Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

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Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by rajeshnat »

Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018
Lecdem and Vocal: Vasundhara Rajagopal
Violin : Usha Rajagopal
Mrudangam : Nellai Balaji

Concert Type : Nirvana - No concert to follow
Day/Duration : Sunday/ 2 hours from 10 AM to 12 noon.
Concert Type : Free Lecdem
Sabha/Hall : Sree Thyaga brahma gana sabha, Vanimahal-Mini hall
Lec Dem Topic : Geetha govindam - jayadeva ashtapadi

I decided to hear vidushi Lecdem on sunday morning as i could not go to evening concerts due to personal constraints . In the Hindu it was advertised as 10 AM start and was just published as LecDem. I had No idea on the topic , but I had the confidence that this vidushi Vasundhara Rajagopal will do a great job as about 3 or 4 years back i attended a concert with Lecdem on sanskrit compositions in music academy mini hall . That review is somewhere in this jungle.

Over to this review , there can be lot of errors as the subject was bit way too deep to capture. Also I am not in a position to capture everything evenly as what i did say in the past for a GNB or MMI lecdem, as it was bit mentally taxing to note and assimilate everything at the same time after say an hour or so. I am just logically segregating as parts just for better readability, vasundhara was in a full throttle flow ,it is just my way of writing.

Part 1. So what was the topic ?
As i entered about 5 to 10 mins around 10:10 AM , vasundhara had already started , she did sing some verses in sanskrit , I did not zone on either the diety or the composer . Musically it was nice. She said even 2 of the ashtapadis are being taken into sikhism and is part of Guru Granth sahib. Ok with that explanation i got that the topic was Ashtapadi . I asked a gentleman in front of me as to what is the topic , he said geethagovindam , I do know ashtapadi and geethagovindam are connected to jayadev . I did not bother at all to know the difference at all as there were some topics here in on ashtapadi and geethagovindam

Part 2. Core definition and historical anecdotes of geethagovindam ?
Vasundhara said there is two kinds of sringAram . THe first sringara rasa is savishivasingara?? which is more of eroticism . The other is nirvishayasingaram??? which is more of sringara rasa where there is no object identification . The ashtapadis belong more to the later . She immediately sang song ashtapadi lines - yathi hara smarasamanE . She connected how radha and gopis had kannan mel bhakthi .

Jayadeva was born in 12th century. Few say he was born in orissa in a place by name kindubilva ,few say he was born in westbengal (rajesh was wondering this will be a rosagulla GI tag fight between orissa and west bengal). Jayadeva spent most of his life in Puri Jagannatha perumal temple (Rajesh was impressed as she said the temple was puri jagannatha perumal , for a tamilian i connect more intensely when the word perumal temple is told to me than saying puri jagannath temple)

She split two words vanitham and Jayadeva . She connected vanitham to ramAdevi and jayadeva to bhojadevan . (rajesh lost the connection now but something was explained beautifullly). Jayadeva ashtapadi or geethagovindam was compared to Valmiki ramayana . She said kannan is paramathma and rAdha is aatmA and there was inseperable union between aatma and paramathmA. An ashtapadi in hameerkalyani?? (aatma thradittu sakhiya??) was also sung which was wonderful

Part 3. Geethagovindam contours explained better with OVK and Bhajana sampradaya

Oothukadu venkatakavi was introduced into the lecdem . OVK reference as a sAga panditha and OVK's obesiance to Jayadeva in the popular krithi padmavathi ramanam in poorvikalyani was touched.Vasundhara sang the verses of padmavathi ramanam krithi and she explained the dasavatharam which was somewhat being directly connected to jayadeva ashtapadi . She sang and explained the 2nd ashtapadi there where she said kannan is here as one of the dasaavatharam. Another well known ashtapadi lalitha lavanga was sung soulfully.

