Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

Sangeetha kaala gathi*
சங்கீத கால கதி

* I mean it as music “ marching on with the times “as I got the idea from Arasi (post no 151 in sangeetha kalanidhi thread,) (and not in the morbid sense, because this is supposed to be a lighter vein write up )-- the speed of the march being much more than that of the
Sound but slightly less than that of light.

It is not your fault if you have not heard about “sangeetha kaala gathi” because it is not an award like any other- usually given by sabhas.It is a unique reward given for the preservation of pure total music which blooms when there is absolute inalienable personal liberty. The reason is obvious: no art form, music being no exception , can bloom unless total freedom prevails.: freedom to the art, freedom to the artist and freedom to the rasikas. Previously the award was an annual affair, But some one raised an objection that” annual” itself imposes an obligation ,a shackle to the liberty by forcing compulsory selection of an awardee per year.. So it was made “ now and then “when occasion warrants a music kutchery will be held and the reward given. I am sorry, let us say performance.The word kutchery itself is despicable as it conjures up memories of mylaporeans. I suppose it is the only city in whole world where a public road is called kutchery road..
Previously, the slogan was “sruthi matha. Laya pitha.” .then it was realised that adherence to both imposes shackle to the singer and infringes in his personal liberty. Let matha and pitha allow the younger generation to enjoy their freedom and thereby they can also enjoy freedom at some old age home. Singers who come with one or two tamburas are hypocrites not true to the concept of total freedom of art for its own sake.

Freedom of attire to the artist.;why should a C M music singer always come to perform with a white dress a veshti with broad ,almost sari like jari border in red and green and a lo- o -o- ng jibba in which you can never see them except in their own programme.? Hypocrisy.! In the house they do not practise their music with this வேஷம் .. Pure music will not refuse to come out when they wear a light bermuda , and sport unshaven groggy face. If, during the performance, their face , instead of expressing the bhava (bhakthi or love)meant by the composer, reminds the audience of the feeling they experienced last week when getting their upper molar extracted , it is the artist liberty,because bhava is not necessary to pure music. But if singers want they can oblige as a token of consideration for the bhava- seeking rasikas, by wearing appropriate face mask as the world cup soccer fans.
As far as the women singers are concerned , it is high time that they are liberated from the clutches of the torture of the “ J “ trinity( Jimiky. Jewelleries.and Jari silk sari ) and allowed freedom from being bundled up in conjeeveram pattu 6 yards long. For the Likes of slim sisters, it is ok; even tarpaulins cannot equal the weight of their musical renderings; but for artistes who have a certain weight of their own besides their weighty music
knowledge,they should be allowed freedom of light dressing..In fact they can draw inspiration from the wimbledon women tennis stars who , not satisfied with the half pants of their male counterparts, have their own comfort apparel which allows full freedom of movements upto the neck of the femur.Unlike in tennis courts where behind the back of the players,
there are two eyes of the central line umpire who is bent upon watching the middle line with a kundalini yogi concentration, there is nobody behind the singers as the tambura has been dispensed with.. ( In tennis ,it is an act of male chauvinism that they do not put woman central line umpires on the job, for women matches, but that is a different topic.)
To be continued....

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by arasi »

Three Js--I like that. In olden days, it would have been four J-s? jaDai vi(bi)llai for the long braid?
Waiting for the next installment...

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

Thanks Tanjavooran, P. Bala and Arasi.
Here is part 2

Sangeetha Kaala gathi -2
Freedom of the rasikas :-in sangeetha kaala gathi programs the rasikas also are given full freedom. They can come in and go out anytime,change rows /,seats whenever they want, not only before thani but also in the middle of an alapana or pallavi, though there are some singers who want to enforce their freedom fully but frown upon the liberty of the rasikas. But personally the other day I had a very unpleasant experience: a rasika who has given unbridled freedom to his tongue ( i think he is an opposition M L A who sits very often on public hunger strikes )had acquired a big frame - 130kg - and his supporters say that he is worth his weight in Gold.( under the mattress of his bed). He was sitting in my row four or five seats away.As he was wearing pure white kadhi and a gold chain, the person sitting next to him mistook him for a mylapore mama music connoisseur and asked him whether the on going pallavi is misra ஜாதி or chathusra ஜாதி ..The M L A stared at him and curtly said “ யாரை பார்த்து என்ன கேள்வி கேட்க்கிறீங்க ,? சுதந்திரம் வந்த வுடன் நாங்க தான் ஜாதியை எல்லாம் எப்போவோ ஒழிச்சு கட்டிவிட்டோமே.
The big man who was somewhat uncomfortable and wanted to avoid any further question from him , has spotted a தொண்டர் four rows ahead in front and also there was a vacant seat by his side our man hailed him loudly and wanted to go over there.the Juggernaut got up and the rath yathra started .all the people in our row ,including myself became alert and with a brisk jerk neck movement turned our face to the other side like in a Republic day parade the soldiers of the army contingent turn their neck towards the dignitary .After all it is human face- saving instinct. Our face was saved sure but our feet bore the brunt.. The next day i had to go to my orthopedician and have a plaster bandage for metatarsal multi dislocation.It was no surprise that I found a couple of my yesterday’s row mates including the man with doubt on ஜாதி ‘ whose feet were crushed as though under the wheel of a fully loaded lorry..
Now the sangeetha kaala gathi organizers are seriously thinking of changing the seating arrangements like in a business class of Boeing 747.
But Changes have already taken place on the stage settings.. Now that the singer has enforced his freedom by getting rid of laya, there will be no mridangist. ( so what ?? they will have separate laya concerts. Are not they having them already ? ) so only singer and violinist on the stage.The singer recognizing the merit of the violinist invites he or she to come and sit in the centre stage by his side.But a problem arose. An emaciated looking singer was once flanked by a beautiful looking ,smartly dressed young violinist adorned with loads of jasmine ( her freedom !!).The singer could not get the undivided attention of the audience., even though he sang with tightly closed eyes( perhaps because his attention also did not go undivided .). In another instance a highly competent violinist wanted full freedom for her playing the raga or krithi of her choice , not necessarily that chosen by the less competent singer. To tide over the difficulty , a mechanical contraption was devised. On the stage we will see only one artist at a time.. Once the singer has finished his turn, his seat will slowly sink under the stage and at the same time,by a lever mechanism another seat will start going up like twin lift and bring the violinist on the stage. This movement will take place alternatingly. Thus full freedom,recognition and undivided attention are ensured for both.!
To be continued ….

