Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Carnatic composers (other than performing vidwans)
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1001 Why the words “gartA tira” ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT the Dikshitars UNIQUE kSEtra mudra for dakSina kASi viSwanAtha

Post by nAdopAsaka »

vgovindan wrote: 24 Apr 2024, 20:47 For example, in the kRti 'annapUrNE viSAlAkshi' (sAma) MD calls Mother as 'unnata garta tIra vihAriNi'. Here 'garta tIra' refers to the sthala kuzhikkarai (குழிக்கரை) - a literal translation, without changing the name of the sthala.
1001 Why the words “gartA tira” ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT the Dikshitars UNIQUE kSEtra mudra for dakSina kASi viSwanAtha

In the footsteps of nAdajyOti Mutthuswamy Dikshitar..

It has been suggested (see above cited post) that the specific words “garta tira” (being the translation from the vernacular of the word kuzikarai) are the kSEtra mudra for dakSina kASi viSwanAtha.

This statement is shown to be in error and also contradicted by the Dikshitars words.

There are SEPARATE UNAMBIGUOUS mudras for EVERY kriti in each of the 2 kSEtras that show that the Dikshitar does NOT rely on “garta tira” as a unique identifier.

Why ?

Read on to get a clue.

The word “garta” indicates a cave , typically a watery cave, and is sometimes also used to refer to Siva (as mahA-garta = the guha dweller which is also close to the river gangA etc) ..hence the “tira” as in “bank” or shore.

Indeed the words “garta -tira” ALSO appear in the kASi-vArAnasi kriti “viSwanAthEna rakSitOham” in rAga sAmantam where the separate and unambiguous mudra “kASi kSEtra” also appears.

Therefore gartA-tira is NOT the unambiguous kSEtra mudra claimed erroneously for the last 150 years by the ongoing conspiracy.

Now the UNAMBIGUOUS mudras for ALL 7 kASi kSEtra kritis (vAranasi) AS WELL as 3 dakSina kASi viSwanAtha kritis are given so the corruption Can END once and for all.

kASi-vArAnasi kritis
1. viSwanAthEna rakSitOham – rAga sAmantam
mudra as “kASi kSetra sthita prasiddhEna”

kASi varanasi is ALSO known as the mahA-smaSAna , the great cremation ground..

2. viSwESwarO rakSatu - rAga athAna

mudra as “vikalpAtIta prapanCAtItO”

why ?

because vikalpa-atita is the COMPLETE CERTAINTY (lack of doubt) that comes after death (and cremation..)

See nir-vikalpa samAdhi in jambupatE, the eternal trance , the state which is beyond any doubt that comes after death and for the nadayOgi is the union with bliss

vikalpa-Atita is the mudra for mahA-smaSAna of kASi varanasi

3. viSwanAtham bhajEham – rAga natAbharanam

mudra as “naSvara prapanCAdhiSthAnam”

Here the combination As + vara is the ancient name of varan + asi.

In addition it reinforces the “cremation ground” by referring to that which is perishable = naSvara

4. Ehi annapurnE – rAga punnAgavarAli
mudra as “kASi kSEtra nivAsini

5. kASi viSAlAkSim – rAga gamakakriya
mudra as “kASI-puravAsinIm”

6. viSAlAkSim viSWESim – rAga kASirAmakriya
mudra as “kASIrAgnIm

The dakSina kASi viSwanAtha/viSAlAkSi kritis

7. gangE mam pAhi - rAga janjUti

mudra is asivaruna madhyE

There are EXACTLY 3.

1. kASi viSwESwara Ehi mAm pAhi – rAga kAmbOji

(dEvarAjapUjita dakSina) kASi viSwESwara – embedded via the wrap-around of anupallavi ending to start of pallavi

2. Sri viSwanAtham bhajEham -The CaturdaSa rAgamAlika

The deity names are common to kASi and dakSina kASi...therefore it only remains to identify which of the two kSEtras is being referred to.

The mudra for dakSina kASi appears via the words

mAnikya maya Sam-kara(bharana)

mAnikya maya = shining /glittering = kASi

Sam-kara – boons/dakSina are ALWAYS delivered by the RIGHT hand = dakSina

3. annapurnE viSAlAkSi – rAga sAma

Here too the mudra is INDEPENDENT of this generic word “garta-tira”.

The deity names are common to kASi and dakSina kASi...therefore it only remains to identify which of the two kSEtras is being referred to.

The mudra for dakSina kASi appeara via the words

pAyasAnna pUrita mAnikya pAtra hEma darvI vidruta karE

pAyasam is distributed from a glittering pot, with a shining ladle (kASi is synonym of shining/glittering) using ….what else the right hand = dakSina kara.

pAyasam like dakSina or boon is NEVER dished out by the left hand..

This is why the specific usage of the word for ladle = darvi ! in conjunction with several adjectives for shining = mAnikya, hEma etc


The Dishitar kSEtra mudra placement does not admit of ambiguity or duplication across shrines.

The garta tira reference appears in both kSEtras and is a generic descriptor and cannot be considered the unique kSEtra mudra.

It is shown that the kritis of the 2 kSEtras kASi and dakSina kASi viSwanAtha/viSAlAkSi are distinguished by uniaue mudras.

The 10 icons/mudras for the 10 kritis are direct in some of the cases and as is typical of the Dikshitar, inferrable/indirect , in the other cases.

satyam Eva jayatE

Ehi annapurnE – rAga punnAgavarAli

veena kalpakam S

vAni r

annapurnE viSAlAkSi – rAga sAma

vivEk S

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

In the song in rasamanjari Dikshitar mentions the 72 rAgAnga rAgAs
May I know if this is correct?

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Tanjore set of kruthis to illustrate asampoorna raaga scheme. With emphasis on 40 vivadi melas.
Mk 40
40 nabhOmaNi
navanItaM in Govindacharya scheme.

.Guru Guha Vaibhavam: Dikshitar Kriti -
Nabho Mani -
Raga Nabho Mani. ... nabho.html.



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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Tanjore set of kshetra krufhis
11 of 72
Illustrating asampòorna MK system

"Parassala Ponnammal -

pAmara jana pAlini brhannAyaki -

MK .57
simhEndramadhyamaM in Govindacharya sysfem

simhEndramadhyamam - dIkshitar" on YouTube

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Tanjore set of kruthis
asampoorna mk system illustration
12 of 72
Kumbhini raagam

Guru Guha Vaibhavam:
Dikshitar Kriti -
Sacchidanandamaya -
Raga Kumbhini.. ... -raga.html


.vijay sjva




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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Tanjore set of kruthis to illustrate asampoorna raaga scheme. With emphasis on 40 vivadi melas.
Varadaraja Avava

- Ganga Tharangini

! Ganegya Bhushani in Govindacjarya scheme)

Amritha Murali"

MK 33

Guru Guha Vaibhavam: Dikshitar Kriti - Varadaraja Avava -
Raga Ganga Tarangini.

. ... -raga.html


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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Tanjore set of kruthis to illustrate asampoorna raaga scheme. With emphasis on 40 vivadi melas.

Himagiri Kumari Isvari -
Raga Ravikriya ... svari.html.

"hima giri kumAri ISvarI -
Ravikriya -
- G Ravikiran" .

MK 42
Raghupriya in Govindacharya scheme

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Tanjore set of kruthis to illustrate asampoorna raaga scheme. With emphasis on 40 vivadi melas.

."K Gayathri -

bRhadISa kaTAkshENa -

jIvantikA -

48 MK
Divyamani in Govindacharya scheme

.Guru Guha Vaibhavam: Dikshitar Kriti
Brhadisa Katakshena -
Raga Jivantika
. ... shena.html

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Tanjore set of kruthis to illustrate asampoorna raaga scheme. With emphasis on 40 vivadi melas.
.MK -21
in Govindacharya scheme

Pancha Bhoota

Prince Raama varma


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1010 mudra & meaning of rAga Sri in Carana and in the vilOma SINGLE-LINE “kritis” section of the CaturdaSa rAgamAlikA

Post by nAdopAsaka »

1010 mudra & meaning of rAga Sri in Carana and in the vilOma SINGLE-LINE “kritis” section of the CaturdaSa rAgamAlikA

In the footsteps of nAdajyOti Mutthuswamy Dikshitar..