The contributions of marudanallur swamigal , Sridhara Aiyaval and bhogendra swamigal was touched upon. She made a particular reference to one person by name Ramudu bhagavathar. The connection of radha kalyana mahotsavam and how they sing ashtapadis and namavali was also mentioned

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by rajeshnat »

Part 4. Geethagovindam getting strictly focussed on Krishna,Radha and Sakhi
As lecdem moved on Vasundhara started bit more focussed on rasa lila .Apart from the two characters of Radha and Krishna the role of Sakhi was kind of explained bit more . vasundhara has flair, multifaceted flair she kind of showed more class here . For eg ,her explanation was lot on neelavanathil balakan oruvan kind . She camouflaged praise of lord krishna with lot of words of kaatrinile varum geetham ,she did not give a direct clue there at all and suddenly she popped out of the blue the immortal song of "KaatrinilE varum geetam taking it from the line neelavanathil balakan oruvan" where MS amma was instantly connected to the LecDem.

Another ashTapadi followed forgot the raga , the words were something like gopi gOpalaa bala rasa etc... She again connected with periazhwar words then suddenly a great musical viruththam which had words like "Oru kaaalinil sangu ... Oru kaaaliL chakaram" was musically and contextually very apt .

WIth explanations getting reduced she went more and more on musical sweetness . There are atleast four musically pounding ashTapadis for the next 20 to 30 minutes. It started with ganayathi gunagramAm KrishnaE ??? in brindavana saranga . The emote with muse moved to the grandeur of revati raga ashTapadi .Then to the land of Mohammad Rafi in darbAri KanadA another lovley ashTapadi came to the lecdem .Then a bit more familiar dheera sameerE yamunA theerthE and that unexplainable joy of hearing natha harE jagannatha harE of s kalyanaraman followed .Then super duper ashTapadi anila tharala kuvalaya in vishwapriya ,she brought in maharajapuram santhanam there.

Vasundhara beautifullly explained kannan gopi rasa leelai and there she gave an anecdote . Both radha and krishna have disappeared and fellow gopis are searching . They look at the sand footprint where they can see krishna and Radha footsteps.At a certain stage in the foot steps journey ,the press of Lord Krisha in sand was more pronounced and radha's footprints was not there . At a certain stage radha was lying in the sand in real form and there there was no Krishna . The anecdote was centered where krishna had lifted radha and at that time krishna had firm steps .At a bit later time when radha became bit headstrong and arrogant ,krishna dropped radha and disappeared .

This was connected with a beautiful ashTapadi yahi madhava yahi kesava in ragam arabi.Interestingly most of the ragas tuned in ashTapadi were north or east indian ragas but the drop of arabi and another that followed in shurutti or chakravakham was lovely where some south indian carnatic ragas were also used for tuning ashTapadis.

With the above anecdote where long walk and sand footprints was explained , vasundhara again did a lovely googly . She connected from there to thirumzhisai alwar and a pasuram . She sang the popular song nadanda kalgalL nondhavO , that was way too aesthetic and contextual with fatigue and sand footprints explanation.

Part 5. Jeevathmadu and Paravathmudu and bit more consciousness
Vasundhara moved on to one of the most famous ashtapadi . That was priyE charusheelE and the ragam was huseni.This one was actually written by Lord Krishna himself(you need to double check if it was this or the next one, rajesh is not sure) . The explanation of jeevatma and paramathma with the s kalyanaraman popularized kshana madhuram narayanam was done very well by vasundhara . Interestingly a great detour just to ensure that we all rasikas were not loaded with too much of information, she took a nice detour and sang rAdha sametha Krishna, the GNB popularized number.

She explained about 5 stages of consciousness ,that explanation is bit foggy now . The second stage was swapnam then the third was dreamless sleep than the fourth was turiya theerta nilai and the last 5th stage ati theertha thuriya nilai .Vasundhara brought in the keyword moksha . she connected the 5th stage with moksha.

She finally ended by saying that Narayana theerthar composed a song ehi ehi mudham and she did not sing that . She instead sang a mahakavi subramania bharathiyar . Mahakavi words were devi devi mudham which was adapted from NT's ehi ehi mudham... She ended like a radha kalyana mahotsavam with mahakavi's words . The words were like Aadhi parashakthi roopa radhE ...radhE krisha jaya radhE

Nellai Balaji had more role to play and with almost zero violin return usha had minimal role to play. They gave great sakhi support for vasundhara, it was almost her show.

