Should musicians stay away from politics?

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Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by prabuddha »

One admires (and sometimes worships) musicians for their power to transport the listener to another world. It is for this that one sometimes pays $35 for an evening of delight. Under normal circumstances $35 is enough to cover a 4 member family's dinner bill.

I was distressed to read this morning a rant in The HINDU by Sri T. M. Krishna. It was crude, uninformed, reductive and in the ultimate analysis, rather Neanderthal. It is a known fact that baiting Brahmins is a growth industry but for a vidwan to do that in this manner, beggars belief. In addition, it's not even a good article as it ignores the substantive issues of this General elections in India as well as the leadership crisis.

That brings me to my question - should a musician align himself so much to a prevailing dispensation and comment about politics? One may point that if the writer were not a well known musician, the article may not even have seen the light of the day. That's why this article needs to be discussed as one where a musician is seen commenting on contemporary politics. But is it really politics he is commenting on or is is just a guise under which to attack one community and garner some publicity in the process?

It's a very disturbing trend. Rasikas need to be aware of such things happening again in the future. Rasikas also need to ask themselves iof they would willingly support someone who bites the hand that feeds? ... epage=true

I like his music but will never again go to his concerts.

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by venkatakailasam »

There are lawyers, Doctors, Bankers, Professors and many others pursuing a profession ..Are they not holding
a view on politics...?Why should it not be be so for a musician? or musicians....
I also read the article by tmk...His personal view, he is expressing..If you have different view, hold it or express it in a forum..
By not attending his music or his concert, who is at a loss..Definitely he is not...

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by prabuddha »

Well, I've already expressed my view which is that TMK's op ed (if indeed it can be called that) is 'crude, uninformed' etc. btw, if there are more people like me, soon it will be his loss too.

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by VK RAMAN »

We have heard of silent intelligentia. They are in any part of the World always silent but do participate in all activities including voting. They do not openly support, endorse or oppose any of the issues and I believe carnatic musicians should follow that IMO.

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by cmlover »

I don't see -other than some laced with humour- anything offensive about brahmins!
It hs nothing to do with him being a musician...

bhakthim dehi
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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by bhakthim dehi »

Expressing one's view is nothing cannot indeed their right.. but it does nt mean we can say anything that we like without doing any research on that particular topic concerned.. the article under discussion is totally a crap and doesn't warrant any further discussion IMHO.. he doesn't give any conclusion regarding politics and I really cannot consider any aim behind this article except degrading Brahman community which he usually does.. it is his popularity which made this article to get published..
Personally, I stopped listening to his concerts very long back and I really didn't lose anything..
Lastly., our community is tolerant, probably genetically that makes us to take everything with a sense of humor.. I bet that he can't and he won't do this to any one else.

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by arasi »

In tamizh, we say, thumbai viTTu vAlaip piDithal--can't think of an english equivalent at the moment (help needed!). Translated, it means--letting go of the tether and trying to catch the cattle by their tails :)

World history speaks volumes about how art unites. How music makes people of many faiths and even different factions to come together. To this day it is happening, and will continue to be so. Look at all of us at! We are not a one kind of a group at all, and yet, how much we feel connected as a listeners' community!

Even when man was a hunter, he found happiness in the music of birds around him, found a reed with holes in them and blew into them to make music. Whichever faith we identify ourselves with, we all sing, chant, and that's part of human expression which nourishes the soul.

Here's a musician, a good one, a popular one, who isn't helping music much in its being an unifying force. Instead, he speaks of divisions. Not that they don't exist--but to what extent? They can even be overlooked, when we consider how they have brought us together.

As I went through the many comments about this article, I realized how particular people are about our making responsible statements in a newspaper. For example, one Hindu reader points out that there is no sense of history in TMK's statements. I do agree. I know too that in his grandparents' times taboos existed, and trickled on to the next generation too a bit, perhaps. But how the social landscape has changed! Gandhiji and his followers brought in a change (many of them were from the brahmin families). Shocking though all this admixture of castes were for the older generation, they started realizing that they better not close their eyes to what was coming. May be they didn't like it, but they were around to witness it. In today's technological world, even those who want to hold on to their grandparents 'values' cannot, and there are perhaps a handful of them!

We are talking about a big breach in 2014?? For what avail?