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

Thanks P bala for your patience.

Sangeetha Kaala gathi -3
Rights of admission reserved.
It is a fact that in any music concert the number of brahmin rasikas is disproportionately high. There is an opinion that It is because in the course of music history Brahmins have usurped for themselves this art form and have prevented the others from learning this . To compensate for the injustice perpetrated on the other caste people and restore social balancing in an equitable manner it was decided that for any programme of the sangeetha kaala gathi only 3 per cent of the total seats of the auditorium will be given to the brahmins Out of the remaining 97 percent there will be reservation for religious minority communities and other backward classes.NRI will be eligible under the 97 per cent quotaAll the sub reservation rules of the s/c s/t and backward classes of the tamil nadu govt will apply mutatis mutandis to concert admissions..
An international body has sponsored a scheme of research at inter university level to study the musical acumen of birds and animals..This is not anything new for us because in our tradition we are already acquainted with the singing potential of the kuyil,dancing potential of the mayil, sruthi suddham of the groups of frogs.Krishna , the supreme.,mesmerised with his pure (sahithya less ) music in flute not only the gopis of the yadava backward community but also the calves and cows who listen to him with their long ears turned towards him like an antenna. I was told that there was a hindustani singer who advised his disciples to learn from the belching of a buffalo taking it as model for their voice culture.
A scholar musician in chennai who is working under this project invariably goes every monday evening to vandalur, where he sings for a good couple of hours to study the effect of his music on the animal( no this word is pejorative ) on the quadrupeds most of which have listening ears much bigger and larger than humans. Under the initiative of this indomitable singer a movement is picking up to ask for the reservation of a certain
percentage of seats of music halls to these silent suffering minority. In fairness ,It must be said here that there is a counter movement by the S P CA( society for the prevention of cruelty to animals pleading that the poor வாயில்லா ஜீவன்கள் should not be forced to listen to the ordeal of carnatic music ,as it is intolerable even for certain humans.
next :- two days before the award

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

dear readers ,
pl bear with me. I am holding a bear by its tail.

Sangeetha kaala gathi- 4
2 days before the award day.

As the sangeetha kaala gathi is a prestigious one ,the name of the awardee is announced 10 months ahead,It is expected very anxiously as in the case of a baby delivery.The essential difference is that whereas in humans there is allround joy when a baby is born ,in the case of sangeetha kaala gathi award ,there is all round dissatisfaction .Irrespective of who gets the award the name of some one else ( or many others) are immediately proposed, and there is fierce battle, acrimonious debate as in the Rajya sabha (freedom of expression). resulting in mudslinging against many music professionals concerned (and not concerned also) for no fault of theirs .It goes to such an extent that even the awardee is not as happy as he ought to be.
This year the sangeetha kaala gathi award committee has come out with a novel idea.. The following notification was published in all the news papers two days before the date fixed for the award.
“Dear music rasikas,
The function for the presentation of the award will be held on----date at ---time.As you are aware, this year’s awardee is ------
All music rasikas, particularly those who are against the selection of this awardee and consider that this awardee is unfit to get the award and those who are of the opinion that the award committee has erred and brought the dignity of the award to the nadir of C M , are specially requested to please make it a point to attend the function. They will be given an opportunity to go on the stage and take the mike.ALL will be given a prize /memento for their participation. Pl register your name in advance for time allocation to each. “
Needless to say that scores of rasikas have registered their name.

to be concluded (appaada.... one day more...)

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by thanjavooran »

Excellent ! At last coming to end. Ok. Please indicate the standard format for registration.
28 07 2018

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Joined: 13 Feb 2007, 08:05

Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

The Award:-

On the date of the award there was elaborate bandobust arrangements as there was full crowd.At the entrance of the hall a notice indicated that 49 people have registered their name.There was a special entrance for these people.. A volunteer at this gate gave a big brightly coloured badge which he requested them to wear and also a small notice which read as below:
Dear enlightened rasika.
When your name is called out,you can pl go to the stage and take the mike.No talking is allowed. But you can sing a song of your choice in any language by any composer( even oothukaadu) for 4 mts.after you finish singing this years awardee/committe member will ask you a question on that song which you have to answer in not more than 30 words.Then you can raise your question in not more than 30 words for which the awardee or a member of the committe will reply. Irrespective of whether your answer is right or wrong , you will receive from the hands of the awardee a prize or memento and you can take a selfee if you wish.There will be a dinner after the function.
The program started with தமிழ் தாய் வாழ்த்து .The secy came on stage and started reading out the names:
Subramanyam subramanyam.
There was no response. Everybody in the hall was looking around.
Absent-the secy read out the next name:
முட்டாள் மலர் மன்னன் muttaaL malar mannan,
Everybody looked puzzled, முட்டாள் ??...
The secy clarified that முள் + தாள் will become முட்டாள் as per thetamil grammar rules முள் தாள் மலர் is Rose and the person real name is ROJA RAJAN. Obviously he should be a pure tamil enthusiast
Everybody was anxious to see the Muttaal but no one turned up.
Absenr next name is Abdul Ibrahim……. Absent
Next keeravaani…….. No response.
The secy said the next person is also a pure tamil enthusiast.
Senguranguko ….செங்குரங்கு கோ … and he explained
செம் means strong
குரங்கு is monkey
கோ is chief. The name is ANJANEYALU .!!
As the sengkurangk also did not turn up the secy proceeded with other names:
குண்டலவராளி #
Vincent Paul Panjamirtham. Etc etc..
No response. There was no one in the hall wearing the colourful badge. However the volunteer at the gate confirmed that he distributed 20 badges with notice,
The secy looked relieved. The award distribution function continued as scheduled in the program and ended with PAVAMAANA...