There was a brief vote of thanks by one patron(I am not sure if he is part of vanimahal). He must be atleast 70 plus he said in my early days my mother used to say that this ashTapadi or geetagovindam was considered way too erotic and was banned . The lucidity of vasundhara explanations never touched even a bit of eroticism .

Part 6. Rajesh - Personal thoughts
1.For rajesh this reference to radha kalyana was extremely intense . Personally even before my focus to carnatic music started with maharajapuram santhanam, in the years 1984 to 1989/1990, near my home in nungambakkam there used to be radha kalyanam. It is still happening. A particular bhagavathar by name Late Krishnamurthy bhagavathar from triplicane Bhajana mandali used to come and conduct radha kalyana mahautsavam, i had no clue of most ragas and not even had any clue of ashTapadi or namavali then.Personally i feel kids have to attend radha kalyana mahautsavam and listen to illayaraja songs that is the best way to have more stickiness to Carnatic Music. The joy of so many songs that come in contextual snippet with an aura of colorful ragas is indeed the best step to get into Carnatic Music.

2.Vasundhara has learnt from Gopala Iyer who is desendent of Koteeswara iyer. I have no clue about her Guru gopala iyer. Then vasundhara learnt from Kolkata Krishnamurthy whom i have some clue . She is also the student of Taala Raaga Swaroopan , I am not sure if TRS mama has sung even one ashTapadi, This lecdem was one of a kind where vasundhara exhibited in equal measure both the musical sweetness and bhakthi devotion

3.The last time when I heard her speak in music academy Mini Hall , her theme was on sanskrit compositions , she spoke in english . I could connect her exemplary spoken english and her voice texture to doordarshan news readers like Komal GB Singh, Rini Simon etal . Yesterday she was like the tamil news anchor Shobana Ravi , there was no pisiru ever either in her talk or in her music.It just flowed and flowed and hit a stop at exact 2 hours.She is equally at ease in both music and talk,neither one affected the other.It was content content content in the foreground that was only the vehicle. At times when she sings she just loses herself and for some time she referred liberally the notes but at no point the flow was disturbed , everything just went in a jiffy.

4.This vidushi must perhaps cut a bit more serious explanation and go and hit the schools with her lucid explanation maybe with some other topic . The kids of 9th standard to 11th standard school or 1st year to 3rd year college should be her future flagship rasikas .She can bring in more fresh blood rasikas with her articulation and music.

5. Late TRS mama should be proud of his sishya's lecdem.

Overall an excellent lecdem concert for 2 hours.

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by rshankar »

The mahAkavi’s composition is dEhi mudam dEhi SrI rAdhE rAdhE (देहि मुदम देहि श्री राधे राधे).

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by nadhasudha »

rajeshnat wrote: 05 Nov 2018, 12:28
Part 5. Jeevathmadu and Paravathmudu and bit more consciousness
Vasundhara moved on to one of the most famous ashtapadi . That was priyE charusheelE and the ragam was huseni.This one was actually written by Lord Krishna himself(you need to double check if it was this or the next one, rajesh is not sure) .
Thanks rajeshnat for the review. The famous ashtapadi with the words priyE charusheelE is usually sung in Mukhari - Did Vasundhara sing it in Huseni?

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by CRama »

I attended this lec dem. I am a great fan of her music and lec dems. She is equally strong in music, communication skills and thought process. I also went for the programme without knowing the topic. I reached about 10 minutes late. She was introducing the topic of Geeta Govindam and Ashtapadis. A few points I would like to supplement.

Jayadevar was born in Odissha or West Bengal. Ashtapadis are integral part of Odissi dance and hence were mostly set to Hindustani ragams. But the three great Bhagavatas –Bodhendra Swamigal, Sadguru Swamigal and Sreedhara Ayyaval -integrated them into South Indian Bhajana Padhati and the Ashtapadis were sung in traditional Carnatic ragams which have gained much popularity in the South. In fact, I have heard the Ashtapadis in South Indian ragams in my childhood bhajans and I still cherish those tunes more than the many Hindustani ragams which we are now hearing in concerts. So VR chose to sing select songs in Hindustani ragams and some others in Carnatic ragams.

Priye Charusheele was sung in Mukhari only.

