Kritis on Sri Narada

Carnatic composers (other than performing vidwans)
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Kritis on Sri Narada

Post by satyabalu »

Do we have anyother Vaggeyakara (apart from Thiagarajar) to have sung on Sri Narada?
*Why are we not worshipping him?
*Is there any sannidhi in any temple? If not ,I may be curious to know why?

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Re: Kritis on Sri Narada

Post by ksrimech »

Do we have anyother Vaggeyakara (apart from Thiagarajar) to have sung on Sri Narada?
Lakshmanji is the right person to answer this question. :grin:
satyabalu wrote: *Why are we not worshipping him?
Who says we don't? He is worshipped as an acharya in all the vaiSNava sampradAyas. SrI kRSNa says He is SrI nAradA amongst the sages (Ref: SrImad bhagavadgIta Chapter 10). You can also keep a vigraham of SrI nArada and a sing the 5 kRtis tyAgarAjasvAmi sang for him. :)
satyabalu wrote: *Is there any sannidhi in any temple? If not ,I may be curious to know why?
From wiki:
3. Narada Temple at Naradagadde

Narada Temple is dedicated to the Divine Sage Narada. This temple is constructed on Naradagadde one of the most scenic islands on the Krishna River. Due to its exquisite location the temple is not only visited by devotees but also by the travel enthusiast who make their day on the bank of the river.
nArada and kRSNa together. What as beautiful sight it must be!

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Re: Kritis on Sri Narada

Post by keerthi »

tyAgarAja seems tyo have revered nArada and sings his prasises in several songs -

1. varanArada-nArAyana in vijayashrI - 'sadA nEnu atuDanucu hariyu' with hari proclaiming that 'I am He'.

[this echoes ksrimech's Gita reference - 10.26
aSvatthaH sarva-vRkshANAM dEvarshINAM ca nAradaH ]

2. nAradaguruswAmi - darbAr - He calls him an expert in sangIta, yOga, nigama, Agama, itihAsa, purAna and charitram.

3. srinArada - kAnaDa - he is described as vEda-janita-vara-vINA-vAdana-tattvajNa {echoing the ratnAkara's definition of a vaggeyakAra}

4. srI nArada muni gururAya - Where tyAgarAja proclaims that he had darshan of nArada - kanulAra kanukoNTimi guru rAya

the song nAradagAnalOla isn't about nArada.

The song 'nAradamuni vedalina' is a daru from the prahlAda-bhakti-vijayam, and can't be claimed to part of any set. It does describe nArada as having a golden vIna, and being the benefactor of prahlada.

there is the magnificient composition of chinnaswamy dIkshitar - 'gAnalOlakaruNAlavAla' which is an expansive panegyric of nArada, listing his major lIla-s.

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Re: Kritis on Sri Narada

Post by mankuthimma »

*Is there any sannidhi in any temple?
I have walked past one in Chigateri Village , Harapanahalli Taluk , Karnataka during my visits to a famous art Collector / Historian - Late Mudenur Sangannavar who lived in his farm house .
There is yet another in Raichur Karnataka.
*Why are we not worshipping him?
Our fixation with message rather than the messenger , I suppose :P

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Re: Kritis on Sri Narada

Post by satyabalu »

*Thanks ksrimech,keerthi&mankuthumma .It is good for me to learn by exhibiting ignorance.
*Now, let me know more about Chinnasamy Dikshidhar &his composition "Ganalolakarunalavala"Keerthi!
* May I ask the elite forumites to please list out references vaggeyakaras have made on "sri Narada"in their compositions.

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Re: Kritis on Sri Narada

Post by satyabalu »

Here is the sloka cut &pasted from "Bhakthi"
Cheerful E-mail

Posts: 18

#2 06 Nov 2010 02:50 Re: Worshipping Sri.Narada
Sloka about Sri Naarada (Corrections welcome!)

Namo Devarshi Vandyaaya
Sada Sriman NarayaNa Priyaaya cha
Aacharya RupiNey ThuBhyam
Sri Naarada Namo Namaha

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Re: Kritis on Sri Narada

Post by rshankar »

keerthi wrote: vEda-janita-vara-vINA-vAdana-tattvajNa {echoing the ratnAkara's definition of a vaggeyakAra}
'vEda janita' - I assume, vEda here refers to brahmA the creator of the vEdas rather than the vEdas themselves, right?

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Re: Kritis on Sri Narada

Post by saarangam »

Here is a write up on a lecdem by Veena Gayathri:(Courtesy:The Hindu Friday January 4,2002).
``VEDA JANITHA Vara Veena'' — The sacred Veena that was born out of the Vedas. That is how this musical instrument is described by Tyagaraja. It requires deep study and research to explain what this exactly means. That is what the well-known veena player, E. Gayathri did in her lecture demonstration at the Indian Fine Arts Society on Sunday.

The scriptures, she explained, talk of two veenas — Deivee and Manushi. The human body itself is the Deivee Veena. The wooden instrument that human beings play on is the Manushi.

Gayathri, quoting the scriptures, explained how the distance between the centre of the eyebrows and mulaadhaara is 48 inches, the same as the distance between the bridge and the beginning of the frets of the veena. In the same way as the vertebrae sections become smaller and smaller as they go up, the distance between the frets also get narrower. She pointed out that the ``Veena is the only instrument prescribed by the divine scriptures as an instrument containing many universal code secrets to help reveal the ultimate truth to the human being. That is why it has been given an exalted status in Carnatic music''.

The human body itself is a model of Sri Chakra. The various chakras, from mulaadhaara (beginning with the spinal cord) to Sahasrara (top of the head) can be activated by musical notes. This is described by Muthuswamy Dikshitar in his Navavarana kritis. Gayathri played these nine songs — some in full.

Gayathri disapproved of the recent practice of mangling the veena (dismantling and reassembling it) to facilitate foreign travel. ``Veena will not be a veena once it is dismantled,'' she said. Her spiritual reverence for the instrument is obviously not shared by others for whom it is just a wooden piece useful in producing sounds that earn money. Gayathri stressed this point — that while Carnatic music tried to liberate the human being from this samsara, other systems of music only promoted the baser or animal instincts in man. That the spiritual approach produces a superior quality of music was evident from the soulful ragas she brought out. When she played the vibrant, masculine Sankarabharana, the placid, feminine Kalyani, the stately Bhairavi, or the beautiful Ahiri, she was peerless.

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Re: Kritis on Sri Narada

Post by rshankar »

Thank you for the explanation - I now understand that 'vEda janita' describes the vINa and not Sri nArada...

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Re: Kritis on Sri Narada

Post by Lakshman »

Here is a song on Narada by Ashok Madhav.

nAdasudhAkAram. ragA: gAnamUrti. Adi tALA.

P: nAdasudhAkAram vandEham nArada munIshvaram satatam
A: vEda vEdyam mahAnubhAvam varaguNa sAndram varadam
C: sakaladEva hitam sadguruvaram sUkta haridAsam gAnamUrtim
sakala shAstra pArangatam dEvam sad-bharaNI vinutam sangItalOlam

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