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

what is a nation?

What is a Nation?

This is the title of a lecture by Ernest Renan ,( 1823-1892 ) ,a french historian and thinker at Sorbonne on 11-3-1882.Given below are some excerpts:

Nations developed from the common needs of the people who consisted of different social groups seeking a collective identity. Renan discredits the theory that race is the basis of unification of people. Neither language ,nor religion are the basis of solidarity.
Historical research , by revealing unwanted truths,can even endanger nationhood.. All nations , even the most benevolent in later practice ,are founded on acts of violence which are forgotten.Unity is always achieved by brutality.People unite in their memories of suffering because alleviating grief requires a common effort which serves as foundation for unity.
According to Renan ,a nation is a soul , a spiritual principle, two things which are really one constitute this soul and spiritual principle. One is the past , the other is the present.one is the possession in common of a rich trove of memories . the other is the actual consent, the desire to live together , the will to continue to value the undivided shared heritage…
To have had glorious moments in common in the past , a common will in the present , to have done great things together and to wish to do more
, those are the essential conditions for a people . We love the nation in proportion to the sacrifices to which we consented, the calamities that we suffered
Thus the idea of a nation is based upon com mon glories in the past, common will in the prsent to live together, having performed great deeds together and wish to perform still more, having future program to put into effect and having suffered,enjoyed and hoped together.
Pl see details

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

ஒரு தொடரப்போகும் சிறுகதை !!

சங்கீத பொம்மை

நாளிதழ்களை புரட்டினால் நல்ல செய்தியே இல்லை சீ…
-மகப்பேறு மருத்துவ மனையிலிருந்து குழந்தை கடத்தல் !!
. உடந்தையாக இருந்த நர்ஸ் கைது .
-சாக்லேட் வாங்கி தருவதாக கூறி பள்ளிக்கூட வாசலில் நின்று
கொண்டிருந்த இரு சிறுவர்கள் கடத்தி செல்லப்பட்டார்கள் !!
-ரயில்வே ஸ்டேஷன் பிளாட்பாரத்தில் , தாய் சற்றே கண் அயர,
அருகில் இருந்த சிறுவன் மாயம்.!.
-பள்ளியின் பேருந்தில் வீடு திரும்பிக் கொண்டிருந்த சிறுமி
வீடு வந்து சேரவில்லை!! நடுவழியில் பேருந்தை நிறுத்தி
சிறுமியை கட்டாய மாக இறக்கி யாருடனோ அனுப்பி
வைத்த ஓட்டுநர் நடத்துனர் கைது,!!
-கோபாலன் பட்டி என்ற புற நகர் பகுதியில் அகத்தி கீரை கட்டைக்
காட்டி கறவை மாடுகள் கடத்தல் . இந்த திருட்டு தொடர்ந்து நடந்து வருகிறது யாரும் கேட்பாரில்லை-வாயில்லா ஜீவன்கள் என்பதாலா ?
குழந்தைகளை ஜாக்கிரதையாக பார்த்துக் கொள்ளாமல் விட்டு விட்டு பின்னால் திருடன் மேல் குற்றம் சொல்வதா ? அவன் தான் குழந்தையை கொல்லவில்லையே !
பத்திரிக்கையை மடித்து வைத்தாள் அந்த பெண் .அது ஒரு குழந்தைகள் காப்பகம் . அவள் அங்கு ஆயாள்.பல குழந்தைகள் அங்கு காப்பகத்தின் பின்புறத் தோட்டத்தில் விளையாடிக் கொண்டிருந்தன எல்லாம் இரண்டு வயதிலிருந்து நான்கு வயதிற்குள் .!சில தவழ் வன .சில தத்தி தத்தி நடந்தன. கள்ளம் அறியாத பிஞ்சு உள்ளங்கள். பல வண்ணப் பந்துகள் ,விளையாட்டு சாமான்கள் யானை குதிரை போன்ற பொம்மைகள் , பஸ் கார் போன்று ஓடும் பொம்மைகள் என்று எத்தனையோ விளையாட்டு பொருள்கள் சிதறிக் கிடந்தன அந்த தோட்டத்தில்.
ஒரு குழந்தை அழுதது..ஆயாள் அதற்கு விளையாட்டு காட்டிக்கொண்டு இருந்தாள், தன் கையில் வைத்திருந்த ஒரு பொம்மையைக் காட்டி .அது ஒரு சங்கீத பொம்மை..சாவி கொடுத்து விட்டால் , தன் கைகளைத் தட்டி தாளம் போட்டு க் கொண்டு , தலையை ஆட்டிக்கொண்டு நகர்ந்து வரும். ..குழந்தை அழுவதை நிறுத்தி விட்டு ஆயாவை பார்த்தது ..ஆயாள் தன் குரலில் பாடினாள் .