Dehi mudam dehi- She told that Narayana Teerthar has composed a song Yehi Mudam Krishna. Getting influenced by that song, Bharatiar has composed the song Dehi Dehi mudam Dehi Radhe Radhe. (This song is sung in Khamas by Radha Jayalakshmi.) VR amalgamated both the songs – sang one line from Yehi mudam dehi Krishna and next line from Dehi Mudam Dehi. I forgot the ragam. Symbolically interpreting the Jeevathma Paramathma union of Radha and Krishna she concluded with the song Radha Sametha Krishna.

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by CRama »

One more thing she mentioned.

Jayadeva did not consider Krishna as the Avatar of Narayana. For him Krishna is Narayana only. Hence in the Dasavataram Ashtapadi Pralayapayodhijale, there is no stanza mentioning Krishna avatar. Instead he has considered Budha as avatar of Narayana.

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by rshankar »

CRama: Did VR mention the sOpAnam music? Did that not include ashTapadis as well? IIRC, I have heard a concert of Sri Shanakaran Namboodri presenting some of these in sOpAnam style.

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by rajeshnat »

rshankar wrote: 05 Nov 2018, 22:29 CRama: Did VR mention the sOpAnam music? Did that not include ashTapadis as well? IIRC, I have heard a concert of Sri Shanakaran Namboodri presenting some of these in sOpAnam style.
No mention of sopanam . The person who presented sOpanam style must have been vaikam shankaran namboodri not the carnatic musician shankaran namboothiri. We discussed some time back on this

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by rajeshnat »

CRama wrote: 05 Nov 2018, 20:46 Priye Charusheele was sung in Mukhari only.

Dehi mudam dehi- She told that Narayana Teerthar has composed a song Yehi Mudam Krishna. Getting influenced by that song, Bharatiar has composed the song Dehi Dehi mudam Dehi Radhe Radhe. (This song is sung in Khamas by Radha Jayalakshmi.) VR amalgamated both the songs – sang one line from Yehi mudam dehi Krishna and next line from Dehi Mudam Dehi. I forgot the ragam.
I must have made a mistake in thinking PriyE charusheele as huseni . it must have been mukhari only
I think the dehi dehi mudham radhE was resembling bit of yamunakalyani and kamas .At times we call this raga as kamach, I am assuming the raga was kamach

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by rajeshnat »

I also forgot to mention prior to brindavana saranga there was one lovely mohanakalyani that she sang , that had words rasE hari migha , she sang lot more lines there . Some time at the start there was one in bhoopalam or bowli that she also sang. Also there was one lovely raindrop in amruthavarshini which had a phrase radhA madhavam jayanthi. Another an early kAnadA too.

In the ground floor vanimahal there was some youth dance practice going on some time at the start the sound testing was unbearably loud .Kudos to the team they just adjusted and kept moving on without getting distracted with extra beats and reverberation .

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by CRama »

CRama wrote: 05 Nov 2018, 20:46 Dehi mudam dehi- She told that Narayana Teerthar has composed a song Yehi Mudam Krishna. Getting influenced by that song, Bharatiar has composed the song Dehi Dehi mudam Dehi Radhe Radhe. (This song is sung in Khamas by Radha Jayalakshmi.) VR amalgamated both the songs – sang one line from Yehi mudam dehi Krishna and next line from Dehi Mudam Dehi. I forgot the ragam. Symbolically interpreting the Jeevathma Paramathma union of Radha and Krishna she concluded with the song Radha Sametha Krishna.
Yes. It was Yamuna kalyani only. It dont have any overlap with Kamach of Hindustani or Khamas of Carnatic.

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by HarishankarK »

nice review thanks
I always thought it was 'neela niraththu balakan oruvan and not neela vanathin

Pratyaksham Bala
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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by Pratyaksham Bala »

HarishankarK wrote: 06 Nov 2018, 10:24 nice review thanks
I always thought it was 'neela niraththu balakan oruvan ...
Yes, it is indeed 'nIla niRattu bAlakan oruvan'.

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by rshankar »

Pratyaksham Bala wrote: 06 Nov 2018, 10:37 Yes, it is indeed 'nIla niRattu bAlakan oruvan'.
And on this narakacaturdaSi - kAlam ellAm avan (nIla niRattu bAlakan) kAdalai eNNi urugumO nam uLLam?!