The CaturdaSa rAgamAlikA structure and the basis for its 14 rAgas is fully exposed in recent posts shown above and linked here ... 80#p382080 ... 01#p379001

The final remaining vilOma section mudra is explained here.

The CaturdaSa rAgamAlikA chooses the rAgas with specific relation between rAga name and lOka/bhuvana name.

the mudra and meaning of rAga Sri in the Carana of the SrI viSwanAtham bhajEham

SrI viSwanAtham bhajEham
CaturdaSa bhuvana rUpa rAgamAlikAbharana dharanAntahkaranam

Sri is for the vitala lOka is where wealth and gold and prosperity dominate urges, signified by the word "Sri" which means exactly such wealth.

The mudra for Sri in the Carana is now seen (Indeed its quite obvious)

Sri as lakSmi is viSnus consort..

viSnu = dhara (the Supporter = preserver etc etc)..

and lakSmi is dhara-nAntahakarana – she who enters and resides in the heart of viSnu

the mudra and meaning of rAga Sri in the SINGLE-LINE “kriti section” of the CaturdaSa rAgamAlikA

viloma –
श्री रागं
सरस सदय हृदय निलयं अनिशं


The mudra for rAga Sri appears in sadaya-hrdaya nilayam

Why ? a fool might ask

Because She is “hari-vakSasthala nivAsini”

Always residing in the heart of viSnu ( as in dharanAntahakarana).

It is useful to note that dhara is also the earth when the prthvi element is revealed in the underlying arCana/Arati to the panCa bhUta.

It is conclusively shown in all 14 Carana AND vilOma sections how the rAga mudra is woven into the “kritis” (2 line kritis and one-line kritis).

Not only is the HOW ? explained …the WHY ? has also been explained.

It has already been shown how each lOka is associated with a rAga and assigned a kriti in the garland.

And how each “kritis” appearance is associated with a sequence dictated by the hidden mudras for the panCa bhUta elements.

A separate post will explain the deeper meaning of vilOma, in this massive pujA of the Dikshitar.


The worship of the Dikshitar comes first.

All other considerations of musical scales (mElas etc ) are puny and of secondary relevance.

The names of the rAgas are key to their choices in each kriti.

They are part of the musical offering.

By attempting to dilute the words and meaning of the kritis, under garb of technical swara manipulation, generations of vidwAns/vidUSis and musicologists have sought to ruin the very reason the kritis exist.

Vapid, unimaginative and unthinking listeners have abetted this crime, with their inherited ignorance and denial of words and icons.

The CaturdaSa rAgamAlikA asserts its origins in the worship conducted by the Dikshitar.

satyam Eva jayatE

SrI varalakSmi namastubhyam - Sri rAga

Bombay jayaSri

jayanti veena

flute jayant

violin padma vaikom

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Guru Guha Vaibhavam: Dikshitar Kriti -

Brhadisvarim Bhaja -
Raga Lalita Panchamam
. ... -raga.html

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

"Panchalinga Krithis

Bombay Sisters,

Muthuswami Dikshitar's Pancha Linga Krithis
Lord Siva, according to the Hindu belief, is manifest
in the form of the five basic elements,
ether, air, light (fire), earth and water,
which make up the universe. The Pancha Li.nga Krithis
of Dikshitar are dedicated to these five forms
of Lord Siva. These krtis are composed respectively at
the temples of Chidambaram (ether), Kalahasti (air),
Tiruvannamalai (fire), Kancipuram (earth) and Jambukesvaram (water).
These Krithis are:
Ananda Natanapraksam (Kedaram, Misra Chapu) (Chidambaram)
Sri Kalahastisa (Huseni, Jhampa) (Kalahasti)
Arunachalanatham (Saranga, Rupakam) (Tiruvannamalai)
Chintaya Makanta (Bhairavi, Rupakam) ( Kanchipuram)
Jambupate (Yamunakalyani, Rupakam) (Jambukesvaram - Tiruvanaikka
Last edited by sam on 12 May 2024, 08:41, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

A secondary set of Pancha krithis were
also composed by Muthuswami Dikshitar, on the five
Lingas of Lord Siva located in the temples in and around Tiruvarur.

These are the temples of
and S
These are referred to as
Tiruvarur Panchalinga krtis,

for distinction, the previous group is appropriately called
Bhuloka Panchalinga krithis.
These krithis are:

Sadacalesvaram (Bhupalam, Adi) (Achalesvara)

Hatakesvara (Bilahari, Rupakam) ( Hatakesvara)

Sri Valmikalingam (Kambhoji, Ata) (Valmikesvara)

Anandesvarena (Anandabhairavi, Misra Chapu) (Anandesvara)

Siddhisvaraya (Nilambari, Misra Chapu) (Siddhisvara)

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

The Tiruvarur Panchalinga Kritis of Muthuswami Dikshitar"
By R.K.Sriramkumar

Amrita MuraLi.
A lecdem in MusicAcademy in 2021..

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Tanjore set of kruthis to illustrate asampoorna raaga scheme. With emphasis on 40 vivadi melas.

.MK -49

in Govindacharya scheme


Amritha Murali -

shrngArAdi navarasAngi -

Guru Guha Vaibhavam: Dikshitar Kriti - Srngaaradi Navarasa -
Raga Dhavalangam
. ... arasa.html

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Tanjore set of kruthis to illustrate asampoorna raaga scheme. With emphasis on 40 vivadi melas.

.MK -4

in Govindacharya scheme


Brihadamba Madamba -

Bhanumati -

..Guru Guha Vaibhavam: Dikshitar Kriti - Brhadambaa Madambaa
- Raga Bhanumathi. ... ambaa.html

Tanjore BigTemple

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1018 sam-mOhana kara linga–Unifying mOhana linga kriti at tiruvArUr-mOhanas swara names are panCa bhUta icons

Post by nAdopAsaka »

1018 sam-mOhana kara linga –Unifying mOhana linga kriti at tiruvArUr-mOhanas swara names are panCa bhUta icons

In the footsteps of nAdaJyoti Muthuswamy Dikshitar..

The panCAkSara rAga mOhana has EACH of its swaras aligned with a panCa bhUta element


Sadjaprthvithe ground or base swara = AdhAra Sadja
v-rSabha - jalawater from the word vrSa = vrSti
gAndhAra AkASasky from the word gandharva – the celestial
panCama - agnifire from panCa agni …the 5 types of agni
dhai-vata - vAyu wind from vAta (vata from vAta - from wind = dai-vata)

The Dikshitar invokes the “sam-mOhana-kara linga” at dakSina kASi in the CaturdaSa rAgamAlikA

panCikRta-panCa mahAbhUta prapanCAdi-mohanakara-lingam

See post dated May 9, 2024 titled

mudra & meaning of rAga mOhana in Carana and in the vilOma SINGLE-LINE “kritis” section of the CaturdaSa rAgamAlikA ... 08#p382108

and post date May 7, 2024 titled
CaturdaSa rAgamAlikA structure–2 separate CLOCKWISE Offerings of rAgas specifically aligned with CARDINAL directions ... 80#p382080

But it is the tiruvArUr mOhana, “nAgalingam namAmi” that SUMMARIZES ALL 5 of the panCa lingam as well as ALL 5 of the panCa bhUta lingas.

See Post dated Jun 12, 2021 titled the grand !! nAgalinga Mohana linga Kriti ... 45#p371845

extracted here
P: nAgaliNgam namAmi satatam
nAmarUpa prapaHncAtIta lingam samir-Akara
the linga beyond name or form

A: nAgarAjamaNi bhUSita liNgam (hAtaka lingam) shrInagarasthita

C: AgamavEdAntasAraliNgam (siddhIshvarAya)
the siddhi.+buddhi aspect associated with the summarizing sAra of vEdanta

Adi madhyAnta rahitaliNgam (for both the Anandeswarena and Apa-linga)
water doesn’t have an end or beginning

mUla bhUta kAraN Atma liNgam dahar-AkAsa
ether is internal atmosphere, so Atma lingam

nIlakaNTha svayamprakAsha liNgam (both sadACaleSvara and the Agni -linga)

nAgEndravinuta SaHNkara liNgam pruthvi-linga
the great serpent obviously crawling around on the lingam emerging from the earth

nAradAdinuta nandituraHNgam vAgIsha varada guruguhavandita
sundara shiva mOhanakaraliNgam

But wait ..theres more…!

