.

It took divine will and Dr. Sundaram's convincing skill to make this happen.

The ragas are still ringing in my ears.

I only hope I wont wake up and find this all to be a wonderful dream.

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Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 08:04

Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by rajeshnat »

Wonderful to hear that your deep passion is getting preserved. I am not sure what is vaishnavite tradition that can apply for nagaswaram. I do know there is a temple tradition but can that be further drilled and preserved with a vaishnavite tradition. That is where my curiosity starts and the belief that you would do some thing spectacular is just seeded now within me . You pairing with Dr BM Sundaram( who must know the most about nagaswaram) is great along with those rare nagaswara thavil vidwans . Looking forward to hear your dream.

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Joined: 07 Nov 2010, 20:01

Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by vgovindan »

Re post #32

We went to Tanjore side in April this year. I wanted to have bath in Kaveri (Tula snanam). When we reached Mayavaram, all that I could find was a man-made pond in the midst of Kaveri River with (God knows which) water. I had to be contended with a Kakka Kuliyal (dip) in that pond.

When Kaveri itself is no longer there, where could the culture be?

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by RSR »

Respected Govindan Sir,
For the past few years, Cauvery water flow depends on the mercy of Nature in South-West Monsoon. and April as you know, is the beginning of summer.
Luckily however, this month, the KR Sagar and Kanini dams are nearing full capacity and I expect that the Mettur reservoir will be filled up and water released in the river. by the end of this month. I wont be surprised if North East monsoon also is good in the delta this year and what a sight it will be if both the Cauvery and Kollidam rivers were in fiull flow and the loveliness of Srirangam island! let us hope. If possible, do make a trip to all the delta towns of renown during November-December.
"வாய்க்கால்களில் நிரம்பிவரும் நீரில் கெண்டையும், கெழுத்தியும் எதிர்த்து விளையாடிவர, காலால் மடைதிறந்து, வெள்ளமென நீர்பாய்ந்த வயல்களில் வரப்பு மறைந்து செந்நெல் விளைந்து, எங்கெங்கும் பச்சை ஆடை போர்த்தி முப்போகம் விளைந்த காவிரிப் படுகை,....
பாதுகாக்கப்பட்ட வேளாண் மண்டலமாக மாறுமா காவிரிப் படுகை? ... 362696.ece

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Re: Nagaswara tradition in Vaishnavite Temples

Post by rajeshnat »

Writeup adding details to this tradition , dated July 09,2018 in The Hindu. ... 367693.ece
Personally getting some answers to my own question which I wondered on nagaswaram and vaishnavite tradition. I never knew there are few specific mallaris to highlight those.

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