கை வீசம்மா கை வீசு …
கோயிலுக்கு போகலாம் கை வீசு …
ஈசனைப் பாடலாம் கை வீசு
குழந்தை மகிழ்ந்து சிரித்தது ..

யாரோ ஒருவன் பின் புற கேட் அருகே வந்து நின்று குழந்தைகளை நோட்டம் விட்டு கொண்டிருந்தான்.
யார் நீங்கள் , என்ன வேண்டும் ? ஆயாள் கேட்டாள்.
ஒன்றுமில்லை நீங்கள் மிக நன்றாக பாடுகிறீர்கள் … குழந்தைகள் ஆனந்தமாக விளையாடுகிறார்கள் என்றது நரி , வாயில் வடையை வைத்திருந்த காக்கை யைப் பார்த்து .
ஆமாம் இக் குழந்தைகளுக்கு பாட்டென்றால் மிகவும் பிடிக்கும். இது பரம்பரை யாக இவர்கள் இரத்தத்தில் ஊறியது ..
குழந்தைகள் என்ன , உங்கள் பாட்டில் இந்த உலகமே மயங்கிவிடும்
ம் …..ம் …..
அழுத குழந்தைக்கு இவர்கள் பேச்சில் நாட்டம் இல்லை . எட்ட ஓடிப்போய் மற்ற குழந்தைகளுடன் சேர்ந்து கொண்டது..அவன் சொன்னான்
:நான் ஒரு குழந்தைகள் காப்பகம் நடத்துகிறேன் , உங்களை போன்ற நல்ல பாடகர் தான் கிடைக்கவில்லை .
அவள் ஒன்றும் பதில் கூற வில்லை.
இந்த காப்பகத்தில் கொடுப்பது போல பத்து மடங்கு சம்பளம் கொடுக்க நான் தயார்.
ம் ….மௌனம் …..எதற்கு அறிகுறியோ …?


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Joined: 13 Feb 2007, 08:05

Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

சங்கீத பொம்மை.

அவன் தொடர்ந்தான்.:
“ ஆமாம் இந்த பாட்டில் “ கோவிலுக்கு போகலாம் கை வீசு..
ஈசனைப். பாடலாம் கை வீசு என்று வருகிறதே அதில் ஈசனை என்பதற்கு பதில் ஏசுவை என்று மாற்றி பாட முடியுமோ ? இதுவும் மூன்று எழுத்து தானே .?ஈசன் ஏசு,எல்லாம் ஒன்றுதானே.
இதில் என்ன கஷ்டம் . இதோ மாற்றி பாடுகிறேன் பாருங்கள் என்று சொல்லி பாடிக் காட்டினாள் .

கை வீசம்மா கை வீசு ..
கோயிலுக்கு போகலாம் கை வீசு .
இயேசுவைைை பாடலாம் கை வீசு

எட்டத்தில் விளையாட சென்ற குழந்தை மீண்டும் அழுதது. சக குழந்தைகளுடன் ஏதோ சண்டை .
ஆயாள் தன் கையிலிருந்த பொம்மைக்கு சாவி கொடுத்து தரையில் விட்டு குழந்தையை கூப்பிட்டாள்..தூரத்தில் இருந்த குழந்தை சங்கீத பொம்மையை பார்த்து விட்டு சந்தோஷ மாக துள்ளி குதித்து கொண்டு அவர்கள் இருந்த கேட் பக்கம் ஓடி வந்தது.

உடனே அடுத்த நொடி அவன் மின்னல் போல் திடீர் என்று கேட் ஐ தள்ளிக்கொண்டு உள்ளே பாய்ந்தான். “ லபக் ‘ என்று தாவி அந்த குழந்தையை குண்டு கட்டாக கட்டி தூக்கி கொண்டு வெளியே வந்து சற்று பின்னால் நின்று கொண்டிருந்த காரை நோக்கி ஓடினான்.
குழந்தை வீறிட்டு அலறி அவன் பிடியிலிருந்து தன்னை விடுவித்து கொள்ள முயன்றது . அவன் அதன் வாயை இறுக பொத்த முயன்றான் . மறு நொடியே பாட்டு கேட்டது :

கை வீசம்மா கை வீசு …
கோவிலுக்கு போகலாம் கை வீசு
இயேசுவைப் பாடலாம் கை வீசு…
பழக்கமான ஆயாள் குரலில் ஒலித்த அந்த பாட்டை கேட்டு குழந்தை அழுகையை நிறுத்தியது .

ஆயா ள் திடுக்கிட்டு திரும்பினாள் . இல்லை , ... இல்லவே இல்லை …. இப்போது அவள் பாடவே இல்லை !!வாயே திறக்கவில்லை பின் எப்படி ??
திருடன் கையில் இருந்த செல்போன் போன்ற ஏதோ ஒரு கருவியில் இருந்து பாட்டு ஒலித்து கொண்டிருந்தது …...இனி அவன் போகும் இடமெல்லாம் - விரும்புய போதெல்லாம் அதே பாடல் ஒலிக்கும் .
ஆயாள் சுய நினைவுக்கு வந்த போது அவள் கை நிறைய கத்தை நோட்டுக்கள்.!!

-------------x ------------

Pratyaksham Bala
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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Pratyaksham Bala »

இனி அவன் விரும்பிய போதெல்லாம் அதே பாடல் ஒலிக்கும் !