A pair-wise relation of the panCa linga to the panCa bhUta linga kritis was FIRST discovered in Jun 2021..

See Post dated Jun 10, 2021 titled panCa-bhuta linga kritis vis-a-vis panCa linga kritis ... 01#p371801

1. “sadACaleswara” and “arunACala nAtham” - Agni
Siva as the lord of the mountains (ACala)
The motif of agni as Light is also common via the “CamatkAra dipa” and the "tEjOmaya linga"

2. “hAtakeSwara samrakshatu” and “Cintaya mA kanda” – prthvi
Siva shining and decorated with ornaments
the gold and jewel clad “hAtakESwara” and the "mAnikya maya kAnCi sadana" in the bhairavi
The “pAtAla bilahari” reference in hAtakeSwara emphasizes the connection to the prthvi linga kriti

3. “Anand-ESwarEna” and “jambupatE mAm pAhi nij-Ananda” – Apa/Water/jala
The samAdhi/consciousness reached that is beyond the limbs or thought or senses as given by the mudras
“avaya-trayaAtitEna” in “AnandaESwarEna” and “nir-vikalpa samAdhi” of “jambupatE”
The word “Siva” in “AnandaESwarEna” implies water – “Apa” is the water element “jambupatE”

4. “siddhiSwarAya namaste” and “Sri kAlahastiSa” - vAyu
The reference “viSuddha Cakr-a-nila-yAya”in “siddhiSwarAya namastE” is to the throat Cakra which controls vAyu or life-breath. Notably the word “anila” is also embedded. And of course the vAyu linga kSEtra kritis is “Sri kAlahasti”

5. “Sri valmIka lingam CintayE SivArdhAngam CintayE” and “Ananda natana prakASam” – AkASa/gagana/sky

the dancing Siva
The reference “divya viti vitanka” appears only in this kAmbOji kriti out of the 5 panCalinga kritis.
Why is this relevant ?Because tiruvArUr is one of the 7 “sapta vitanka sthala”s, each one of which is associated with a unique form of dance. At tiruvArUr it is the ajapa natana.
And of course “Ananda natana” is to the natarAja icon of Cidambaram and also notes the tAndava dance form.

The word “divya” is a synonym for the sky = gagana which is also the AkASa bhUta of the kEdAram kriti.

So each pair of 5 sets of linga kritis has matching icons for the bhUta and also matching ideas..

And ALL 10 icons of these 10 linga kritis are FOUND IN the tiruvArUr mOhana "nAgalingam namAmi" as shown above.


mOhana is not a simple pentatonic scale.

Any discussion of tiruvArUr panCa linga kritis or the panCA bhUta kritis CANNOT ignore the Dishitars own words.

Insipid commentary from various entities (including vidwAns/viduSIS) does not properly pay tribute to the nAdayOgis legacy.

Perhaps these professional musicians should stick to their technical areas. The LAST thing they should be doing is trying to interpret ANY of the kritis after peddling the falsehoods of the SSP, and DENYING the many navAvaranas (especially the abhayambA, the bAlAmbika) etc etc etc and panCa bhUta pujAs inherent in his organized worship.

In the vision of the nAdayOgis mOhana is a metaphor for both charm and the panCa bhUta elements..

For the tyAgarAja it is the measure of his infatuation with rAma , comparable to the infatuation of sitA with the shape-shifting mAriCA deer (which is so great that it overcomes even rAma’s hold on her !)

See post on “nannu pAlimpa” dated Mar 20, 2022

titled “kanaka-vasana vs. kanaka-mrga – what is the true measure of “attraction” or mOhana” ... 51#p375451

But for the Dikshitar it is the “sam-mOhana-kara linga” that UNIFIES the 5 panCa bhUta lingas with the 5 tiruvArUr panCa lingas in the kriti "nAgalingan namAmi"

because ...!!!

The panCAkSara rAga mOhana has EACH of its swaras aligned with a panCa bhUta element


Sadjaprthvithe ground or base swara = AdhAra Sadja
v-rSabha - jalawater from the word vrSa = vrSti
gAndhAra AkASasky from the word gandharva – the celestial
panCama - agnifire from panCa agni …the 5 types of agni
dhai-vata - vAyu wind from vAta (vata from vAta - from wind = dai-vata)

satyam Eva jayatE

nAgalingam namAmi – rAga mOhana

vivek sadASivam

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

A passage from the chapter on Tanjore krutis by T.L.Venkatarama Iyer.
Dikshitar composed songs in all the Vivadi Melas and taught these to them.
It is only natural that these compositions should mostly
be on the Deities in Thanjavur. Thus it happens that a
good number of the kritis composed by Dikshitar on Brihadiswara and Brihannayaki are in the Vivadi Melas
of Venkatamakhi.^ They are short pieces and read like Gitas, and that accords with the purpose for which they were composed, which was to teach these Melas to Ponniah
and his brothers

There are, for example, songs in the Vivadi Melas Nos. 3, 4,
30, 34, 40, 41, 42, 44, 48 and 49

3 gAnasAmavarALi

4 bhAnumati

30 nAgAbharaNaM... nAgAnandini

34 bhOgachAyAnATa ...vAgadIshvari

40 nabhOmaNi.. .navanItaM

41 kumbhini......pAvani

42..Ravikriya... raghupriya

43 gIrvANi....... gavambOdi

48 jIvantikA.... divyamaNi

49 ..dhavaLAHNgaM ..dhavaLAmbari:
There should be 40 vivadi meLas.
May I know the missing vivadi meLas and corresponding kruthis at Tanjore?
Sir, I have already referred to your listing of BigTemple kruthis and the ragas. Very useful. I just want all the vivadi raga kruthis.

Can we say, that Sri. MD composed in vivadi meLas at Tanjore only?

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1020 kanakAmbari & saugandhini to kanCi kAmAkSi, varAli to madurai minAkSi, jaganmOhanam to SrividyArAjagOpAla etc etc

Post by nAdopAsaka »

1020 kanakAmbari and saugandhini to kanCi kAmAkSi, varAli to madurai minAkSi, jaganmOhanam to SrividyArAjagOpAla etc etc

In the footsteps of nAdajyOti Muthuswamy Dikshitar..

A little (more ? ) care in examining the kritis will reveal the following

kanakAmbari - mEla 1- kAnCi
saugandhini - mEla 37 -kAnCi
jaganmOhanam – mEla 38 – mannArgudi
varAli mEla 39 – madurai and also SESACalanAyaka (aka "tiru"-pati)

kAmakOti pithavAsini – rAga saugandhini

vijayalakSmi S

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

MK 38 is vivadi.
So are 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43.
Tnank you.
So there are vuvadi raaga kruthis, in other kshetrams, too?
Last edited by sam on 13 May 2024, 14:05, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

A rare kruthi.
"Varaheem Vaishnaveem


Santhala Raju
Guru Guha Vaibhavam: Dikshitar Kriti

- Varahim -
Raga Vega Vahini
. ... -vega.html


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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Here ia a comprehensive list.
Very useful for students and learners.
Muttusvami Dikshitar:
Compositions by Raga ... hitar.html

Vivadi meLAs are
1, to 7, 12,13, ..18,19,..24,25,..30 to 36
37 to 43, 48,49,..54,55,..60, 61, 66 to 72

Now we have to find out the kshetram.
As Sir, has hinted, not all the vivadi raaga krutis were composed at Tanjore temples.
Thank you Sir.

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

SarAvatI taTa vAsinI

- SarAvatI

- Amritha Murali
MK 25
25. sharAvati -
mAraraHnjani in Govindacharya scheme.
Kshetram is not clear.
Guru Guha Vaibhavam: Dikshitar Kriti
- Saraavati Tata -

Raga Saraavati ... -raga.html

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1025SarAvati tata vAsini–the saraswati/vAk-dEvi kSEtra that is the tip of the tongue-ONLY for those who believe in Word

Post by nAdopAsaka »

1025 SarAvati tata vAsini – the saraswati /vAk-dEvi kSEtra that is the tip of the tongue (of ALL those who believe in Word )

In the footsteps of nAdajyOti Mutthuswamy Dikshitar..

