Swaeroes of adavimallela excelling in music with AMS EASY METHODS.

To teach and learn Indian classical music
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Re: Swaeroes of adavimallela excelling in music with AMS EASY METHODS.

Post by msakella »

Since many centuries, unfortunately, music is taught by self-singing by the teacher and by imitation by the aspirant. Every music-teacher thinks that this is the only way to teach or learn music. There are some musicians, who train their kith and kin in the above manner for many hours and years. Not only by having the same genes of music in their blood but also being in a music dominated environment along with a constant exposure to music some kids may, by their inherent talent, become able to recognize some Ragas and also sing the compositions in those Ragas. In the same manner some teachers are used to keep their students for hours together along with them and make them listen to music or sing all along and claim themselves as great teachers receiving awards and rewards. Till now, very few people who can very lavishly spend their time, energy and money in learning music could only succeed and many others of them are compelled to settle as music-teachers only though unsuccessful. Thus, all these music-teachers have always been used to sing themselves and make the aspirant also sing along with them but successfully fail in initiating the masses making them work for 99% in a time-bound and result-oriented process like you.

While all the failures in my teaching life lead to a very serious research in this respect I, ultimately, have found that the present method of teaching, actually, is not for teaching but for cheating and that it is a simultaneous process of working and learning, side by side, by the aspirant himself/herself basing upon his/her inherent talents. Thus, ultimately, the Almighty very kindly blessed me with this novel method of learning our music and by scrupulously following this plan many of our kids are becoming able to sing even Swarakalpana and Ragalapana within the span of hardly one year even before learning Kritis. Fortunately, you have properly understood this novel method and been able to successfully follow and produce talented kids even from the masses who have neither the family background nor the needed environment. amsharma

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Re: Swaeroes of adavimallela excelling in music with AMS EASY METHODS.

Post by pmantra »

Once again proved that ams learning methods are too fruitful. Other systems may give 10-30% success but here we will be getting 90%. Another pretty little swaero from adavimallela just caught the concept of rhythm in just an hr and has done rhythm exercises for the first time in FIRST ATTEMPT WITH METRONOME. She is so amazing that she could do 3,5,7 in chaturasram and 4,5,7 in trisram in couple of hours and did jati alankaras in chaturasram just looking into the book. She is not having any music background and environment in her locality. Her mom and papa are agri labours. Who are novice to the word music. Here is her video. https://youtu.be/OgqtqKJ1gsc
Dr. Prasanna

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Re: Swaeroes of adavimallela excelling in music with AMS EASY METHODS.

Post by vvssaraswathi »

Very nice Dr Prasanna. Whatever you are doing is a true service !!! Wishing all children all the best !


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Re: Swaeroes of adavimallela excelling in music with AMS EASY METHODS.

Post by pmantra »

Thank you very much for your kind support
U are one amongst them who really works worth with actions rather than words. Else my swaeroes might have not got this opportunity to learn. Without ibstruments I could have done nothing and this talent of little ones might have been poured into ganges. Thank you for donating a casio to me to teach these down trodden real gems.
I should tell about my school. Its a remote place where power rarely is available. No one bother about music. No officer bothers about the instruments. No funds for music at all. With the grace of almighty I got the blessings from sri. ms akella garu in the form of instruments. And now add on is your kindness. My kids will prove tge world how best are ams learning techniques. They are the real ones to prove this because they and their parents are novice to the word music. Neither inheritence nor atmosphere. Still these kids have instinctive laya. Only job of mine is to guide them to be trained themselves. I will be uploading a few more videos of these wonder kids soon.
Thank you

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Re: Swaeroes of adavimallela excelling in music with AMS EASY METHODS.

Post by msakella »

Chi. Sow. Prasanna dear,

Gone through the video of your kid and felt extremely happy for your honest and efficient efforts in serving our people.

Yes, as you rightly wrote, nowadays, there are thousands of people around us either to very efficiently turn a deaf ear even towards your honest and truthful activities in truly serving our people or to disturb you in one or the other or even to discourage you in one way or the other but very few honest people who may very rarely respond positively or keep quiet. In this task, as we are getting very amazing and encouraging results, it is always desirable to proceed further and further in our aim with firm determination without minding any accolades or brickbats.