Since practitioners of the arts are a dynamic part of our society, we do not wish them to be robots who are mere performers. A keen intellect, feeling the pulse of the society they live in (not for material gains alone:) is appreciated. They may hold any political view and may belong to any party. Unless they enter politics, it's better for them to be discreet about their political opinions!

Then again, TMK is a traditionalist in his music, though he allows himself to be innovative in rearranging the order of songs in a concert and in making decisions about when to sing or what to sing or omit as the concert progresses.

Another thing that puzzles me is the way he tells his audience: forget that you are in a concert. How can a professional musician who comes to give a performance say that to his listeners? They are not in his house where they can listen to him just sing. They pay (or not) and are there in a concert hall to listen to a concert where they find him on the stage with professional musicians who are ready to accompany him!

Krishna is one of our star musicians and I do hope that he would turn his attention and concentration more to his music for his own pleasure and for the sake of his fans and for the rest of his audience...

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by harimau »

The Hindu has taken up on itself the task of promoting T M Krishna. Once every two weeks, he is given the opportunity to have his views printed by that fish wrapper and bird-cage liner.

Some months back, he had an Op-Ed piece saying that the death penalty is cruel and should be abolished and that Ajmal Kasab, the only terrorist caught alive in the Taj Mahal Hotel massacre, should not be given the death penalty.

I attribute his views to the fumes of single malts. :p

PS. I know some of the moderators have an extremely poor understanding of what can be discussed on this forum. :-o

For such persons, the comment about single malts, while it may be a personal matter,was put in the public domain by TMK himself in an interview published in the aforementioned rag. [-x

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by harimau »

The following is hearsay.

Two music seasons back, Sri K J Yesudas was reported to have said to the audience at Narada Gana Sabha that if there is a next birth, he would like to be born a Brahmin.

He then repeated the statement and amplified it: Brahmins are the only community who bring focus, commitment and dedication to whatever they do. He wanted to be born a Brahmin not because of the privileges - dubious in this day and age - associated with being one but because of the specific qualities inculcated in the members of that caste.

So if TMK thinks that Narendra Modi is deemed a Brahmin by the upper castes and that is why they support Modi, all I can say is that this pseudo-Brahmin is way better than the Kashmiri Brahmin we had as our first prime minister.

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by arasi »


Fish and chip wrap and budgie cage liners... :-! in a CM scene? Tut, tut, jungle cat, do you stop there? You travel north too in your post :)

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by harimau »

arasi wrote::)

Fish and chip wrap and budgie cage liners... :-! in a CM scene? Tut, tut, jungle cat, do you stop there? You travel north too in your post :)
You should check out Section B of The Hindu. Among the recipes you find there and the restaurants reviewed are quite a few featuring seafood items.

I don't think that used to happen in the days of Kasthuri Iyengar. But times have changed. :p

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by anonymityatlast »

I absolutely agree with Venkatakailasam that musicians have as much right to participate in politics as everyone else does. Why, I believe some senior musicians should be nominated into the Rajya Sabha. =)

That said, I think The Hindu has been very unwise in giving space to TMK to write THIS on their newspaper! I mean, a newspaper of that stature is expected to give more "expert" views, especially on subjects like politics!

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by ramamantra »

I totally agree with prabuddha. The article was stinking and patronizing. I wish he stops writing such trash in papers or Hindu stops publishing him time and again.

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by vasanthakokilam »

Remember the so called Reagan democrats who helped Reagan win? Modi is not a Reagan of course but to my pea-sized brain, it seems that the emergence of Modi liberals is the key to him becoming the PM. Brahmins are such a low percentage of the population to have any major effect anyway but I would expect them to vote conservatively as a group. There is really no necessity for this 760 word psychoanalysis of Brahmins, let alone bringing in the angle of them voting for a Non-Brahmin. That is just despicable non-sense.

TMK the liberal should actually ask why people who are center-left are leaning to the right in this election more so than before. They are the key to this election.

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by seema »

Well, TMK seems to want a lot of attention, and he certainly gets it. Personally, the article is his point of view, which seems a valid one, IMHO.

There is an audience for TMK no matter what he does, and to be honest, it seems to be growing.

Whether or not we feel musicians ought to stay away/not from politics, they seem to be entering the fray - and TMK is not the only one. There's the case of Amjad Ali Khan supporting one party, Channulal Mishra another, BIsmillah Khan's family supporting one of these and so on.

Unfortunately, politicization of music is a step away.