There is a very clear kSEtra associated with SarAvati tata vAsini.

SarAvati tata vAsini is associated with the saraswati/vAk-dEvi kSEtra that is the TIP-OF-THE-TONGUE, indicating it is for those who believe in Word = Vak = Sabda of the nAda-sampradAya.

Any "sangita sampradAya so-called vidwAn" , or "so-called rasika" concerned with sounds, air-pressure variations/disturbances etc. [1] need not be concerned about these kSEtras and [2] are also automatically excluded from the kSEtra.

See post dated 16 Oct 2023 titled
SarAvati tata vAsini – Why the Dikshitar gives the SarAvati rAga to the saraswati/vAgdEvi ... 33#p380433

The contents of that post are extracted here..…although a more diligent search (of this forum threads) can answer questions without needing more cyber-space.

SarAvatI tata vAsinI hamsinI sarasvatI vidhi yuvatI samrakSatu mAm SrI
CarACarAtmaka prapanCa rUpiNi SabdArttha svarUpini brahmAni
murAri purAri guruguha mOdinI samvEdinI muraLI vInA gAna vinOdinI gIrvAnI

The Dikshitar does NOT give the rAga SarAvati to the saraswati dEvi because of any phonetic similarity in the 2 words. A relevant specific saraswati shrine that the Dikshitar might have visited on the banks/shores of any river named SarAvati cannot be found...although the river of same name is known.

The rAga name is iconic of a key attribute of the saraswati/vAgdEvi...(and that she is in everyone..who believes in Sabda)

It will help to first list different words and their meanings that will describe the attribute.

Sara = arrow
avata = cavity (opening/hole etc)
Sara + avata = SarAvat = arrows that are present in a cavity
tata = shore/bank/edge (of a water body)
tira = shore/bank/edge ( of a water body)
jihva-Agra – tip of the tongue (tip is Agra), jihva is tongue
jihva-Agra stithaya – saraswati resides at the tip of the tongue – see “saraswatyA bhagavatyA” (ChAyAgaula)

After deconstructing the words, now we reconstitute their combined meaning to realize what the Dikshitar intended !

The goddess of speech resides at the tip of the tongue, as Words/speech.

Words/speech are delivered as Arrows that emerge from the opening/cavity of the mouth/throat.
Words/speech are SarAvat
The goddess is "SarAvat tata vAsini" – resident at the tip/edge of these arrows.
Notably the word “tira” is BOTH edge/bank/shore AS WELL as arrow !
And pointedly the Dikshitar gives the LAST word of the kriti as girvAni !

Why pointedly ?


gir is speech/sound
And vAna = bAna = arrow.

girvAni is the "speech arrow" goddess.

SarAvAti tata vAsini = girvAni = jihva-Agra vAsini = vAgdEvi = saraswati

Case closed.

-The speech goddess resides within everyone, provided one understands Words and how to use them in pujA.
- Those who do not believe in the supremacy of vAk = Sabda in the nAdayOgis pujA are excluded from this kSEtra.
- Words are like arrows, irreversible.
-The nAda-sampradAya pradarSini cannot be denied or distorted.
-The words and choices of the vAggeyakAras are not random, “artistic” impetuousness.
-The kritis are the result of sAdhana, sacrifice, pujA and devotion.
-They cannot and should not be squandered on the undeserving.

SarAvati tata vAsini – rAga SarAvati

AtrEyi K

Sruti rAvali

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Tanjore set of kruthis to illustrate asampoorna raaga scheme. With emphasis on 40 vivadi melas.

.MK -37

in Govindacharya scheme


Thanks to Sir.

Vijayalakshmy Subramaniam -

kAmakOTi pIThavAsini -


.kshEtra - tanjAvUr kAmAkshi

Guru Guha Vaibhavam: Dikshitar Kriti -

Kama Koti Peetha Vaasini -
Raga Saugandhini
. ... eetha.html

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

MS Subbulakshmi -

kAmAkSi kAmakOTi pIThavAsini

- sumadhyuti /
simhEndramadhyamam -

MK 57

Non Vivadi
Guru Guha Vaibhavam: Dikshitar Kriti - Kamakshi Kama Koti -
Raga Sumadyuthi
. ... -raga.html

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Has Sri.MD sung on the only Saraswathi temple in Tanjore area at Koothanur?
What are the kruthis? Is the sharavathy kruthi likely to be one among them, perhaps, some connection with sharavathi river in konkan coast?

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1029 Some kritis of the Dikshitar where the kSEtra is purely of the IMAGINATION

Post by nAdopAsaka »

1029 Some kritis of the Dikshitar where the kSEtra is purely of the IMAGINATION

In the footsteps of nAdajyOti Mutthuswamy Dikshitar..

What is a kSEtra ?

A kSEtra is a sacred “place”…but the “place” does NOT have to be a specific geographic location.

A sacred place is easily also in the thoughts and vision of the visionary upAsakas, = nAdayOgis.

Accordingly, there are a few kritis by the Dikshitar where the kSEtra is this cerebral "place".

Certainly for the tyAgarAja, there are many more such “cerebral place” kritis.

To the poet and yOgi, these “places” are NOT imaginary , even though they are conceived in the poets imagination.

1. SarAvati tata vAsini is one , already explained as the TIP-of-the-TONGUE kSEtra in an above post

2. Another one is himagiri kUmAri Isa priyakari, (which is the OTHER amrtavarSini kriti)

Here the idea is the receiving of amrta ( = vrSa = varSa = rain etc) by the grateful upAsaka, which can happen anywhere.

See also post dated Oct. 29, 2023 titled #892 the Dikshitars lesser heard amrta-varSini kriti “himagiri kumAri iSa priyakari” and its hidden mudras for varSa = rain ... 51#p380551

3. Yet another is mahAlakSmI karunA rasalaharI in rAga mAdhava manOhari

Which gives the “sacred place” "mudra" as = mahAviSnu-vakSa-sthala-vAsinI

Here the “IMAGINED” kSEtra is the GENERIC “mahA viSnu -vakSa sthalavAsini”, not limited to ANY particular location.


The vAggeyakAras vision is NOT limited by geographical constraints....a kSEtra is also a sacred place created by a devout mind..

SarAvati tata vAsini – rAga SarAvati

nAgaSri n

mahAlakSmI karunA rasalaharI- rAga mAdhava manOhari


himagiri kumAri iSa priyakari – rAga amrtavarSini


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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Koothanur Maha Saraswathi Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Saraswathi, the Goddess of wisdom and Learning. It is located at Koothanur near Mayiladuthurai, Tamilnadu. Devotees worship here to excel in their studies. The confluence of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswathi occurs at this shrine and it is called Dakshina Thiruveni Sangamam.

The origin of the word Koothanur was because this village was gifted by Raja Raja Chola II to the tamil poet Ottakkootthan for his poetic excellence. The temple has attained popularity by gaining the status of being the only temple in Tamil Nadu dedicated to Saraswathi.
Surely, Sri.MD must have visited such a special temple that too so near Maayavaram

And he must have composed a krutji at fhe kshetram.
Which one among the dozen such krithis on Saraswathi, can perhaps be spotted by scholars like you.

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Some kruthis on Saraswathi.l
भारति -
रागं देव मनोहरि -
namO namastE
gIrvANi - rAgaM

sarasvatI chAyA tarangiNI -
rAgaM chAyA tarangiNi -

sarasvatI vidhi yuvatI -
rAgaM hindOLam -

Saraswatya bhagavatya samrakshitoham

chAyA gauLa -


SrI sarasvati hitE -
rAgaM mAnji

SrI sarasvati namO(a)stu tE-

rAgaM Arabhi -
Vina-pustaka-dharinim ashraye Toya-


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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Muthuswamy Dikshitar Kriti-

Sarasvati Manohari -


- DK Pattamal& DK Jayaraman"

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1033 girvAni and SarAvati, the word arrow that emerges from the tip-of-the-tongue kSEtra

Post by nAdopAsaka »

1033 girvAni and SarAvati, the word arrow that emerges from the tip-of-the-tongue kSEtra

In the footsteps of nAdajyOti Mutthuswamy Dikshitar..

