ThanjAvur Shankara Iyer@SanthanagOpalan's house on Oct 6th,2

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Post by rajeshnat »

Accompanied by Lalgudi GJR Krishnan - Violin , Shri TK Murthy - Mridangam and Neyveli Venkatesh - kanjirA

1.viribOni (varnam) - bhairavi - pachimirium AdiappA
2.telisi raama - poornacandrikaa - T
3. yOcanaa kamala(S) - darbaar - T

4. sadbhaktiyu (R,N,S)- Anandabhairavi - Poochi
neraval in bhAnukOti
5. janani ninuvinA (R,S)- reetigowlai -SubbarAya sAstri
6. venkata shailA - hameerkalyAni - SubbarAyA sAstri

7A. vErevvarE gati??(R,S) - shuruTTi- T
7B. Tani
8. mOhana rAmA - mOhanam - T

9. bamAru roopa ... emantu nama??? - kedAragowlai ? - ?
10. chArumathi upachAramu - kAnadA -???
11. nAtru dheem (thillAnA) - kApi - Ponniah Pillai??

12A. slOkham "shAntha kAram bhujaga sayanam" - atAnA + Ahiri + sowrAshtram
12B. nee nAma rupamulakU - sowrAshtram - T
13. rAma kathA sudhA - madhyamAvati - T

Shri ThanjAvur ShankAra Iyer(TSI), a vaggeyakkara more known for his exemplary mentoring and composing skills,when facing a crowd as a performer is always different for rasikas . The rasikas were two types one were all fellow junior performers (championed by our host Shri neyveli, bhakthavatsalam, suryaprakash,BMK Jr ,Lalgdi Vijayalakshmi, Sashikiran,etal )who unanimously think Shri TSI is musician's musician.

That tag of musician's musician can be perhaps more acknowledged but difficult to experience by the second type of rasikas who are all not performers . Particularly to me that statement is bit foggy ,to the point of forcing me to think really in lines "If I didnot know TSI as a vaggeyakkara ,assuming I knew him just today only as a performer", how was his concert and how could I review. The review follows...

# I was late to miss the first two (possibly our SanthanagOpalan's house search is not as direct as his music), shri TSI's is certainly very heavily influenced by ganakAladhara MMI. The miss was bad as I did not hear the bhairavi ata tAlam and one of the greatest drop #2 telisi rAmA. The vigour of darbAr came well and Shri TSI sang very good the yOchanA kamala.

# Anandabhairavi alApanai was sung with a lot of gusto, perhaps the emotive alankAram was not heavily showcased , but more polished as a sub main . Keeping with the mood of the submain alApana, he sang Poochi's sadbhaktiyu. The neraval in bhanukOti was very good .

# Hearing the first four from a closed circuit tv outside (hey we are growing we are having cctv too..)was certainly dipping my interest. Had to go the main hall to directly visualize Shri TSI's concert. Some one in the crowd asked to sing reetigowlai. A back to back Anandabhairavi to reetigowlai is definitely an avoidable combo, but shri TSI sang excellently with beautiful support by the accompanists. HameerkalyAni drop gave a definite contrast in the alApanai , but his age did compromise the quality of the venkata shaliA rendition.

# A rarest shuruTTi infact I am not even sure of the krithi, he sang to the right proportion with a right dose of swarams and the tani followed. From here is where I enjoyed the most more for his daredevil sequence. Singing MOhana rAma after shuruTTi and tani is something I never anticipated.

# There was a brilliant emotive kedAragowlai?? , right emotive appeal was delivered. A superb kAnadA followed never heard this krithi before. The thillAna was just good in kApi

# Surprises did not end there , a slOkham in a rAga sequence of atAna ,Ahiri and sowrAshtram firmed my belief that Shri TSI decides everything at that second . Particularly liked the Ahiri a lot. I would say it was brilliant for him to sing nee nAmA in sowrAshtram as a krithi with right spacing ,not in the lines of majority of musicians who sing this as the last 30 seconds filler for the clock to strike from 8:59 to 9:00pm. Shri TSI followed with rAma kathA sudha and perhaps shri TSI sent a subtle message that the end should be a grand krithi not a small tukkadA to assert that CM lives in krithis not fancy tukkadAs.