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

Shilpi’s art
Goddess sri Meenakshi, presiding deity of Madurai.
Courtesy Tvs brochure know Madurai.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1o99_N ... qFcDRDnylk

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

Silpi’s art.
What a harmonious proportions!
A replica of this is found in millions ofkalyana mandapams throughout Tamil Nadu
Any comments about the head gear /design above sri Meenakshi’s head?
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1c37bz ... krfeZ0H5xr

Pratyaksham Bala
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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Pratyaksham Bala »

Ponbhairavi wrote: 10 Sep 2018, 17:42 Silpi’s art.
Any comments about the head gear /design above sri Meenakshi’s head?
Meenakshi’s head ornamentation is simple and regular.

What is seen behind Her head is ‘shanka’ (conch) held by Vishnu’s left back hand; the hand is not visible as it is hidden behind Meenakshi.

Similarly Siva’s ‘battle axe’ (mazhu) held by His right back hand is also seen; His hand too is hidden behind Meenakshi.

The rest is floral ornamentation, a relief work, to fill space.

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

Thanks BalA.
Is this floral ornamentation specif ic to sanku( conch ) i remember to have seen somewhere a picture of sanku from the free end of which this “ visiri”-like ornamentationspreads out.
I noticed that the kondai of parvathi is not slanting on the left side like that of Andal

Pratyaksham Bala
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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Pratyaksham Bala »


It may be noticed that the background ornamentation is independent of the conch.
And Parvathi’s kondai is slanting towards left, but not as prominently as we see in Andal's.

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

Thanks. Amazingly clear reproduction!

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

Aerial view of Madurai Sri Meenakshi temple.

Aeria view is the prerogative of cameras operating from planes for a couple of minutes.For an artist working for several days perched upon a gopuram it is an artistic feat, chef-d’oeuvre which few will dare to venture. Silpi is incomparable, as incomparable as thesculptures he reproduces.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pQ6dF ... XgHJebBybp

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by arasi »

Silpiaip pOloru chithirakkArarai inRu kANakiDaikkumO? (Rare indeed it is to find an artiste like Silpi today). Pasupathy brings quite a number of his works to his blog (and here at Rasikas.org's Nostalgia thread).
Looking at the beautiful surroundings, we miss them too today. Not a single commercial element is seen in the sketch. No ads, no banners...

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Pasupathy »

Thanks, Ponbhairavi, for Silpi's art.

After he left Vikatan, he has worked for many magazines and as a free lancer. This must be one of those .
While Vikatan has brought out most of his works in Vikatan ( even this is out of print now), his drawings in other magazines, particularly Bhavan's Jnal, have not been collected. Pity. Such a national treasure.

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

Thanks.no cellphone tower also!I am a regular reader of Pasupathy,s nostalgia and i have learnt a lot about contemporary tamil literature.

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

Thanks. Theseare from “Know. Madurai “.there areabout tenmore pictures. Thr last onebeing a stunning marvel
Plseelink below,
This booklet has seen ten editions, thefirst one in 1956 and the tenth one in1971 certainly because of Silpy’s pictures.
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1s3Kd9 ... OVqP4lvmiZ

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

Nataraja with right leg up at Madurai. By. Silpi

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yVxS- ... ftekxzG1qK

Pratyaksham Bala
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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Pratyaksham Bala »

Nataraja with 10 hands !

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

Meenakshi’s wedding original painting

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uQsVC ... jihLMzov4I

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by thanjavooran »

Thanks for sharing the wonderful, divine and rare painting.
29 09 2018

Pratyaksham Bala
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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Pratyaksham Bala »

Aha !
Note the rare portraits of “Maha Raja Raja Shri Ma Rani Mangamma Avargal"* at right; and “Raja Raja Shri Dazhava Ramappaiyer Avargal"* at left !

*(as written in Tamil in the painting)

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Pratyaksham Bala »

Titbit :
Shri Subramanian Swamy, Rajya Sabha MP, is a descendant of Dalavai Ramappaiyer !

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

thanks Tsnjavooran..
P.Bala Very good observation on a painting by another painting artist.!Your deciphering the tamil names in that picture and adding the titbit information really add to the significance of the Picture. Artiste name anhwhere?

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by Ponbhairavi »

Chandramathi holding logidasan in her arms. Silpi

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gpsH1 ... XQ2XckOhiu

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by arasi »

And then, YOU leave us :(
Will miss you...

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by nadhasudha »

I plan to post his kavidhais from time to time - just as a way to share it with folks whose company he valued and also as a means for me to reflect upon his writings and share it. Not sure if I need to post it here or on kavithaigal by rasikas thread.

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by rajeshnat »

YOu can post it here itself as they all belong to your appa. This thread is all about his contribution.

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by arasi »

Yes, indeed, as I have suggested in the eulogy thread.

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by nadhasudha »

Thanks rajeshnat and arasi ji.
Last edited by nadhasudha on 04 Nov 2018, 21:19, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by nadhasudha »