Everyone is free to believe whatever they want.

On the other hand..

When one doesn’t respect Words, of course, any kind of corruption is possible.

.There is NO mudra ( = indicator = sign = pointer) either hidden or visible in the “SarAvati tata vAsini” kriti , that identifies ANY particular geographical kSEtra

namO namastE , the girvAni kriti (also about saraswati and arrows – see SarAvati description above) is also not linked to any kSEtra, just like "mahAlakSmI karunA rasalahari"- rAga mAdhava manOhari and "himagiri kumAri iSa priyakari} – rAga amrtavarSini noted above.

Post dated Oct 2023- titled gir-vAna – Path of the Sound Arrow – “nAda-bindu-kalA SrEni” & the atharva vEda mahAvAkya “ayam AtmA brahmA” ... 49#p380449

I repeat..

Everyone is free to believe whatever they want.

But ..When one doesn’t respect or understand Words and their ideas (see the narESa not equivalent to bhUpAla nonsense) , especially vAk = words of the vAk-geyakAras, all sorts of corruption can be attempted.

For all such, Please stay as far away from the kritis as possible.

namO namastE – rAga girvAni


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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Sri.MD has , in many krutis, given explicit name of the raagam and also about the kshetram .
So, no need to get agitated about
conjectures about kshetram.
The konkan stretch from Udupi to Karwar has quite a few famous pilgrimage centres about which we may not know much. It is not necessary for the composer to have visited .
It still is puzzling how Sri.MD has not sung about the Saraswathi Goddess at Kootthanoor , so near to Tiruvarur, Maayavaram, Kumbakonam, Tanjore area.
Every kruthi need not be about a kshetram, true.

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

A musical pilgrimage to Vaishnava Kshetras-
compositions of Sri Muthuswamy Dikshitar - Lec-Dem -Part1"

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1036 nidAgha jadabharata–the mudras for virudunagara parASakti kSEtra in “sadA vinata” & Why the kriti is in rEvagupti

Post by nAdopAsaka »

1036 nidAgha jadabharata –How the Dikshitar gives the virudunagara kSEtra mudra for parASakti in “sadA vinata” & Why the kriti is in rEvagupti

In the footsteps of nAdajyOti Mutthuswamy Dikshitar..

No agitation..just facts.

kriti by kriti, word by word, brick by brick, a Great Wall is being erected.
This Great Wall, (like the other one) is also a fence. No one can “sit on this fence”…. Its top is unreachable...
This fence, this great wall… offers only two sides….truth versus untruth, Sruti vs. apa-Sruti..
A choice has to be made.
The truth of the vAggeyakAras upAsana is inherent in their words.
The truth cannot be denied , either by ignorance or arrogance.

It cannot be said enough..

The conspiracy of fools includes those who try to conjure geographical locations for kSEtras where the Dikshitars words do not allow this (e.g. SarAvati tata)
those who are UNABLE to see and recognize the kSEtras mudras when they are given.

The following is an example of the latter.

It has eluded everyone till today.

Why and How “sadA vinata sAdarE” belongs to virudunagara kSEtra and Why it is in rAga rEvagupti ?

sadAvinata sAdarE sarasijanayana sOdarE padAravindE tvAmaham vandE
nidAgha jada bharatanutE nikhila nirjara sEvitE , sadASivAnugraha dEvatE saCidAnandAspadE
mudAbja rEvagupti rAgamOdita hrdayE sadayE , CidAnandAmaya guruguha Siva jIvOdayE Sive

1. sadA vinata sAdarE celebrates the parASakti as SivE, but not before she is called “sarasija nayana sOdari”.
The nuance is deliberate. Why ?
2. Because the goddess is first the sister of viSnu, = sarasija nayana sOdari BEFORE she is given away by her brother to become SivE (= parASakti)
3. And it is the viSnu purAna which describes the tale of jada-bharata and nidAgha
4. And the words/names nidAgha and jadabharata are identified in the viSnu purAna with the kSEtra of vira-nagara = city of warriors (which becomes virudu-nagara in the vernacular)
5. virudu-nagara is well known as a parASakti kSEtra
6. Indeed, the Water deluge/immersion worship is a big part of the yearly festival
7. The Dikshitar identifies this water festival with the usage “nir-jara” sEvitE (the sEva by undecaying dEvas) which conceals the icon “nir-jhara” as in water fall (see for example “jhar-jhar vAdya” , the rustle of the drum that sounds like falling water in the "akhilAndESwari" jujAvanti at …where else... jambukESwaram = tiruvanaikAval = the water kSEtra)

And finally

8. Why the rAga rEvagupti for this kriti ?

rEva(ta) is reed = hollow grass that grows in water..
What is hidden (gupta) in this type of water plant region is what is meant by “gupta”.

Ergo…rEvagupta describes the idols after they are immersed (visarjana) at the end of the yearly festival in vira-nagara = virudunagara.

Indeed, the Dikshitar gives the rAga mudra via “mudAbja rEvagupti” indicating the face of the IMMERSED idol is similar to the lotus growing in the water

satyam Eva jayatE

sadA vinata sAdarE – rAga rEvagupti

niSA r

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Tanjore set of kruthis to illustrate asampoorna raaga scheme. With emphasis on 40 vivadi melas.

.MK -34

The Carnatic heptatonic 34th melakartha “Vagadeeswari” (exemplified by Tyagaraja’s “Paramatmudu”) is a scalar equivalent. For this brief post I will be keeping focus on (Bhoga) Chayanata as dealt with by Muthusvami Dikshita only
"G Ravikiran -

bhOgachAyA nATakapriyE -

bhOgachAyAnaTa .

Guru Guha Vaibhavam: Dikshitar Kriti - Bhogacchaya Nataka -
Raga Bhogacchaya Nata

. ... -raga.html

kshEtra - tanjAvUr - bRhadISvara - bRhannAyaki


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1038bhOga-chAya-nAtaka priyE (brhadambA who enjoys the shadow play )–yet another sun & shadows themed tanjAvUr kriti

Post by nAdopAsaka »

1038 bhOga-chAya-nAtaka priyE (brhadambA who enjoys the shadow play ) – yet another sun & shadows themed tanjAvUr kriti –the brhat kSEtra & the brhat samhita

In the footsteps of nAdajyOti Mutthuswamy Dikshitar..

There is a concerted effort (a conspiracy of at least a century ) to DENY the Dikshitars words and choices.

It can be seen in the insipid recitation of swara scales and the techniques of the rAgas, repeated over the decades, and even on this thread...and the insipid translations with zero context or understanding.....including especially many clueless monographers/bloggers.

The composite pujA has been completely ignored by the SSP...whose authors and proponents scarcely understand the Words and Ideas behind the words.

Indeed, the rAgas are chosen carefully aligned with the kSEtra pujA of the Dikshitar AND independent of his "grasping" family.

All that is changing, as it should.

bhOga-chAya-nAtaka-priyE is the Dikshitars offering of the 34th mEla ( aka vAgadiSwari) to the brhadambA of tanjAvUr.

It is YET another kriti that reflects the solar theme of tanjAvUr, seen also in the 9th tirumurai of karuvurar, noted in a previous post.

But instead of focusing on the sun, it focuses on chAya = shadow.

The surya-siddhAnta (classic Hindu astronomy text) gives the meaning of “bhOga” as portion.

These “portions” divide the ecliptic, the path that the sun follows around the earth (or vice versa).

“bhOga-chAya” is literally the “divisions of shadows” that are produced as the sun travels around the earth. It is a sun-dial with a deeper meaning.

Why ?

bhOga-chAya nAtaka is the play/drama of life that results from the progress of time, marked by the motion of the sun.

Just like nabhO-mani , bhOga-chAya-nAtaka is also a synonym for the surya-yantra = sun-dial, marking the passage of time. But it is not the individual hours/minutes/seconds in a day that pass,

Instead it is the events of lives that occur during those hours that measure time.

And the goddess “enjoys” and “feasts” on this play of all life.

As seen in recent posts several solar/shadow named rAgas are being employed at tanjAvUr. ... 20#p380020


The question arises which must be answered..