# The other star for the concert was certainly Shri TK Murthy.His Tanjore school of playing suited well with the non set of pattern of TSI's singing , perhaps it was a top secret tanjore -tanjore bond which is just impossible to document. Shri Venkatesh's(coming from pazhani school) kanjirA was very good with the contrast of pazhani and Tanjore style gelling well. Lalgudi Shri Krishnan played very well , but certainly he could not demonstrate as much skills because most of the alApanais were all short . Both TKM and Venkatesh grabbed lot of time and presented a long and interesting tani.

# Overall to me one of the most striking aspect of Shri TSI is he cares for every body in the stage and intelligently pushes them to excellence . Usually a vocalist will worry about mridangist and leave the violinist and kanjira to strike their own deal and take a break, but Shri TSI was very consicious every second , a little bit of jeeva sahithyam here and there to give more life to the violinist, spacing more and more to give the TK Murthy a choice to stroke more , turning his head to ensure kanjira is not idling , and at the same time pushing his 2 disciples (Thank god he was not as caustic as the last concert i heard in rAgasudha) to sing . All along the humility and dedication as a teacher is just inseperable and in true tanjore style expressively demonstrated.

# There was a bit of his tanjore humour too . I just love tanjore humour it happened when Shri Krishnan was returning reetigowlai. Shri TSI went loosely like this "A rasika asked the singer whether the alApana was reetigowlai or Anandabhairavi .The singer said if I sing marivere it is Anandabhairavi , if I sing janani ninuvina it is reetigowlai".Perhaps my translated humour in english is dry, can't help it .

## There were lot of folks but some usual faces were not present. I would love to read their posts too.Special thanks to neyveli and ofcourse our dear :cool:karni, who simply makes it better and better.
Last edited by rajeshnat on 07 Oct 2007, 22:59, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cmlover »

Thanks Rajesh.
This was a long expected event. Nice personal review. Trust pictures would follow as wel as comments from other rasikaorg members.
How come none of his own kritis? were there no requests. When you said dear coolkarni I felt how dearly I miss him !

How was the mohanam from this veteran?

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Post by Lakshman »

Item # 9 Could it be bAmarO muvvagOpAluDaina by Ksetragna?
cArumati upacAramu is by Pattabhiramiah.

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Post by vgvindan »

I have been wondering whether sangatis and neraval are meant only to bring out the myraid forms of Raga. Probably this is what seems to be the practice.

However, IMHO, the purpose of Sangatis and Neraval is not merely to bring out the beauty of the Raga, but also to take the Rasikas to higher and higher scales in the Bhava of the Sahitya. And at least once during the concert, the musician is expected to take the Rasika to the climax without which the purpose of listening to a concert is defeated.

Some people have asked question whether there is any Bhava separate from Raga. It is very difficult to answer this question to a novice who has never experienced a throbbing heart where words fail and tears of joy - or sorrow - overflows.

In Tamil parlance - Iyal - Isai - Natakam - these are the three progressive stages of communication. 'Iyal' - 'prose' and 'poetry'; 'Isai' - Music; 'Natakam' - dance.

Poetry is born when prose fails to convey the feelings of heart. When even poetry fails music is born. Even music becomes monotonous and when you become one with the Bhava - you start dancing - that is Natakam. Therefore, Music and Dance are higher in the scales of evolution in conveying feelings - Bhava.

It is not every rasika is musically qualified to enjoy the musical aspects alone in total isolation of Sahitya - lyric. Going by the adage - 'SiSur-vEtti paSur-vEtti vEtti gAna rasam phaNiH' - music is natural to every individual. It would be interesting to take statistics of rasikas of a concert - as to how many are musically knowledgeable. My gut feeling is that not even 25% would come in that category. Expecting what the majority of the rasikas attend the concerts? It is Sahitya and the Bhava - aka - nava rasa.