You are doing your job very efficiently unlike any other music-teacher on the earth. Do it confidently and proceed further and further and the Almighty, like in my case, will certainly give you the needed support like in the way of these Casio-machines. By such support only I was able to upload nearly 1000 videos to youtube and bring out six music-books each one along with audio CDs which are helping the aspirants all over the globe. Wishing you all the best, amsharma

Pratyaksham Bala
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Re: Swaeroes of adavimallela excelling in music with AMS EASY METHODS.

Post by Pratyaksham Bala »

You may consider shifting these posts to:
"AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods" under "MUSIC SCHOOL".

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Re: Swaeroes of adavimallela excelling in music with AMS EASY METHODS.

Post by pmantra »

Art is not limited to any caste, creed, community, region, country or any territory. This is what I want to show up with my very special little swaeroes. SWAERO is abbrevated as social welfare aeroes. I.e. heroes of social welfare whose aim is to reach infinity and beyond. We are proud of poorna, the youngest girl from down trodden section to scale mount everest recently. She even addressed in UNO With that spirit, I took it as inspiration to make my girls on to the top of the highest peak of music and remain there steadily. Sri msakella garu paved this path of success in my school.
Let me tell you the facts which are not unfirled till now. Run by social welfare dept, tswreis hyderabad, my school is in khammam dist of telangana situated in a remote area , no proper atmosphere to learn music, no instruments( till sri. Msakella garu and vv saraswathi garu donated a minimum number) power on and offs, no audio visual equipments, hardly one period a week, and that too liberally captured by some other subject teacher to complete her syllubas etc.
Caring a pin for the above hurdles, me and my little girls striving hard to keep up our carnatic music for the next gen. Here every girl feels pleasured. Higly talented girls strengthen themselves with just a mere practice of 3.30 hrs of practice in turns.(hardly 30 mins per girl) These girls are now into different levels from basic rhythm exercises to varnas state.
Note: They dont start their session without metronome. This could happen only in a couple of months. (Started on july 1st 2015) just witness the accuracy of the girls in the below videos wherein they could do kalpana swara in roopakam, (already uploaded) khanda chapu and misra chapu(already uploaded)
My intension is that these girls should be icons for the above sentence TALENT IS NOT RESTRICTED TO ANY CASTE, CREED, ..... Thats why I write all here seperately.
Watch them here.
https://youtu.be/OgqtqKJ1gsc ( baby harshini on first day) watch her rendering jati alankaras @1,2,3,4 per second in just 3 days. Second girl in the group).
Through out these learnings I just keep zipped mouth and never attempt to utter anything except guide their self learning through audio video files of ams easy methods. I use my personal computer to fecilitate their learning. No official provision of instruments and equipments.
Dr. Prasanna

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Re: Swaeroes of adavimallela excelling in music with AMS EASY METHODS.

Post by msakella »

Honest tailor-teacher properly initiates the aspirant (a) in getting the physical-measurements of the person, (b) in properly cutting the cloth without any waste and (c) in properly stitching the cloth. But a deceitful teacher-tailor teaches only the 3rd item always keeping the aspirant dependant upon the teacher.

In the same manner, even in our music, a suicidal tradition has long ago been formulated by these music-teachers in which they themselves go on singing several items for many years and ask the aspirants also sing along with them by which their imitative abilities only are increasing without much of the grammar of music. By all this the aspirant is compelled to remain dependant upon the teacher for many years to come in learning the needed grammar of music . Thus, while the honest teacher, without singing himself/herself, properly initiates the aspirant making him/her work and learn on his/her own a deceitful teacher makes him/her dependant upon the teacher for many years. Even if I am always ready to prove this at any time, very sadly, none of these music-teachers properly responds either to agree with this or to properly help the aspirants in quickening the process but, in the meantime, each and every Tom & Dick prefers to interfere unnecessarily.

Taking all these very crucial points into very serious consideration this novel method of learning has recently been formulated in which the rhythmical abilities of the aspirants are properly stabilized paving way in making the aspirant work on his/her own and learn the knowledge of singing and writing the notation of the items or Kalpanaswaras or Ragalapana very quickly and efficiently hardly within the span of only one year. In this process the teacher acts merely as a guide without singing for more than 1% but initiates the aspirant sings for more than 99%.