ஞாயிறில் தீபாவளி - by ponbhairavi

புத்தாடை சரசரப்பு, கரவொலியில் கைவளையல் கலகலப்பு!
கொத்து மலர்க் கோதையர்தம் மென்முகத்தில் புன் சிரிப்பு!
கூட வரும் அப்பாக்கள் ஜிப்பாக்கள் காட்டும் அரைமுருவல்!
பல்சுவை பணியாரம் பலவுண்ட நிரைமுகங்கள்
கம்பி மத்தாப்பிசையில் அவை சிவக்கும்! - மறுநொடியே
வயலின் கம்பி வளம் அதைப் பச்சையாய் மாற்றிவிடும்!
கலசம்போல் வண்ணவண்ணப் பூச்சொரியும் ராகங்கள்
ராக்கெட்டாய் மேல் எழும்பி ஒளிவீசும் பிருகாக்கள்!
விஷ்ணு சக்கரமாய் பொறி சுழற்றும் ஸ்வரக் கோர்வை!
வினாடிக்கொரு வண்ணங்காட்டி ஒளிரும் ராக மாலிகை!
சாட்டையெனச் சுண்டிச் சொக்கவைக்கும் மோராக்கள்!
'தனி'யாக ஆர்ப்பரிக்கும் நீள் சரவெடிப் பேரொலிக்குள்
கட முழக்கம் ஊசி வெடிச்சரம்போல் உள் ஒலிக்கும்!
காதைப் பொத்திடச் செய்திடும் இன்ப வேதனையோ?
மழையில் நனைந்தாலும் பிசுபிசுக்கா புஸ்வாணங்கள்!
அருங்கலை! ஐயமில்லை! சீனாவின் பங்கிதில் சிறிதுமில்லை!
அனைத்துமே சிவகாசி உள்ளடக்கிய தமிழ்மண்தான் - ஆம்
திங்கள் தோறும் ஞாயிறில் தீபாவளி நம் பைரவியில்!

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by thanjavooran »

Excellent. I recollect his creations. Blessings.
05 11 2018

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by rajeshnat »

nadhasudha wrote: 04 Nov 2018, 21:19 கம்பி மத்தாப்பிசையில் அவை சிவக்கும்! - மறுநொடியே
வயலின் கம்பி வளம் அதைப் பச்சையாய் மாற்றிவிடும்!
I did not get the phrase "வயலின் கம்பி வளம் அதைப் பச்சையாய் மாற்றிவிடும்!". Rest are all fine , i got it .
nadhasudha wrote: 04 Nov 2018, 21:19 அருங்கலை! ஐயமில்லை! சீனாவின் பங்கிதில் சிறிதுமில்லை!
அனைத்துமே சிவகாசி உள்ளடக்கிய தமிழ்மண்தான் - ஆம்
திங்கள் தோறும் ஞாயிறில் தீபாவளி நம் பைரவியில்!
Your appa all of a sudden connects so beautifully with always a contemporary theme , he suddenly adds phrase China has no role to play there and connecting to sivakasi and from there possibly to his sabha bhairavi .His flow is so varied but when it comes in words it all ties up beautifully which many many struggle . His thoughts was just like mannargudi rajagopalaswami temple , the temple may have many idols inside but they all tie up with a powerful theme .

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by rajeshnat »

nadhasudha daughter of Rajagopalan wrote: 25 Oct 2018, 02:33 Rajagopalan was born in the year 1937 - April 4th 1937 to be precise. I have written a tribute for him and I am sharing it here.

How do I even begin to describe Appa? - A dynamic multifaceted personality who was the fulcrum of our family. A linguist, a poet, an author, a creative artist, a carnatic music rasika, a screenplay writer, an actor, a director, an athlete and above all a karma yogi who tread the path of dharma and so much more.

Born as the eighth child of Vengattaramayyar and Nagalakshmi and aptly named as Rajagopalan after Lord Krishna. He was affectionately called as பெரியம்பி within family circles. He was a very active child scaling temple walls in Karaikal, climbing coconut trees, rounding up all the kids in the neighborhood and regaling them with stories of magicians with flying carpets. He was very good in mathematics especially geometry but little did he know that he will make a career out of French.

He moved to Puducherry after completing his Baccalaureate degree in Karaikal and took up a job in the administration department at JIPMER . That is when he decided to do his M.Phil at Dharwad in Pune, in French and subsequently took up the post of Lecturer in French at JIPMER. I have heard through friends of mine that his lectures were very popular because the learning was made fun with a lot of humor thrown in.

Growing up our time at JIPMER campus was a golden time. Appa and his friends would get together and have late night chat sessions at our house verandah that would culminate in Appa writing and staging drama for Staff Nite at JIPMER. His forte was political satire and many a times he would have the audience in splits just being on stage. He was also an active member of Pondicherry Volleyball association and would spend a lot of time organizing inter state tournaments. Being an athletic person every Sunday morning would be spent playing badminton in the campus badminton court.

Then in 80's he found an outlet for yet another passion of his - carnatic music. He founded Bhairavi - a Carnatic music circle in Puducherry and successfully ran the sabha for 25 years with a membership model and one concert a month. He brought all major artists to Bhairavi and used to organize concerts, often with meagre membership funds. Many carnatic music legends have visited our house while staying opposite at the JIPMER guest house and have raved about Amma's freshly brewed degree coffee most notable among them being Shri. Umayalpuram Sivaraman.

Sampradaya Bhajans and Radha Kalyanams was another passion of his and he has organized numerous bhajans at our home supporting many bhagavathas.

He was a pillar of support to his parents, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces and others in the extended family in tough times and has chaperoned countless relatives and friends for treatments at JIPMER. Never the one to complain about his health, he battled through a major spinal fusion surgery in 1999. His favorite lines were "Grin and Bear", " It is better to wear out than rust out" and "Simple living High Thinking" and he lived by all of it till his last breath.

His exceptional skills at geometry would come in handy later when he would make models of temple chariots, water tanks, temple gopurams out of cardboard and household materials which continue to adorn both my brother's and my house golus.

All through this, my Amma has been the person who maintained the household which gave him the freedom to engage in so many activities.

My brother inherited Appa's academic intelligence and is a successful practising Hematologist Oncologist while some of his artistic inclinations have rubbed off on me. His four grandsons have each inherited some of his talents.