IMHO, the purpose of Sangati and Neraval is to bring out - leaving aside the musical aspects - the crux of the kRti where the musician is in direct communion with the rasika in the exposition of the Bhava - the mood.

Take for example the Sangati or Neraval - whatever you may call (I would prefer to call it 'highlight') in the concert of TSI yesterday in the Tyagaraja kriti - 'telisi rAma cintanatO' - pUrNa candrika. The highlight was at the word 'rAma' of first caraNam.

rAmAyana capalAkSula pEru
kAmAdula pOru vAru vEru
rAmAyana brahmamunaku pEru
A mAnava jananArtulu tIru (telisi)

There are two 'rAma' in the caraNam. Sri Tyagaraja brings out the contrast between the words 'rAma' uttered with different moods and meanings. The first 'rAma' means 'capalAkshi' - referring to a woman with a restless eyes. The other 'rAma' refers to the Supreme Lord who is the essence of essence.

The musician highlighted the 'rAma' of the first variety - an anti climax

It is not anywhere and everywhere a sangati, and particularly, neraval can be performed. In this Kriti itself, there are are other portions highlighting (sangati or neraval) which, the musican can take the rasika to the height of the Bhava.

When the musicians fail to choose appropriate places for highlighting, it is only disappointment; the lay rasika - one not one knowledgeable in music - continues to slog till one day and in some concert he is able to reach at least once that Bhava felt by the Vaggeyakkara.

They say You see what you look for. Similarly You hear what you look for. I keep on looking to hear some day, somewhere, one who will reach me to that acme which Sri tyAgarAja in the kriti calls 'talapulanni nilipi nimishamaina tAraka rUpuni nija tattvamu telisi' - 'at least for the duration of a minute, stopping all the thoughts' - the search continues.

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Post by uday_shankar »

Lakshman wrote:Item # 9 Could it be bAmarO muvvagOpAluDaina by Ksetragna?
Yes! Indeed that was what it was, Lakshmanji.


I have very little to add to rajeshnat's excellent comprehensive review. I could tell you an anecdote or two, trying to emulate seniors like you :-).

I walked into that wonderful "durbar" at Shri NSG's house when TSI was singing yOchana. I would have loved to have heard the Bhairavi varnam.

I think TSI was allowed free rein and nobody interefered with his plans with requests, etc.. Given his eminence as a vaggeyakara, few people realize that he's an excellent musician in his own right, with a great repertoire of trinity as well as ther kritis, padams, javalis, etc..

Way back in 1987, when shri LGJ conducted the first "mummoorthy vizha" (don't know if they still do) in Thiruvarur, I had the privilege of hanging out with the entourage as they "inaugurated" the vizha in Shyama Shastri's house. On a crisp early morning, we all crowded into the little house, barely maintained at that time. TSI led the singing, with LGJ on the violin, of what else but the classic Bhairavi Kaamakshi. Aah, those times. That's my first memory of TSI. I can still "rememba" his Amba! Since then I've been listening to him whenever I could, during the music season but not many times since moving away from India. Nice to be back!

Krishnan carries the enormous weight of the great Lalgudi mantle lightly and gave us fine glimpses of the "bani". The few short phrases in mohanam were delightful. You would have been floored.

Many thanks to our own great nAdopAsaka "vidyArthi" Shri NSG for making this one-of-kind concert possible. Being such gracious hosts, the Santhanagopalans topped the wonderful concert with a serving of sojji, sundal and coffee.

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Post by cmlover »

Thanks Uday!
In addition to the rasikasorg crowd the concert appears to have been populated by the standard ragas/raginis. Nothing exotic. Nothing strange in TSI not inviting MD or SS when he was truly immersed in T (not just the ones served by the generous santhanagopalans :) ) till the end.