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by venkatakailasam »

Shri TMK has not invented stories about Brahmins..They were there even in our house in the generation
earlier to mine…..and still continues in the community…
One is not a Brahmin by birth in a particular community or by wearing the Sacred thread ….
Kanchi Mahaswamy has said elsewhere……that one is a Brahmin who is in search of Brahmam and who has learnt Vedas and their meaning,
One who chants Gayatri Japam, one who does Sandyavandanam thrice a day, one who keeps the tuft and wears panchakacham and more than anything else do service to mankind and all living beings…
Service is not one where one gives Rs 5/ or 10/ to a beggar..

Only when your mind without any hesitation allows you to hug a leper and do service to him to wipe up his tears, your service gets completed..

The service is what the person standing with Senthil Nathan here does…

There are many kids like senthil whom he protects though he himself is not the one who is well off.

Or persons about whom reference is made at posts 2, 3 and 5 at this link..

How many in Brahmin community qualify to be called as such?
They are a selfish lot with bloated egos and devoid of community feeling..
They are part of the political set up….with unclean hands….

No use in calling TMK as a Brahmin hater..

When TMK began a concert with a RTP varnam and also when objected recording of his concert,
there were brickbats of Bumpers, legcutters and Googly on all sides. and he hit them all for Sixers as Uvi did..There were many who stayed away ..but his rasikas have flooded his concerts both in side and outside the Sabha Halls..
He does not need any attention.....Every one's attention is on him...

Sorry… for being blunt…I cannot stand on Razor’s Edge and write as Arasi does…Arasi…No offence meant!

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by rajeshnat »

Many a times TMK thoughts are muddled with no pragmatism and attimes the solution will be more confusing than the problem at hand , read this ... 951233.ece

Some times his view point is from just one angle .I read somewhere that the two longest serving captains for indian cricket are mansur ali khan patuadi and mohammed azharuddin ... 844197.ece

The hindu sunday supplements and magazine columns are published across all cities . While friday reviews and associated articles have a viewership restricted to few cities , this EXTRA reach is surely helping his music and brand.

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by cmlover »

Arasi is a good politician in the CM world :D
She should be running the Music Academy for us!

Nick H
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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by Nick H »

rajeshnat wrote:The hindu sunday supplements and magazine columns are published across all cities . While friday reviews and associated articles have a viewership restricted to few cities , this EXTRA reach is surely helping his music and brand.
I think he is just adding columnist to the list of regular jobs. If that, plus music, plus whatever, equals brand, then yes.

venkatakailasam, You speak, very eloquently, words which all of humanity need to hear.

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by arasi »

Oops! there was a problem about sending this post, and I started typing all over again :( and when I posted that, the original one also appeared here. So, I deleted what was in this post ~o)
Last edited by arasi on 12 May 2014, 22:25, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by arasi »

I am sure you meant it as a compliment, but I have neither the clout nor the qualifications to head an august institution as the Music Academy :)

You are a dear, and what is there for me to misunderstand? I don't for a moment deny any of what you have said. Racism and caste prejudices still exist. I am not questioning that at all.

ParamAchArya said and did things which amaze us endlessly. As a guide to humanity, he was also pragmatic. His guidance to us also emphasized positivity.

TMK is, and can be a positive influence on his young fans--by not raking old muck, but by finding ways of making music a part of their lives.

I am glad Harimau brought in Jesudas's statement. He had a brahmin guru, a traditional one, but with a heart which saw no differences. That was not all. He refused to sing in the temple if his christian student was not allowed into the temple to sing with him. Music can be a magical tool to make things better in this world,and a dynamic young musician like TMK, with all that's going for him should be doing more of what he already has shown us he is capable of. The past few years saw his reaching out to students in schools in Chennai and elsewhere, holding seminars for them so that they would have a taste of classical music. We applaud him for that.

That dIrgha darSi bhArathi conveys it even in a children's song: ODi viLiyADu pAppA...

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by kvjayan »

The article could have been written as well by a JNU jolawallah. The politically correct vidwan seems to be aiming at something higher than mere SK. This surmise is strengthened by his association with the likes of Gopalkrishna Gandhi, Amartya Sen et al. It won't be a surprise if Arundhati Roy or the Pope himself graces the vidwan's next book release. The Hindu with full control of MA, has found to its delight a prize (secular) catch among the musically inclined Tambrams.