Very strictly following the above process Dr. Prasanna, the teacher at Adavimallela, even without opening her mouth to sing, has very ably been initiating the kids in getting their rhythmical abilities stabilised properly paving way to proceed further and further very quickly and efficiently. As these masses cannot afford to waste their invaluable time or energy or money like many others in learning this art this system only is helping them in fulfilling their task very quickly and efficiently. amsharma

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Re: Swaeroes of adavimallela excelling in music with AMS EASY METHODS.

Post by pmantra »

I wonder if this thread is moved!!

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Re: Swaeroes of adavimallela excelling in music with AMS EASY METHODS.

Post by pmantra »

Namaskars to one and all.
after a big pause , am back to share my experiences with my amazing besties of adavimallela. These swaeroes who began learning music by themselves under my strict guidance, could crack and plunge into 3rd varna. (singing every varna 4,6,8 notes per beat) despite of my absence for nearly 4 to 5 months. I was forced by the situation to be away from them due to my ill health.
I need to share a few more things here. My swaeroes who are one year old in music, took a pledge of never giving up and proved that they can play the role of a logical teacher by conducting battery test themselves for the new joiners i.e. new students of the academic year 2016.
My swaeroes chi. rechana, chi. prashanthi, chi. bhargavi, chi. harshini, chi. chaitanya and chi. Deepthi never took it as a chance to skip music in my absence. Sounds gewat!!! Its a real blessing to a teacher to have such students. They took it as their responsibility to propagate their technique to the new ones who are talented. and new batch began with 25 kids of class V. Some of them are so amazing that they could do chaturasram and trishram exercises in no time. It is just because of my green gurus i.e. my swaero gurus. These seven gems shouldered the responsibility of making juniors to excel in music. In the world of music, we will come across many great performers but what society needs is a true guru who can produce as many as besties as him/her. May be even more than what he/she is capable of.
While i was listening to the seniors progress and the juniors renditions, my heart felt bubbly resulting goose pimps.
here are the links of the videos of my swaero music teachers.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLzKlwz ... 6uikF91ekv

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldP2O_D ... v&index=40

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbOA3Yv ... 6uikF91ekv

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hh1gTcY ... v&index=42


What else can be the best moment for a teacher in his/her life than listening to the words of their disciples that they choosed music just to teach for the next generations.

so in this scene, to give them something good, I announced casio for the best teacher who makes their group to go to geetas level in just 3 months after completing all rhythmical and swara exercises including jati kalpana in misra chapu and khanda chapu too.
They are on their mission seriously to grab their prize from now.

Dr. Prasanna

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Re: Swaeroes of adavimallela excelling in music with AMS EASY METHODS.

Post by msakella »

Chi. Dr. Prasanna,

Since many years, in the absence of the sound-recording and reproducing gadgets, the poor aspirants are compelled to absolutely depend upon another person, may be the teacher or any other person. This precarious condition of the poor aspirants facilitated the teachers to find different ways and means to keep the aspirants perennially dependents upon the teachers. In this process no music-teacher did ever teach the poor aspirant the notation-writing or supplied notated books but even discouraged the writing in notation. None of the music-teachers did even follow or develop the symbolized notation very kindly provided by Subbarama Dikshitar for the first time in the history in his monumental work, Sangita Sampradaya Pradarshini. None of the so called Gurus ever tried even to find ways and means to make the aspirant work on his/her own in the process of learning music. They always tried their level best only to make the aspirants dependents upon the teacher singing a number of items one after the other for several years and asking the aspirants follow them wasting their invaluable time, energy and money.

For the first time in the history, when the instinctive rhythmical abilities of the aspirants are, at the first instance, stabilised to make them move further on their own and facilities are provided with notated books, keyboard, metronome and audio & video files to work and learn things on their own they are doing things very quickly and efficiently like your kids. Moreover, the seniors among them are even able to guide their juniors playing even the role of the efficient teachers. This is welcome.