I have been trying to imagine how 'shaanthaakaaram..' would sound with an aTHANA start followed by ahiri! The thought was stimulated by VGV's discussion on the bhaava aspect. Of course for a veteran, bhaava is not a problem with any raga while we plebians (contaminated by HM thinkings) always associate moods with particular ragas.

Normally we would have a few exciting anecdotes from coolkarni about his longtime associations with TSI and how he weaned (pl don't get offended :) him from HM to CM (their loss and our gain :)

Too bad Nick missed the double mridangam treat! It must have been a 'laya riot' :)

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Post by sbala »

IIRC, the reethigowla request came from TSI's disciple. It was a thoroughly enjoyable concert. There is an intensity to these chamber concerts that you dont get in sabhas. Thanks to Shri NSG and the organisers for a wonderful evening.

CML - It wasn't double mridangam (guess it's a typo by Rajesh). Neyveli Venkatesh played the kanjira

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Post by rajeshnat »

sbala wrote:CML - It wasn't double mridangam (guess it's a typo by Rajesh). Neyveli Venkatesh played the kanjira
Corrected the post.Indeed Venkatesh played the kanjirA

Nick H
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Post by Nick H »

Yes, I am so sad to have missed the chance to get close to TKM's fingers, and Venkatesh is another of my guruji's classmates and I have met him a few times.

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Post by arasi »

First of all, thanks to the gracious hosts and the rasikas team which organized the concert of the veteran. The loss was ours--ah, chamber music, that too in a house of music, by a one of a kind vidvAn!
As CML says, how we miss the before-and-after accounts and of the ambience--the kind with which Cool would have transported us there! So, thanks to Uday Shankar for pitching in, and of course, to Rajesh. A pity, even some of the locals and regulars coudn't make it to this event. Bharath, Vijay, Nick and others. Was Ram there? Of course, he doesn't write reviews at present.
Good to know that some performing artistes graced the occasion too. Could we expect Suryaprakash to add his thoughts on the concert, in his own eloquent words?

We did discuss aTANA and many felt that it was essentially suited for vIra rasA alone. I am glad 'SantAkAram' started with that rAgA!
Last edited by arasi on 08 Oct 2007, 06:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by s_hari »

Great concert! Expecting a review from musicians in this forumn!!

Sam Swaminathan
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Post by Sam Swaminathan »

Coming to India on a less than 10 day trip, this concert was indeed a bonus that I will remember the memorable evening rest of my life. Apart from the wonderful music ( Rajeshnat has covered it adequately ) and the hospitality of Sri Santhanagopalan, I got to meet some impressive personalities of Rasikas org in Sri Kulkarni, ignoromous, Balas, Govindan and of course Sri Rajesh. Thanks to Rajesh for providing some knowledgeable bits of info on our trip back to my place in Mandavelli. Thanks a million to Sri Suryaprakash for the drop. God, I did not even know where I was at that time of the night. Thanks to Rajesh, I have now learnt to halve the fare demanded by autoriksha drivers !!

Keep it going are doing some wonderful service. regards sam

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Post by ram »


couldn't attend the concert as I was held up with loads of work at office :( (yes ... over the weekend :( )

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Post by vgvindan »

sangati - Tyagaraja's outstanding contribution to the advancement of the kriti format was the introduction of the sangati (lit. coming together) - a set of variations on a theme, gradually unfolding the melodic potential of the musical phrase. Largely set in the madhyamakala (middle tempo), Tyagaraja's kritis were more appropriate for the modern concert paddhati. As vidwan G. N. Balasubramaniam observed during his presidential address at the 32nd conference of the Music Academy in 1958, nearly 60% of Tyagaraja's kritis are composed in this kala and this speed "seems to be the best for both the lay and the learned listeners."