….What is it about the brhat kSEtra that the Dikshitar chooses to commemorate the “passage of time” with all these solar and shadow, surya and chAya themed rAgas/kritis..?

The answer lies in the brhat samhita !

The brhat kSEtra and the brhat samhita

The brhat samhita is the first Hindu document of the astronomer varAhamihira’s record of Total Solar eclipses viewed over the Indian sub-continent.

Naturally the Dikshitar who had deep understanding of astrological calculations (see the Sukra bhagavantam paras kriti post on this thread) can be expected to be aware of the brhat samhita (like so many other classical documents shown in the hundreds of posts here).

As chAya-graha, Total Solar eclipses represent the capability to block out even the great Sun.

Similarly, despite the magnificent temples of the brhat kSEtra, the COla dynasty was also eclipsed.

The Dikshitar recognizes the same shadow-play of fate , the chAya-nAtaka in the brhat samhita’s record of eclipses and at the brhat kSEtra remnants of the sun-worshipping chOlas.

Indeed, the only thing that is constant through the ages is the nAda-sampradAya and its Sruti, regardless of the rise and fall of ALL human endeavor.

satyam Eva jayatE

bhOga-chAya-nAtaka priyE- rAga bhOga chAyanAta


rAji G

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

Sri.MD has composed at least one kruthi in eaxh of the 40 vivadi .72 Ragaanga (MK) parent scale raagams, though all these eere not at Tanjore and nearby temples.
Here is a list of such vivadi kruthis for the first 20 scales in M! Set. This is meant for learners as quick reference.
The number refers to MK
kanakAmbari -

kanakAmbari kAruNyAmRtalahari - kanakAmbari/rUpakaM

kshEtra - tanjAvUr - kAmAkshi
phEnadyuti -

shrI dakSiNAmUrtimIshaM - phEnadyuti/Adi

kshEtra - tanjAvUr

gAnasAmavarALi -

bRhadIshvarO rakSatu mAM hari - gAnasAmavarALi/rUpakaM

kshEtra - tanjAvUr - bRhadISvara
4. bhAnumati -

guruguha svAmini bhaktiM karOmi - bhanumati/khaNDa tripuTa

bRhadambA madambA jayatI - bhanumati/Adi

kshEtra - tanjAvUr - bRhadISvara - bRhadambA
5. manOraHnjani -

bAlAmbikE pAhi - manOraHnjani/caturashra maThyaM

kshEtra - Vaitheesvaran Koil - puLLirukku vELUr
tanukIrTi -

cidambara naTarAjamUrTiM - tanukIrTi/mishra cApu

kshEtra - cidambaram naTarAja
7. sEnAgraNi -


jHnAnAmbikE pAlaya mAM shrI - sEnAg

kshEtra - jnAnAmikA consort of konkaNESa - on the bank of veNNAR - near tanjAvUr
12. rUpavati


shrIkRSNaM bhajarE rE mAnasa - rUpavati/rUpakaM

kshEtra - tanjAvUr
gEya hEjjajji -

rAmacandrabhaktaM bhaja mAnasa -
About Hanuman

jayashuddhamALavi -

naraharimAshrayAmi satataM -



jhaHNkArabhramari -


himAcalakumArIM bhajE -


vIravasantaM -


EkAmranAthAyanamastE EkAnEka phaladAya -

kshEtra - kAncIpuraM - EkAmra nAtha

kshEtra - tiruvArUr

vIra vasanta tyAgarAja - vIravasantaM/Adi

sharAvati -

sharAvatI taTavAsinI hamsinI -


nAgAbharaNaM -

nAgAbharaNaM nagajAbharaNaM namAmi - nAgAbharaNaM/Adi

kshEtra - tanjAvUr - bRhadISvara

kalAvati -

kalAvatI kamalAsana yuvatI -

kshEtra - Kashmir SAradA Temple.

- rAgavardhani
shvEtagaNapatiM vandE vAmadEva -

kshEtra - tanjAvUr

gaHNgAtaraHNgiNi -


varadarAja avAva vAHncitAdhika phalaprada -

kshEtra - tanjAvUr

bhOgachAyA nATa -


bhOgachAyA nATakapriyE - bhOgachAyA nATa/Adi

kshEtra - tanjAvUr - bRhadISvara - bRhannAyaki

shailadEshAkSi -


shailarAjakumArI shaHNkari - shailadEshAkSi/Adi
calanATa -

paramEshvara jagadIshvara shaHNkarapAhimAM - nATa/Adi
kshEtra - tiruvaiyAru
The corresponding set for M2 group will be given in susequent post.


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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

In continuation of the prevjous post.
Here are the vivadi meLas and kruthis in the M2 set.

. saugandhini -

kAmakOTi pIThavAsini -

kshEtra - tanjAvUr kAmAkshi


. jaganmOhinaM -

shrIvidyArAjagOpAlam bhajEhaM - jaganmOhinaM/tishra EkaM

dhAlivarALi -

mAmava mInAkSI rAjamAtaHNgi - *varALi/mishra cApu

lambOdarAya namastE shrI - *varALi/khaNDa cApu

shESAcalanAyakaM bhajAmi vishESaphalapradAyakaM - *varALi/rUpakaM

40. nabhOmaNi -

nabhOmaNi candrAgni nayanaM - nabhOmaNi/mishra cApu

kshEtra - tanjAvUr - bRhadISvara


kumbhini -


saccidAnandamaya vijRmbhiNIM - kumbhini/Adi

kshEtra - tanjAvUr - bRhadISvara - bRhannAyakI


ravikriya -


himagirikumAri Ishvari -


.....kshEtra - tanjAvUr - bRhadISvari........


gIrvANi -


namO namastE gIrvANI

- gIrvANi/mishra cApu


jIvantikA -


bRhadIshakaTAkSENa prANinO jIvanti

- jIvantikA/rUpakaM

kshEtra - tanjAvUr - bRhadISvara


dhavaLAHNgaM -


shRHNgArAdi navarasAHNgI -

kshEtra - tanjAvUr - bRhadISvara

dhavaLAHNgaM/khaNDa EkaM

. vamshavati -


bhaktavatsalaM abhiSEkavallIyutaM - vamshavati/Adi

kshEtra - tirukkaNNa mangai

vamshavati shivayuvati pAlaya mAM - vamshavati/Adi



shyAmaLaM -

shyAmaLAHNgi mAtaHNgi namastE

kshEtra - maduraikshEtra - tiruccirAppaLLi - Trichy - mAtR bhUtaM (Tamil website)

- -

niSadhaM -


niSadhAdi dEshAdhipatinuta -

niSadhaM/mishra cApu


kuntaLaM -


shrI sugandhi kuntaLAmbikE -

caturaHNgiNi -


EkAmranAthEshvarENa samrakSitOhaM shrI - caturaHNgiNi/Adi

santAna maHnjari -


santAnamaHnjarI shaHNkarI -

santAna maHnjari/Adi

kshEtra - tanjAvUr - bRhadISvara

jyOti rAga -


paraHnjyOtiSmatI pArvatI

- jyOti/Adi

rAmE bhAratapAlita rAjyamarpayAmi - jyOti/khaNDa cApu


dhauta paHncamaM

- dhAtuvarDhani

mAtaHNgi marakatAHNgi mAM pAlaya kRpAlayE -

dhauta paHncamaM/rUpakaM

nAsAmaNi -


shrI kRSNO mAM rakSatu - nAsAmaNi/rUpakaM

kshEtra - Kanchipuram - Varada .

kusumAkaraM -


kusumAkara shObhita shrIpura gEhaM -


.kshEtra - tiruvArUr - tyAgarAja


rasamaHnjari -


shRHNgAra rasamaHnjarIM
shrI kAmAkSIM gaurIM -

rasamaHnjari/ rUpakaM

kshEtra - tanjAvUr - bRhadISvara


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1041 nidAgha dattAtrEya– the virudunagara kSEtra mudras in “sadASivam upAsmahE” - the bha(ya)harana SankarAbharana

Post by nAdopAsaka »

1041 nidAgha dattAtrEya– the virudunagara kSEtra mudras in “sadASivam upAsmahE” - the bha(ya)harana SankarAbharana for the warriors/vira of viranagara

In the footsteps of nAdajyOti Mutthuswamy Dikshitar..