I sincerely and heartily appreciate your achievements as one of the best music-teachers on the globe and wish you to continue the same with dedication and devotion though not recognized by many as, in general, the parasitical performers are mostly recognized and honoured with titles or awards etc. but not the teachers who serve the society honestly. amsharma

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Re: Swaeroes of adavimallela excelling in music with AMS EASY METHODS.

Post by msakella »

On 20170903 Chi. Sow. Dr. Prasanna, music-teacher working in the Residential-school, Adavimallela, KhammamDistrict, Telangana, is going to be honoured with the award of the ‘Best-music-teacher’ by the Lion’s Club International at Hariharakala Bhavan, Secunderabad for her yeoman service to the classical music on the eve of Teachers’ Day Celebrations.

In fact, even though she has medically been advised by the Doctors not to sing, she has taken up the new system of initiating the kids of the Govt. residential schools in learning our music in which the kids of SCs & STs only are studying as, in this unique system, the teacher sings les than 5% but initiates the students work for more than 95% in learning things independently on their own.

Presently, there are 63 students of different classes (V-18, VI-22, VII-11, VIII-06 & IX-06) learning music since last 2 years. Among them, while 18 students are learning the basic rhythmical exercises, 20 finished up to Gitas, 18 fulfilled learning Svarajati and 7 who are learning Varnas are able to sing all the Varnas both in Chaturashra and Tisra-gatis and even creative and intricate mathematical Kalpana-svaras in four Talas even without learning a single Kriti. No doubt, she is the only efficient, honest and reliable music-teacher I have ever seen doing such a yeoman service to the down trodden people. amsharma

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Re: Swaeroes of adavimallela excelling in music with AMS EASY METHODS.

Post by pmantra »

Namaskars everyone
Due to ill health I could not be here for long but its time to share something very specual about swaero kids of adavimallela's amazing skillfull performance
Tswreis conducts varous competitions at district level, zonal level and state level competitions.
after so many winning hardships swaeroes of adavimallela were given an opportunity to take part in state level competition.
The dept issued certain instructions that the team should comprising of 8 members and children should do all the jobs like playing music, writing script on their own etc.
My music swaeroes took it as a challenge under my guidance and they wanted to bring out something very special.
Now they started working on it a week before the competitiin and I asked them to practice bamboo dance and given a video as reference.
Now, as there is an instruction that they should creat their own music/ dance the 8 members team started working on it.
S. Rechana played casio (mohana with kalpana swaram spontaneoysly according to the rhythm) and P prashanthi played dholak took it for providing background music on track LIVE and the other 8 members ANEESHA, KEERTHI, BHARGAVI, KUSUMA, CHAITANYA, DEEPTHI, JAYASREE AMBIKA opted to be part of dance
the dance was bamboo dance. so four decided to clap the bamboos and four to dance in between bamboos..... real hard task. there should be a great coordination between all the three teams . The music should be given correctly, The bamboos should be clapped on rhythm and the dancers should skip the bamboos to dance.
Initially they found it hard and came to me with a sad face.
Here I told them to take 16 counts and asked them to choose a Jati for that. As they are well trained in AMS EASY LEARNING TECHNUQUES, they could do that easily and nearly 60 combinations took place in 7 mins dance. Practice started and in 7 days they could be this perfect.
Here us the video for you to judge.


The day of performace was on 15 th and as a mentor, I could assist them with make up and costumes on my own
I never entertained third person to choreograph as kids themselves are very much stuffed enough.

Here cones the real story
They performed flawless and spectacular audience were applauding them till today

what is going on? why people are like this. To held the talent and skill underneath their feet to keep themselves raised??
I could not get any redressal but I wanna know whats wrong with my kuds performance in this forum of music and dance intellectuals.

the video clips of winning teams.


this is first prize performance( am not blaming the kids here) a sterotypic dance with song of batukamma private album.


second prize.
and third prize was a WORTHY skit by biknoor school. ciz kuds did everything on their own.

So what I mean to say is so called eminent judges did justification of their own. To keep me under their feet, they killed my kids skill.
BUT VIEWERS ARE REQUESTED TO COMMENT ON MY KIDS' PERFORMANCE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE as your worthy encouragement keeps them boosting up and growing up.

Dr. Prasanna

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