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by rajeshnat »

just curious is the,name radhe just a chella Peyar for radha. or does it have different meaning

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by rshankar »

rAdhE is used to address rAdhA (sambhOdhana vibhakti) in saMskRtam. dEhi mudam dEhi is one of the mahAkavi's saMskRtam compositions.

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by rajeshnat »

rshankar wrote: 08 Nov 2018, 06:37 rAdhE is used to address rAdhA (sambhOdhana vibhakti) in saMskRtam. dEhi mudam dEhi is one of the mahAkavi's saMskRtam compositions.
are u saying radhe is more samskrtam than radha. can u squeeze ur memory if there is any more pairing name like radhe radha. what does sambhodhana vibhakti mean.

vaggeyakkara papanasam Sivan has composed in sanskrit radha( not radhe) mukha kamalam . has it got to do with south Indian domicile where we use radha despite composition is sanskrit

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by nsridhar22 »

Vibhakti means declination of a noun and is an important part of Sanskrit Grammar. In fact in the initial stages of learning Sanskrit, one has to learn what is known as Shabda or Shabda roopa for each noun. It tells the way a noun is to be declined. I think German language also has a similar concept.

From an explanation of the Vibhakti.

Vibhakti :

The grammatical term Vibhakti means “variations” and refers to the various forms that a noun can take. These are called “cases” or “case endings” in languages like Latin and “VEttrumai” (வேற்றுமை) or “VEttrumai urubugal” (வேற்றுமை உருபுகள்) in Tamil.

English does not have the concept of “case endings” as it a non-inflectional language. In English, prepositions such as by, for, from, in etc., serve the same need.

There are eight Vibhaktis in Sanskrit, of which the eighth is only a sub-category of the first one. So we commonly say there are seven Vibhkatis. These are:

First Vibhakti – “prathamA” - means that the particular noun is the Subject of the sentence.
Second Vibhakti – “dvitIyA” - means that the particular noun is the Object of the sentence.
Third Vibhakti – “tRtIyA” – means by or with that noun
Fourth Vibhakti – “caturthI” – means to or for that noun
Fifth Vibhakti – “pancamI” – means from or than or since that noun
Sixth Vibhakti – “ShaShThI” – means of that noun.
Seventh Vibhakti – “saptamI” – means in, on, at , or unto that noun
Eighth Vibhakti – “Sambodhana Prathama” – is to address or call out that noun.

Muthuswamy Dikshitar has composed Kritis in all eight Vibhaktis. This means that the God or Goddess of the Kriti could be referred to in any of these eight variations. For example if we take the noun “Ramachandra”, the eight forms would be:

First Vibhakti - “Ramachandrah”– Ramachandra is the subject (eg. “Ramachandra is victorious”)

Second Vibhakti - “Ramachandram”– Ramachandra is the object (eg. “I worship Ramachandra”)

Third Vibhakti - “RamachandrENa” – By Ramachandra or With Ramachandra (eg. “I am protected by Ramachandra”)

Fourth Vibhakti - “RamachandrAya” – To Ramachandra or For Ramachandra (eg. “Salutations to Ramachandra”)

Fifth Vibhakti - “RamachandrAt” – From Ramachandra or Than Ramachandra(eg, “There is none greater than Ramachandra”)

Sixth Vibhakti - “Ramachandrasya” – Of Ramachandra (eg. “I am the servant of Ramachandra”)

Seventh Vibhakti – “RamachandrE” – In Ramachandra or Unto Ramachandra (eg. “ Practice devotion unto Ramachandra”)

Eighth Vibhakti –“ Hey Ramachandra” – O Ramachandra!

PS: These are examples of Vibhaktis for the Singular form only. All nouns have Plural as well as Dual ( a special number in Sanskrit for two units only) forms and these also have Vibhaktis. But since each Kriti is addressed to one god or goddess, only the Singular is discussed here.

An example of Shaba Roopa of the word Rama in Sanskrit goes like this with singular, dual and plural.