In my previous post, I had observed that Sangati and Neraval cannot be carried out anywhere and everywhere. The portions in the kRti 'telisi rAma cintanatO' suitable for such tempo building are given here under -

P telisi rAma cintanatO nAmamu
sEyavE O manasA

A talapulanni nilipi nimiSamaina
tAraka rUpuni nija tatvamulanu

C1 rAmAyana capalAkSula pEru
kAmAdula pOru vAru vEru
rAmAyana brahmamunaku pEru
A mAnava jananArtulu tIru (telisi)

C2 arkamanucu jilleDu taru pEru
markaTa buddhuleTTu dIru
arkuDanucu bhAskaruniki pEru
kutarkamaneDu andhakAramu tIru (telisi)

C3 ajamanucu mESamunaku pEru
nija kOrikalElAgIDEru
ajuDani vAgIzvaruniki pEru
vijayamu galgunu tyAgarAja nutuni (telisi)

The Roots are 'nAmamu sEyavE' and 'nAmamu SEyavE O manasA' in pallavi

nAmamu SEyavE
nAmamu SEyavE O manasA

cintanatO nAmamu sEyavE
telisi nAmamu sEyavE
rAma nAmamu SEyavE
cintanatO rAma nAmamu SEyavE
telisi rAma nAmamu sEyavE
telisi cintanatO nAmamu sEyavE
telisi cintanatO rAma nAmamu sEyavE
talapulanni nilipi nAmamu sEyavE
talapulanni nilipi rAma nAmamu sEyavE
talapulanni nilipi cintanatO rAma nAmamu sEyavE
talapulanni nilipi telisi cintanatO rAma nAmamu sEyavE
talapulanni nilipi nimishamaina nAmamu sEyavE
talapulanni nilipi nimishamaina rAma nAmamu sEyavE
talapulanni nilipi nimishamaina cintanatO rAma nAmamu sEyavE
talapulanni nilipi nimishamaina telisi cintanatO rAma nAmamu sEyavE
tAraka rUpuni nAmamu sEyavE
tAraka rUpuni tatvamu telisi nAmamu sEyavE
tAraka rUpuni tatvamu telisi cintanatO nAmamu sEyavE
talapulanni nilipi tAraka rUpuni tatvamu telisi cintanatO nAmamu sEyavE
talapulanni nilipi nimishamaina tAraka rUpuni tatvamu telisi cintanatO nAmamu sEyavE
jananArtulu tIrunu nAmamu sEyavE
kutarkamaneDu andhakAramu tIru nAmamu sEyavE
vijayamu galgunu nAmamu sEyavE
tyAgarAja nutuni nAmamu sEyavE
& C
Last edited by vgvindan on 08 Oct 2007, 09:45, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by vijay »

Thanks to everyone for sharing the details. Like Ram I too missed the concert, thanks to my present employment in a certain part of the Vanga Desha with which we no longer share a common national identity...

I am sure it was an event to cherish - hats off to Coolkarniji and NSG sir for organizing this event. I do look forward to the uploads and to the next event.

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Post by arasi »

Looking forward to more input on the concert, photographs and recordings, please. We haven't heard from all the members who attended the concert...

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Post by ninjathegreat »

Was this concert recorded? IT sounds scrumpulous....

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Post by arasi »

It has been a day of discussion about the English language on the forum.
Is your 'scrumpulous' a cousin of 'fantabulous'?
Last edited by arasi on 13 Oct 2007, 08:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ninjathegreat »


It's my own - very own - modification of scrumptious!!! After all, English words are made and borrowed, are they not?


(I simply have to justify myself - imagine, I grade my students on technical writing!!)
Last edited by ninjathegreat on 13 Oct 2007, 12:20, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by vijay »

A Shakespeare in the making, our Ninjabhai!

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Post by arasi »

Scrumpulous and fantabulous--the bard would have loved these names for another set of twins for one more of his 'mitaken identity' comedies!

Fantabulous is a combination of fantastic and fabulous which has found its way to the dictionary. How about, scrumbulous?
Last edited by arasi on 13 Oct 2007, 21:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by vgvindan »

Unsahikkable - sorry, I do not mean to denigrate anyone.

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Post by arasi »

Especially Shakespeare!