He earned a lot of goodwill and friends who stayed with him through thick and thin. Never the one who cared much for material possessions I do not recollect ever seeing him wear any jewellery except for a watch which adorned his left hand.

He has published several books, written many short stories and tamizh kavidhais. His literary knowledge was very deep and spanned both French and Tamizh and he could easily discuss a Jean Paul Sartre, Subramanya Bharathi or the Silapaddikaram.

He also had a significant contribution( more than 1000 posts) on an online music forum called rasikas.org and went by the name of ponbhairavi - a mix of Pondicherry and Bhairavi - both very dear to him.

He was a stickler for tradition, yet with a modern outlook and a very principled person.

Full of Joie de Vivre he took whatever problems life threw at him head on. It is our purva janma punyam that we were co travellers on the journey of his for all these years. We are inspired to lead our lives like he has. And what an inspiration he has been!

We will continue to cherish the memories of the times we got to spend with him and will hold them very dear to our heart.

Adieu Appa!
Last edited by rajeshnat on 05 Nov 2018, 06:23, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by rajeshnat »

nadhasudha daughter of Rajagopalan wrote wrote: 25 Oct 2018, 02:33 How do I even begin to describe Appa? - A dynamic multifaceted personality who was the fulcrum of our family. A linguist, a poet, an author, a creative artist, a carnatic music rasika, a screenplay writer, an actor, a director, an athlete and above all a karma yogi who tread the path of dharma and so much more.
I am particularly interested to know his screenplay and director persona. Was he part of any drama troop like komal swaminathan, cho ramaswamy etc. Take your time to enlist what all he did as screen play and director. Tell what all you know if possible collect some more data by talking to his Pondy friends and then write. Donot rush.

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by arasi »

Thanks for bringing your father's thematic poem to us--which makes us think for a moment that he's here with us. I wondered about the sivappu and pachai too.
Two typos can be corrected: arai muRuval
niRai mugangaL முறுவல் and நிறை.

Your tamizh aRivu impresses me.

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by nadhasudha »

arasi wrote: 05 Nov 2018, 09:10 Nadasudha,
Thanks for bringing your father's thematic poem to us--which makes us think for a moment that he's here with us. I wondered about the sivappu and pachai too.
Two typos can be corrected: arai muRuval
niRai mugangaL முறுவல் and நிறை.

Your tamizh aRivu impresses me.
Thanks Arasi ji! Point noted about the typos. Unable to go back and edit post.

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by nadhasudha »

rajeshnat wrote: 05 Nov 2018, 06:02
nadhasudha wrote: 04 Nov 2018, 21:19 கம்பி மத்தாப்பிசையில் அவை சிவக்கும்! - மறுநொடியே
வயலின் கம்பி வளம் அதைப் பச்சையாய் மாற்றிவிடும்!
I did not get the phrase "வயலின் கம்பி வளம் அதைப் பச்சையாய் மாற்றிவிடும்!". Rest are all fine , i got it .
nadhasudha wrote: 04 Nov 2018, 21:19 அருங்கலை! ஐயமில்லை! சீனாவின் பங்கிதில் சிறிதுமில்லை!
அனைத்துமே சிவகாசி உள்ளடக்கிய தமிழ்மண்தான் - ஆம்
திங்கள் தோறும் ஞாயிறில் தீபாவளி நம் பைரவியில்!
Your appa all of a sudden connects so beautifully with always a contemporary theme , he suddenly adds phrase China has no role to play there and connecting to sivakasi and from there possibly to his sabha bhairavi .His flow is so varied but when it comes in words it all ties up beautifully which many many struggle . His thoughts was just like mannargudi rajagopalaswami temple , the temple may have many idols inside but they all tie up with a powerful theme .
Rajeshnat - Thanks for your comments. I am taking a wild guess here. The words வளம் and பச்சை conjures up images of fertile paddy fields that are beautiful and are a sight to behold. The face turns green on hearing the rich sounds emanating from the violin strings literally but metaphorically it makes the faces happy and a sight to behold. I am not aware of any தமிழ் literary reference that may apply in this instance. My 2 cents.

Let me know your thoughts.

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by arasi »

Yes, Nadasudha. The word vaLam gives the clue (green). Makes him proceed with his visual imagery--the sparklers effect changing colors in happy faces with their light...

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by rajeshnat »

gentle reminder on post #290 on your appas screenplay and director persona.

sridhar rang
you can give a try on pachai vaLam kambi. I have,a gut feeling that u may interpret more closer to ponbhairavi rajagopalan sir's intent

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by nadhasudha »

rajeshnat wrote: 12 Nov 2018, 10:44 nadasudha
gentle reminder on post #290 on your appas screenplay and director persona.

sridhar rang
you can give a try on pachai vaLam kambi. I have,a gut feeling that u may interpret more closer to ponbhairavi rajagopalan sir's intent
Rajeshnat - I recollect those dramas from my childhood memories. In terms of getting my hands on to actual screenplays is going to take some time. Unfortunately not many of his friends are living anymore and I am going to have to search for them.

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by nadhasudha »

A month has elapsed since he passed away and I thought I will share a writing of his today.