The words “nidAgha jadabharata” APPEAR ONLY in sadA vinata sAdarE (the rEvagupti) and are the mudras for the viranagara = virudunagara kSEtra as shown in a previous post above.

See post dated May 15, 2024..titled "nidAgha jadabharata–the mudras for virudunagara parASakti kSEtra in “sadA vinata” & Why the kriti is in rEvagupti" ... 84#p382184

But the Dikshitar does not ignore the consort of parASakti = sadASiva of virudunagara.

P: sadASivam upAsmahE Sam mudA CidAnanda rupam sadA mudA
A: nidAgha dattAtrEya kapila vAma dEva vyAsa SukAdi vanditapadAmbhOja yugaLam varAbhaya pradAna kuSalam bhakta vatsalam
C: carAcarAtmaka prapanCa gEham, surAsura sEvita vrSabha vAham , murAri prabhrti dEva samuham , parASakti sammElana mOham
purAna puruSam purAntakam , SankarAbharana bhAsamAna dEham , nirAmayam nikhila SOkApaham parAtparam paramaguruguham aham

Indeed the words “nidAgha dattAtrEya” APPEAR ONLY in the kriti “sadASivam upAsmahE” , which is now explained (for the first time in 200 years) as also in the virudunagara kSEtra.

In the SankarAbharana sadASivam upAsmahE he gives the kSEtra mudra for vira-nagara via

1. nidAgha – the story from the viSnu purAna giving nidAghas city as vira-nagara, is explained in the post on sadA vinata sAdarE
2. var-abhaya pradAna – the boon of fearlessness, most valuable to warriors emphasisizing the vira = warriors of the virudunagara legend
3. dattAtrEya – The unique usage of the word “dattAtrEya” is remarkable.
Just as in the rEvagupti, it is the viSnu purAna that gives the story of dattAtrEya which is relevant to viranagara.
How ? Why ?
4. From the viSnu purAna..
The warrior kArtavirya-arjuna propiated the riSi dattAtrEya and obtained special boons meaningful for a WARRIOR..1. he would have a thousand arms. 2. He would BATTLE adharma 3. His ENEMIES woud not be able to defeat him. 4. He would only be KILLED by someone famous = paraSurAma, the axe-wielder (all about battles and fighting and wars)

And finally the choice of SankarAbharana as rAga.

5. It does not take a genius to realize the significance of a SankarAbharana kriti to Siva. But at virudunagara, the icon of fearlessness = bhaya-harana is even more relevant. Because the root word of bha-ya is “bh” (same as in bh-i-ti harana, see the mahArAjas kriti “sAmajEndra bhitiharana” for the gajendra mOkSa) and so the Siva who defeats fear or in this case, the Siva who grants the warriors of viranagara, the boon of fearlessness (same as dattAtrEya granted kArta-vira-arjuna ! )

vira-arjuna …vira-nagara

Case closed.


The insipid re-citation (and recitation) of lists of kritis (WITH ZERO understanding of context, words, ideas) constitutes part of the centuries-long conspiracy to dilute, deny and ultimately corrupt the legacy of the Dikshitar and other vAggeyakAras.

All these deliberate attempts to suppress the vAk of the vAk-gEyakAra are now met with the tsunami of truth.

sadASivam upAsmahE – rAga SankarAbharana

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

It appears that the Trinity, including Sri.MD, preferred not to compose in vivadi meLas.
Out of about 540 kruthis of MD, there are only 40 kruthis in the 40 vivadi raaga scales,
(VaraaLi and Naattai are vivadi raagas however.)

Even then, 20 of those kruthis were composed at Tanjore., possibly as a teaching exercise.

So, what were the other 20 vivadi meLa kruthis? Where were they composed?

We all know that many of those vivadi raaga kruthis are famous.

Let us try to list them now with kshetram information where available.
Courtesy..Rajani and Sri.V.Govindan
Guruguha vaibhavam web site.
For lyrics and translation.

The list given in next post.

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

- .mAnavati
bAlAmbikE pAhi -

kshEtra - Vaitheesvaran Koil - puLLirukku vELUr
- tAnarUpi

cidambara naTarAjamUrTiM -
kshEtra - cidambaram naTarAja
gEya hEjjajji
- gAyakapriya

rAmacandrabhaktaM bhaja mAnasa -
- hATakAmbari

naraharimAshrayAmi satataM -
- jhaHNkAradhvani

himAcalakumArIM bhajE -

- varuNapriya

EkAmranAthAyanamastE EkAnEka phaladAya -

kshEtra - kAncIpuraM - EkAmra nAtha
- mAraraHnjani
sharAvatI taTavAsinI hamsinI -
- yAgapriya

kalAvatI kamalAsana yuvatI -

kshEtra - Kashmir SAradA Temple

- calanATa

paramEshvara jagadIshvara shaHNkara pAhimAM -

kshEtra - tiruvaiyAru

. jaganmOhinaM
- jalArNavaM

shrIvidyArAjagOpAlam bhajEhaM -

- jhAlavarALi

mAmava mInAkSI rAjamAtaHNgi -

- gavambOdi

namO namastE gIrvANI
- vishvambhari

bhaktavatsalaM abhiSEkavallIyutaM -

kshEtra - tirukkaNNa mangai
- shyAmaLAHNgi

shyAmaLAHNgi mAtaHNgi namastE

kshEtra - maduraikshEtra - tiruccirAppaLLi - Trichy - mAtR bhUtaM (Tamil website)
- nItimati

niSadhAdi dEshAdhipatinuta -

- kAntAmaNi

shrI sugandhi kuntaLAmbikE -
- citrAmbari

EkAmranAthEshvarENa samrakSitOhaM shrI -

jyOti rAga
- jyOtisvarUpiNi

paraHnjyOtiSmatI pArvatI

dhauta paHncamaM
- dhAtuvarDhani

mAtaHNgi marakatAHNgi mAM pAlaya kRpAlayE -

- nAsikAbhUSaNi

shrI kRSNO mAM rakSatu -

kshEtra - Kanchipuram - Varadaraaja

- kOsalaM

kusumAkara shObhita shrIpura gEhaM -

.kshEtra - tiruvArUr - tyAgarAja

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1044kalavati kamalAsana is at SrngEri-dakSina AmnAya pitha of yajurvEda mahAvAkya–kSEtra mudra from rAga name yAga-priya

Post by nAdopAsaka »

1044 kalavati kamalAsana is at SrngEri - dakSina AmnAya pitha of yajurvEda mahAvAkya – kSEtra mudra from rAga name yAga-priya

In the footsteps of nAdajyOti Mutthiswamy Dikshitar..

These lists are not only insipid, they also promote ignorance and false information.

“kalAvati kamalAsana yuvati” in rAga kalAvati is to the SAradA dEvi pitha of SrngEri.

There are several mudras for the SrngEri kSEtra given in the kriti..….but generations of ignorant knaves have failed to understand the words (or ideas).

kalAvati kamalAsana yuvati – rAga kalAvati (aka yAgapriya)
P: kalAvatI kamalAsana yuvatI kalyANam kalayatu sarasvatI
A: balAbalA mantrArna rupini bhAratI mAtrkASarIrini malALi vidArinI vAgvAnI madhukaravEnI vInApAni
C: SaratjyOsnAshubhrAkArA SaSivadanA kASmIra vihArA varA SAradA parAnkuSa dharA varadAbhaya pASa pustaka karA surArccita padAmbujA SObhanA SvEtapankajAsanA suradanA purAri guruguha hrdaya ranjanI murAri snuSa niranjani

See post dated Jun 16, 2022 titled Motive, Opportunity & Means of the Dikshitar tirtha–the SriSailam kritis & 4 AmnAya pitha kritis ... 48#p376648

1.. The SAradA idol was brought to SrngEri (the dakSina AmnAya pitha) from kASmira by the Adi Sankara.

2. “bhArati mAtrkA Saririni” describes the legend of the “ubhaya bhArati”, a “dual” form of the body of the mother goddess, the saraswati dEvi.