विभक्ति एकवचन द्विवचन बहुवचन
प्रथमा रामः रामौ रामाः
द्वितीया रामम् रामौ रामान्
तृतीया रामेण रामाभ्याम् रामैः
चर्तुथी रामाय रामाभ्याम् रामेभ्यः
पन्चमी रामात् रामाभ्याम् रामेभ्यः
षष्ठी रामस्य रामयोः रामाणाम्
सप्तमी रामे रामयोः रामेषु
सम्बोधन हे राम! हे रामौ! हे रामाः!

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Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by nsridhar22 »

rajeshnat wrote: 05 Nov 2018, 12:28 Part 6. Rajesh - Personal thoughts
1.For rajesh this reference to radha kalyana was extremely intense . Personally even before my focus to carnatic music started with maharajapuram santhanam, in the years 1984 to 1989/1990, near my home in nungambakkam there used to be radha kalyanam. It is still happening. A particular bhagavathar by name Late Krishnamurthy bhagavathar from triplicane Bhajana mandali used to come and conduct radha kalyana mahautsavam, i had no clue of most ragas and not even had any clue of ashTapadi or namavali then.Personally i feel kids have to attend radha kalyana mahautsavam and listen to illayaraja songs that is the best way to have more stickiness to Carnatic Music. The joy of so many songs that come in contextual snippet with an aura of colorful ragas is indeed the best step to get into Carnatic Music.
Ashtapadis are integral part of various Kalyanams based on Bhajana Paddhati - Radha Kalyanam, Seetha Kalyanam etc. Traditionally all 24 Ashtapadis are rendered during such Kalyanams. As already mentioned earlier, the ragas followed in this bhajana paddhati are mostly traditional carnatic ragas like Saurashtra, Bhairavi, Kambhoji, Thodi, Kalyani, Shankarabharanam, Saveri, Mukhari, Ghanta, Pantuvarali, Yadukulakambhoji, Ananda Bhairavi, Kedara Gowla etc. List of the ashtapadis with the ragas are given below. Having listened to Ashtapadis in such Kalyanams, when I listen to carnatic artists rendering them in different ragas I do not find it to be comfortable.

There was a Kannada Movie by name Hamsa Geethe which was made by GV Iyer in the 70's. A lot of Ashtapadis were rendered in this movie by Dr M Balamuralikrishna. I think these were tuned by TG Lingappa of course in ragas different from the Bhajana Paddhati. If you get hold of the audio album of this movie, please do listen to it.


Today, the ashtapadis are sung in a variety of tunes and the list below is just a sample of some of the raga scales used. The original tunes of the ashtapadis are unknown and likely lost in history.

1. Pralayapayodijale - Sowrashtram
2. Shrutha Kamala - Bhairavi
3. Lalitha Lavanga - Huseni / Vasantha
4. Chandana Charcharitha - Panthuvarali
5. Sanchara - Thodi
6. Nibhtutha - Kambhoji
7. Maamiyam - Bhupalam
8. Nindathi chandanam - Sowrashtram (also Dwijavanthi)
9. Sthanavini - Bilahari
10. Vahathi - Anandabhairavi
11. Rathi sukha - Kedaragowla
12. Naatha hare - Dheerasankarabharanam
13. Kathithasamaye - Ahiri
14. Smarasamaro - Saranga
15. Samudhita - Saveri
16. Anilatarala - Punnagavarali
17. Rajanijanitha - Arabhi
18. Harirabhi - Yadukulakamboji
19. Vadasiyadi - Mukhaari
20. Virachita - Kalyani
21. Manjutara - Ghanta
22. Radha vadana - Madhyamavati
23. Kisalayashayana - Nadhanamakriya
24. Kuruyadu - Suruti / Chakravaham

Posts: 16802
Joined: 22 Jun 2006, 09:30

Re: Vasundhara Rajagopal@VaniMahal (LecDem on Jayadeva)on Nov 04th,2018

Post by arasi »

I did find the link--the discussion on the subject in 2014. VKR has given a link of Somu singing it in chandrakauns divinely, with AlAp at a national program. The link still works, VKR!
The thread--dehi mudam dehi radhe radhe lyrics--
There's also another captivating version in jOnpuri...

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