Anyhow, it is too late in the day to stop Narendra Modi. What is left to be gained is some trivial satisfaction by way of snide remarks against Modi and the Tambram community, albeit through a convoluted route.

In a tangential sense, in his recently released (and much talked about) book he had raised serious doubts about the very existence of Oothukadu Venkata Kavi!

BTW, musicians certainly need not stay away from politics. They should be useful for more than just singing invocation in Hamsadhwani or Naatai. Who knows, when the scholar-vidwan becomes a minister of culture in a future secular govt., MA may get some generous funding?!

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by arasi »

What a post!

Welcome to We also have another jayan (kpjayan aka braindrain) we are very happy to have around :)

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by varsha »

Sorry… for being blunt…I cannot stand on Razor’s Edge and
Kudos for choosing such a lovely phrase .Which has roots in a famous visit to Ramana Maharishis Abode in 1938 , the birth of a famous novel and a movie .
Maugham himself visited Sri Ramana Ashram, where he had a direct interaction with Ramana Maharshi in Tamil Nadu, India in 1938.Maugham got verse translated from the Katha Upanishads for his novel's epigraph – उत्तिष्ठ जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत | क्षुरस्य धारा निशिता दुरत्यया दुर्गं पथस्तत्कवयो वदन्ति || (uttiShTha jAgrata prApya varAn_nibodhata | kShurasya dhArA nishitA duratyayA pathas_tat_ -avayo vadanti || ) – which means "Rise, awaken, seek the wise and realize. The path is difficult to cross like the sharpened edge of the razor (knife), so say the wise."
A visit where Maugham finds it difficult to ask questions that trouble him .. He asked me if I wished to say anything to him, or ask any question. I was feeling weak and ill and said so; whereupon he smiled and said, 'Silence is also conversation'.

As for the musician under discussion , he could add this song to his repertoire ... 78_RPM.mp3

The questions that engage him are getting better by the day , one must admit .For it was not too long ago that he espoused the cause of Indianised Management techniques using the life histories of Indian Musical Masters .
As far as his opinions are concerned ... Well we are living in a generation that has seen the closure of Punch , Readers Digest and the emergence of amazing amazing Google .

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by cmlover »

Yes appropriate song for Modi..
சின்ன ஜாதி அல்லவோ
இப்பாரத தேசத்தின் மணிமுடி தரிக்க (நான்)
சின்ன ஜாதி அல்லவோ
(low caste am I not to be crowned (as the head of )this Bharata)

.. a refrain TMK should be invited to sing during the Coronation..

Sundara Rajan
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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by Sundara Rajan »

It appears that TMK, as well as most of the forumites who responded, have not realised that the Tamil Nadu Brahmin Association DID NOT endorse Narendra Modi in the Lok Sabha Election. Instead, right or wrong, the secretary of the association, who is much older than Jayalitha, called on her and expressed their support to AMMA, not because they liked her, but because they feared Modi more! As Arasi mentiond Barhmins, especially in Tamil Nadu, are NOT a privileged lot, but are the neglected and ostracized lot who are denied opportunities even when highly qualified. Enough Brahmin bashing, especially by Brahmins. Sundara Rajan

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Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by venkatakailasam »

I read an article in Thambraas as to why we should support the ruling party..

This has prompted me to write this..

" 24-04-2014 அன்று தமிழகத்தில் நடைபெற இருக்கின்ற இந்திய பாராளுமன்றத் தேர்தலில் நமது சங்கம் அஇஅதிமுக மற்றும் அதன் கூட்டணி வேட்பாளர்களை ஆதரிப்பது என்று முடிவு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது.ஆகையினால் நமது சங்கத்தினுடைய மாநில, மாவட்ட, கிளைப் பொறுப்பாளர்களும், நமது சங்கத்தினுடைய உறுப்பினர்களும், நமது சங்கத்தினுடைய ஆதரவாளர்களும், பிராமண சமூகத்தினர் அனைவரும் இந்தத் தேர்தலில் மாண்புமிகு தமிழக முதல்வர் செல்வி ஜெ.ஜெயலலிதா அவர்களின் தலைமையிலான அ.இ.அ.தி.மு.க வேட்பாளர்களுக்கும், (இருந்திடுமேயானால்) அ.இ.அ.தி.மு.க வின் கூட்டணி கட்சி வேட்பாளர்களுக்கும் ஆதரவு அளித்திட வேண்டும் என்று மாநிலத் தலைமை அறிவுறுத்துகின்றது.