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Post by ninjathegreat »

:) hey, when mangai and kattumaram can make it to the english dictionary, and creations like floccinaucinihilipilification why not scrumpulous....

The longest word in shakespeare, btw, is another ridiculous one : honorificabilitudinitatibus (Love's labours lost)
Last edited by ninjathegreat on 14 Oct 2007, 10:03, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cmlover »

The longest word in English is
smiles :)
Can you guess which letter in English is an island?

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Post by vijay »


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Post by arasi »

K? (cay).

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Post by ninjathegreat »


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Post by ninjathegreat »

The longest word in English is
smiles :smile:
good one, cml sir! reminds me of the days when I was told things like encyclopedia came from "en-cycle-a-pidi-yaa" and oppanakara street getting it's name from "O-panakaara-veedhi"!!!!! (which to my utter shame, I believed in the first dregs of my life...)
Last edited by ninjathegreat on 14 Oct 2007, 21:59, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cmlover »

nin jaathi great :)

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Post by cmlover »

It is the letter 'T' since it is in the middle of

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Post by vgvindan »

aRu suvai

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Post by vijay »

Well E is in the middle of sea as well as ocean (although it would be gramatically incorrect)

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Post by vasanthakokilam »

VGV, good one ;) ( I may have to move all this extraconcert posts elsewhere but that is for later )

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Post by cmlover »

No! This is
agreed vijay! As much as 'j' is the letter for victory :)

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Post by arasi »

saraLi variSaiyai, adAvadu sangItattai , idu tanjAvUr Sankara aiyar kaccErit talaippu enbadai maRavAdu...
(not forgetting sarigamapA, not forgetting that it is a thread on TS's concert), are there samples and pictures, please?
arasarkellAm arasan (king of kings), Rajesh, we are waiting...
Last edited by arasi on 15 Oct 2007, 02:36, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by erode14 »

cmlover wrote:ninja
The longest word in English is
smiles :)
Can you guess which letter in English is an island?
"smiles" is longest word with minimum letters, but a word which has numeruos letters but short is.....

post box :):D:)

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Post by ninjathegreat »

cmlover wrote:Sure!
nin jaathi great :)

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Post by ninjathegreat »

arasi wrote:saraLi variSaiyai, adAvadu sangItattai , idu tanjAvUr Sankara aiyar kaccErit talaippu enbadai maRavAdu...
(not forgetting sarigamapA, not forgetting that it is a thread on TS's concert), are there samples and pictures, please?
arasarkellAm arasan (king of kings), Rajesh, we are waiting...
aww, just a bit of fun!!

actually, it started with my asking if recordings/snippets exist for this scrumpulous concert!!!

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Post by arasi »

Ninja, how can we forget that when you drive even a supercolorfragilisticexpialidotion to extinction!
Last edited by arasi on 17 Oct 2007, 02:12, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ninjathegreat »

arasi wrote:Ninja, how can we forget that when you drive even a supercolorfragilisticexpialidotion to extinction!

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Post by ninjathegreat »

arasi, even the INTERNET could not give any results when I searched for that word!!!!!!!!!

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Post by vasanthakokilam »

Just wait until Google indexes this page ;)

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Post by arasi »

With such a looooong word, no wonder I didn't get the spelling right.

Here it is again:

The song goes like this:
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious,

You don't know Mary Poppins, after all!
Last edited by arasi on 18 Oct 2007, 08:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ninjathegreat »

Mary who?

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Post by ninjathegreat »

aaah! google works now!!!!!! THAT poppins!!!! :)
Last edited by ninjathegreat on 18 Oct 2007, 08:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by rajeshnat »

Photos are uploaded .I hate to write this, but in my firefox browser it does not work, but in my IE browser it works. Photos of TSI's concert. ... Oct6th2007

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Post by cmlover »

Thanks again Rajesh and for those nice captions!
Looks more are to come with TSI in focus...

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Post by ninjathegreat »

nice pics... any more?

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Post by sramaswamy »

Very nice to "look" at music. Excellent pictures.

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