Title of kavidhai is Oorukku Pudhusu

இந்த ஊருக்கு புதுசு நான்
வந்தேன் கண்டேன் வியந்தேன்
"ஹை" என்ற ஓலி கேட்டுத் திரும்பிய நான்
நம்கும்பகோணத்து குதிரைச் சாரதி
யாரையும் என்பின்னே காண்கிலேன்
வாத்ஸல்யம்ததும்ப ஒருவரை ஒருவர்
விளிக்கும் வார்த்தையிது என்றறிந்தேன்
இங்கு எல்லாமே greatஉம் grand உம் தான்
ஏரிகள் ஆகட்டும் பள்ளத்தாக்குகள் ஆகட்டும்
நாட்டின் பரப்பளவு, காபி கப் கொள்ளளவு
அதை விற்கும் பெண்கள் சுற்றளவு
எல்லாமே பிரும்மாண்டம் தான்
கடைகளில் விற்கும் சோளப்பொறி பைகள்
நம்ம ஊர் யானைப்பசிக்கும் போதுமே
கஜேந்திரன் கால்பிடித்த முதலையின் வாய்கூட
Burger Sandwichஐக் கவ்வவும் முடியுமோ ?
அணில்கள் எல்லாம் கூட பூனைகள் size
நல்ல வேலை இங்கு கொசுக்கள் கிடையாது,
இருந்தால் அவற்றின் size? ஐயஹோ!
புகை பிடித்தால் cancer வரும்
எனும் பயம் நியாயம்தான். ஆனால்
புகைவண்டி trainகளுக்கு கூடவா அப்படி!
சாலைகளில் வாகனங்கள் வலம்வர வலப்புறமே
Right ஒன்றே Right என்பார் இதற்கு,
Left இன் மேல் கொண்ட allergy தான் காரணமோ?
இவர்களுக்கென்றே தனியான ஒரு gallon
வீடுதோறும் shock தரும் சம்சாரம் எப்படியோ!
ஆயினும் மின்சாரம் 110 volts மட்டிலுமே
Switchகளை மேலே தள்ளினால் தான் விளக்கெரியும்
இங்கு பேசுமொழி ஆங்கிலம் என நினைத்ததென் தவறு
சொற்களில் முத்துக்கள் பலவற்றை காணவில்லை
தெரிந்த வார்த்தைகள் என நினைத்த பலவற்றின்
அர்த்தமெல்லாம் வேறுதான் அகராதியும் வேறு தான்
ஊருக்குள் நுழைவதற்கு exit வழி வரவேண்டும்
Do not pass என்ற எச்சரிக்கை பலகைக்கு
செல்லாதே நில் என்று பொருளில்லை
Restroomகள் ஓய்வெடுத்து இளைப்பாறும் இடமல்ல
Half என்றும் Fast என்றும் வாயாற இம்மக்கள்
சொல்லக்கேளாத செவி என்ன செவியே!
Pizzaவைச்சுவையாத நாவென்ன நாவே!
வீட்டுச்சுவர்கூட இவர் மனம் போல் மிக மிருது
ஆணியடிக்க சுத்தியலே தேவையில்லை
மெய்சிலிர்க்கும் மிருகாபிமானம் மிக்க மக்களிவர்
பூனைக்கும் கட்டில் புகழ்மிகு இந்நாட்டில்
நாய்குட்டியாய் பிறக்க நம் முன்னேழு
பிறவியில் மாதவம் செய்திட வேண்டுமம்மா!
T.V. நிகழ்ச்சி தனி; நாய்கள் தாமே சென்று
மோப்பம் பிடித்து வாங்க தனிக்கடைகள்!
மேலும் நாய்க்கென்றே மனநோய் மருத்துவர்கள்
தாழ்வு மனப்பான்மையில் தலை குனிந்தேன்
ஆயினும் ஓர் ஆறுதல்
மேலக்காசாக்குடி வெங்கட்டராமன் ராஜகோபால கிருஷ்ணய்யர்
என்ற முழுப்பெயரை சிதைக்காமல் ஒரு முறையேனும்
திருவாய் மலர்ந்தருள முடியாதே இவர்களால்!


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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by rajeshnat »

nadhasudha wrote: 13 Nov 2018, 21:56 Rajeshnat - I recollect those dramas from my childhood memories. In terms of getting my hands on to actual screenplays is going to take some time. Unfortunately not many of his friends are living anymore and I am going to have to search for them.
The way i understand right now is your appa did a lot of screenplay, writer, director ,actor when you were too young. Even if you could not recollect screenplay atleast name the plays that he is directed and with whom he was associated in plays. Just tell what you know when you stated that your appa was a screenplay writer, an actor, a director- we can take it from there.

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by nadhasudha »

rajeshnat wrote: 13 Nov 2018, 22:32
nadhasudha wrote: 13 Nov 2018, 21:56 Rajeshnat - I recollect those dramas from my childhood memories. In terms of getting my hands on to actual screenplays is going to take some time. Unfortunately not many of his friends are living anymore and I am going to have to search for them.
The way i understand right now is your appa did a lot of screenplay, writer, director ,actor when you were too young. Even if you could not recollect screenplay atleast name the plays that he is directed and with whom he was associated in plays. Just tell what you know when you stated that your appa was a screenplay writer, an actor, a director- we can take it from there.
Rajeshnat - Please check your inbox

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Re: Rajagopalan: Multifaceted personalities of the Rasikas forum

Post by rajeshnat »

You have just mentioned the following relevant snippet in a mail to me. Thank you .
nadasudha wrote: My father wrote dramas at JIPMER for their staff nites. There used to be
one every year. These were written and directed by him. He also used to
play a part in it. All of the people on the group were Professors at
JIPMER. - All amateurs. As I said - most of them are not living anymore.

He may have left manuscripts of his dramas- I have to check through them.
Unfortunately that will have to wait until my next India trip.

For now, I will post some of his kavidhais or articles. Please read and
comment on them. Latest one is the ஊருக்கு புதுசு posted in his thread.
Any chance that you heard any of shri rajagopalan sir's drama.

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