This “bhArati” is considered the spiritual consort of the first SankarACarya of SringEri, surESvarACArya, the foremost disciple of Adi Sankara. The Dikshitar pointedly adds the name “surArCita padAmbujA” in this regard.

3. Sarat-jyOsnAshubhrAkArA echoes the Adi Sankaras soundaryalahari (stanza 15)

And stanza 27 of the soundaryalahari gives the relation of Ahuti-vidhi and the yagna krama of the yajurvEda

gatih prA-daksinya-krama nam aSanadi Ahuti-vidhih

Identifying the fire sacrifice/offering = aSanAdi as Ahuti vidhi

4. In the sampurna-paddhati naming scheme the rAga kalAvati (the 31st mEla) takes the name yAgapriya.

It is no coincidence that the dakSina AmnAya pitha celebrates the mahAvAkya of the “yajurvEda” = yagna = yAga.

Ahuti-vidhi is the yagna krama of the dakSina AmnAya pitha.

Each of the 4 pithas has a vEda and a location assigned by the tirtha of Adi Sankara (and also a visit/kritis by the Dikshitar)

5. the mahAvAkya of the yajur-vEda is “aham brahmAsmi”, which the Dikshitar denotes as “kala-ya-tu saraswati” i.e. meditating/contemplating on identifying with the goddess = brahman. Notably the word “kalA” also means “part of”.


Truth is particularly amplified when seen alongside untruth.

The pujA of the Dikshitar , like the pujA of the Adi Sankara, CANNOT be desecrated by the ignorant or the arrogant.

Fittingly, the rasikas forum provides a platform to see the truth , purely from the Word and rAga choices of the vAggeyakAras , in contrast to the falsehoods peddled by the nefarious.

satyam Eva jayatE

kalAvati kamalAsana yuvati – rAga kalAvati = yAgapriya

the “s” brothers

s rAjam

s bAlaCandar

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

In the kriti kalAvati kamalAsana yuvati, Dikshitar addresses her as Sharada, the presiding deity of Kashmira, considered the Sarvagnya Pitha. Kashmira was known to be the seat of all learning in ancient India and hence the abode of SarasvatI. The influence of Shri Adi Shankara’s works on Muttusvami Dikshitar can be seen in the usage of the sahitya. sharajjyotsnA shubhrAkAra in the charanam is reflective of the Shloka sharajjyotsnA shuddhAm from Shankara’s Saundaryalahari.
From a wonderful article by Amrita Murali in Sruti magazine, on Dikshitar krutis on Goddess Saraswathi.
. ... ha-murali/
. "S Sowmya -
kalAvatI kamalAsana yuvatI -
kalAvati -

कमल-आसन युवती
कल्याणं कलयतु


बला-अबला मन्त्र-अर्ण रूपिणी
भारती मातृका शरीरिणी

मल-अलि विदारिणी
मधु-कर वेणी
वीणा पाणी


शशि वदना

काश्मीर विहारा

वरा शारदा
परा-अङ्कुश धरा
पुस्तक करा

सुर-अर्चित पद-
अम्बुजा शोभना

श्वेत पङ्कज-आसना
गुरु गुह हृदय रञ्जनी
स्नुषा निरञ्जनी
Devi Sharada represents the collective spiritual and knowledge traditions as well as the sacred geography of India.
Today, she returns to her seat in Kashmir.
On March 22 of 2023 a newly revived temple will be inaugurated for Sharada, the Goddess of learning, in Kashmir.

The sacred idol of the Goddess comes from Sringeri of Karnataka.


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1046 “kalAvati” can only be at the SrngEri dakSina AmnAya pitha–part of the Dishitars COMPOSITE AmnAyA kSEtra kritis

Post by nAdopAsaka »

1046 “kalAvati kamalAsana” can only be at the SrngEri dakSina AmnAya pitha – which is part of the Dikshitars COMPOSITE AmnAyA kSEtra kritis

You can lead 4 legged (or 2 legged) creatures to water but you cannot make them drink.

In the footsteps of nAdajyOti Mutthuswamy Dikshitar…

There is ZERO possibility of "kalAvati kamalAsana yuvati" being located ANYWHERE other than SrngEri..

The 4 AmnAyA pitha established by the Adi Sankara do NOT include the pitha in kASmira.

The Dikshitar celebrates each of the 4 AmnAya pitha kSEtras
SrngEri - dakSina AmnAya pitha – yajur vEda mahAvAkya
badrinAtha – uttara AmnAya pitha – atharva vEda mahAvAkya
puri – purvi AmnAya pitha – rig vEda mahAvAkya
dwArka – western = paScima AmnAya pitha – sAma vEda mahAvAkya

In addition

The description kASmira vihAra in the kalAvati kriti does NOT refer to the geographical kASmira.

Why ? ... because...

kAsmira = saffron

It refers to the kASmira = saffron = yellow colored pearls decorating the goddess neck = vi-hAra as her necklace.

It is part of the sequence of descriptions of the goddess Saradas APPEARANCE in the kriti

Sarat jyOtsnA SubhrAkArA SaSivadanA kASmIra vihArA

The description of the form and face of the Goddess
Sara jyOtsnA Subhr AkAra - form that is white like the moon of Sarad ritu
SaSi vadana – the white face
kASmira vi-hAra – She who wears the yellow = haridra = kASmira = saffron colored pearl necklace.

Indeed, this yellow pearl necklace is referred in the soundaryalahari stanza 74

As “hAra latika” in stanza 74


Words and ideas in the kritis CANNOT be expected to be understood by the ignorant (see the "narESa not same as bhupAla" nonsense) .

The 4 AmnAya pithas are EACH represented in the kritis of the Dikshitar.

SrngEri is the kSEtra for kalAvati kamalAsana yuvati.

bhArati mAtrkASaririni - Noticeably the pontiffs of SrfngEri over the centuries carry the name bhArati.

The rAga choice for the yagna of the yajur-vEda mahAvAkya kSEtra as yAgapriya reaffirms this.

All the other kSEtra mudras are given in post 1044 above.

Ignorantly quoting other equally ignorant “professional musicians” and “playback singers” who are also NOT reading & understanding the words or choices made in the kritis, is a sign of the corruption being attempted.

kalAvati kamalAsana – rAga kalAvati (aka yAga-priya)

harini s

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »


Sarada devi temple and icon in Kashmir

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

The kriti SharAvati taTavAsini is set in the 25th ragAnga raga sharAvati
. In this kriti he visualises Her
as one who resides on the banks of the river sharAvati,

one who has a swan as Her vehicle (hamsini),

one who personifies word and meaning (shabdArtha svarUpiNi)

and one who delights in the music of the flute and the vINA (muraLi vINA gAna vinodini)

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by nAdopAsaka »

The word "tata" also means edge or tip distinct from bank or shore of a water body

Sara = arrow = tira
avata = cavity (opening/hole etc)
Sara + avata = SarAvat = arrows that are present in a cavity
tata = shore/bank/edge
tira = shore/bank/edge

jihva-Agra – tip of the tongue (tip is Agra), jihva is tongue
jihva-Agra stithayasaraswati resides at the tip of the tongue – see “saraswatyA bhagavatyA” (ChAyAgaula)

Word is the arrow, issued by the vAk-dEvi (girvAni) who resides at the tip-of-the-tongue.

There is NO specific geographic kSEtra for SarAvati tata vAsini, neither is there a geographic kSEtra for namO namastE girvani.

For the vAk-gEyakAra, the vAk-dEvi is a personal deity.

She does not need a geographic kSEtra to be "realized" , manifested or felt.

But for those who deny the value of Word = vAk, AND who are ignorant of Word, well...any kind of corruption is possible..

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Re: Mutthuswamy Dikshithar (Krithis)

Post by sam »

vINApustakadhAriNi –
An insight into the Kritis on Goddess Sarasvati by Shri Muttusvami Dikshitar.
Amrita MuraLi

Dikshitar also notes that Sarasvati resides on the tip of the tongue of the learned and the pious


The very sight of people with negative thoughts and energies can cause immense anguish in one’s psyche.

Dikshitar mentions, in this composition, Sarasvati removes the pain caused by even a glance of ill-minded individuals

M S Subbulakshmi -

Veena Pustaka Dharini -
Vegavahini -



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