World-wide Carnatic Music Associations

Suggestions for the wiki
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World-wide Carnatic Music Associations

Post by vramanCMH »

Would the rasikas find it useful if someone could compile and post a
list of all Carnatic Music Associations active in countries other than
India (especially USA, Canada, Europe)? Thanks, Venkat Raman

Nick H
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Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 02:03

Re: World-wide Carnatic Music Associations

Post by Nick H »

Directories are likely to come in use to someone at some time. How many, how often, I have no idea... but if you were to compile such a directory, I'm sure it would get some use.

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Re: World-wide Carnatic Music Associations

Post by srkris »

Sure, and the website can have a page on them. Does someone have such a compilation?

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