Sharing a kriti on Paramacharya on the Occasion of Guru Purnima

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Sharing a kriti on Paramacharya on the Occasion of Guru Purnima

Post by kanniks »

Greetings to all.
Sharing a kriti in Sanskrit in the raga Chandrajyoti - in praise of Kanchi Paramacharya on the occasion of Guru Purnima 2020. I had composed this a few months ago. It was shared on Youtube on the occasion of the Paramacharya's Jayanti celebrated in May this month. Sharing it here on the occasion of Guru Purnima. Would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks so much.


sankarAchAryam sadA bhajEham bhajEham
chandrasEkhara swAminam - mahAmatim-mahatIm-guNanidhim - (sankara)

pankaja padam padma nayanam
daNDa kAshAyAmbara dharam
chandra jyoti jita vadanam shrI chandramouLishOpAsakam
mantra tantra sAstra nigama vEdAnta tatvAdi vEditam (sankara)

kAmakOTi pITasthitham
swAminAtha gurum madhgurum
hEma maya kAnchi pura sadanam - mridu gadanam
kshEmasthairyArOgya sakala sampadam varadam shivam
kAma krOdha rahita hrid viditam satam parama sukhadam

nAdaguruguha tyAgarAja syAmakrishna maNivAchaka shiva
sambanda sundara vAgIsha sAhityAnubhava mOdam
Adi sankara bhagawadpAda bodhEndra abhinava sankara
dashanAmnyAchArya parampara jaya vijayEndra sannuta padam (sankara)

शङ्कराचायर्ं सदा भजेऽहं भजेहम्
चन्द्रशेखर स्वािमनं - महा मितं महतीं गुणिनिधम् ||
I always sing praises of Chandrasekhara Saraswati - Sankaracharya - who can be described
as a great person of great intellect and virtues.
पङ्कज पदं पद्म नयनम्
दण्ड काषायाम्बर धरम्
चन्द्र ज्योित िजत वदनं - श्री
चन्द्र मौळीशोपासकम्
मन्त्र तन्त्र शास्त्र िनगम वेदान्त तत्वािद वेिदतं ||
I sing of his lotus like feet and eyes, his appearance with the ‘daNAam’ and ochre robes; his
face which defeats the light of the moon in its cool radiance; of his worship of Chandra
mouliswara, of his expertise in mantra, tantra, vedas, vedanta.
कामकोिट पीठ िस्थतम्
स्वािमनाथ गुरुं मदगुरुं
हेममय कािञ्चपुर सदनं - मृदु गदनम्
क्षेमस्थैयार्रोग्य सकल संपदं वरदं िशवम्
कामः क्रोध रिहत हृद िविदतं सततं परम सुखदम्
नाद गुरुगुह त्यागराज श्यामकृष्ण मिणवाचक िशव
संबन्द सुन्दर वागीश सािहत्यानुभव मोदम्
आिद शंकर भगवद्पाद बोधेन्द्ररिभनवशंकर
दशनाम्न्याचायर् परम्पर जय िवजयेन्द्र संनुत पदम् ||
He is the Acharya of the Kamakoti pItham. He is Shiva, the father of Swaminatha (Murugan) and
he is my guru. He resides in the prosperous city of Kanchi. I sing of his soft spoken nature; his
grace bestows prosperity, well being, health, wealth; he grants wishes, he is (again) none other
than Shiva. He is accessible to hearts that are devoid of kAma and krodha - and he always
bestows joy upon his devotees. He delights in the text and the purport of the works of Dikshitar,
Tyagaraja, Syama Sastri, Manikkavacakar, Sundarar and Sambandar. He is revered by Sri
Jayendra and Sri Vijayendra Saraswati who have come down the illustrious line commencing
with Adi Sankara Bhagawadpada and other saints such as Abhinava Sankara and Bodhendra.

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Joined: 04 Feb 2010, 19:52

Re: Sharing a kriti on Paramacharya on the Occasion of Guru Purnima

Post by Rajani »

A welcome addition to the Kritis on Kanchi Mahasvamigal. Both the Raga and the words are beautiful,

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