நமது சங்கத்தின் ஒற்றுமை, திறமையான செயல்பாடு மற்றும் எதிர்கால சூழ்நிலைகளை மனதில் கொண்டு, அனைவரும் கட்டுப்பாட்டுடன் இந்த முடிவினை நடைமுறைப்படுத்தி, நமது வாக்கு வங்கியின் பலத்தினை மீண்டும் நிரூபித்திட மிக்க அன்புடன் கேட்டுக் கொள்கின்றேன்.

உங்கள் அன்பு சகோதரன்

மாநிலத் தலைவர் நமது மாநிலத் தலைவர் நமது முடிவினை அ.இ.அ.தி.மு.க. வின் பொதுச் செயலாளரும் மாண்புமிகு தமிழக முதல்வருமான செல்வி ஜெ.ஜெயலலிதா அவர்களிடம் எழுத்து வழியாக தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.

ஏ. மாண்புமிகு தமிழக முதல்வரும் அ.இ.அ.தி.மு.க. பொதுச் செயலாளருமான செல்வி ஜெ.ஜெயலலிதா அவர்கள் எழுத்து வழியாக தனது கட்சியின் நன்றியினை நமது மாநிலத் தலைவருக்கு தெரிவித்துள்ளார்..

I read an article in Thambraas as to why we should support the ruling party..This has prompted me to write this.." 24-04-2014 anRu tamizhagattil naDaibeRa irukkinRa indiya pArALumanRat tErdalil namadu sa#ngam aiadimuga maTRum adan kUTTaNi vETbALargaLai Adarippadu enRu muDivu seyyappaTTuLLadu.AgaiyinAl namadu sa#ngattinuDaiya mAnila, mAvaTTa, kiLaip poRuppALargaLum, namadu sa#ngattinuDaiya uRuppinargaLum, namadu sa#ngattinuDaiya AdaravALargaLum, pirAmaNa samUgattinar anaivarum indat tErdalil mANbumigu tamizhaga mudalvar selvi je.jeyalalidA avargaLin talaimaiyilAna vETbALargaLukkum, (irundiDumEyAnAl) vin kUTTaNi kaTsi vETbALargaLukkum Adaravu aLittiDa vENDum enRu mAnilat talaimai aRivuRuttuginRadu.

namadu sa#ngattin oTRumai, tiRamaiyAna seyalbADu maTRum edirgAla sUzhnilaigaLai manadil koNDu, anaivarum kaTTuppATTuDan inda muDivinai naDaimuRaippaDutti, namadu vAkku va#ngiyin palattinai mINDum nirUbittiDa mikka anbuDan kETTuk koLginREn.

u#ngaL anbu sagOdaran

mAnilat talaivar namadu mAnilat talaivar namadu muDivinai vin poduc seyalALarum mANbumigu tamizhaga mudalvarumAna selvi je.jeyalalidA avargaLiDam ezhuttu vazhiyAga terivittuLLAr.

E. mANbumigu tamizhaga mudalvarum poduc seyalALarumAna selvi je.jeyalalidA avargaL ezhuttu vazhiyAga tanadu kaTsiyin nanRiyinai namadu mAnilat talaivarukku terivittuLLAr

Still there are very poor people in the community who need help and is it not the duty of those who are fairly well to do to represent their case to the state? as the state has no concern for them..

There are a few associations for the Brahmins...What is it they are doing for the welfare of Brahmins in general and for the poor Brahmins in particular? There is a bargaining power rests with associations of other communities..and they use it very well..Why it is not so with regard to the Brahmin Associations?

There is no community affinity here..They are a selfish lot...While and where they can use it, they meekly offer support to the power that be..What for? Did they ask your support? Why volunteer to offer support?
Have they taken up with Government when in every film, there is a scene depicting the wrong side of Brahmin community....

well-known Tamil actor and political satirist Mr Cho Ramaswamy had remarked tongue firmly in cheek – “Tamil Brahmins are people who fight with each other, degrade themselves and paint the entire community in shades of dark.” If you look at the events (in literary and movie circles in Tamil Nadu and the political climate), you will realize that Mr Ramaswamy was absolutely right then, he is right even now. -

See more at: ... XHaDP.dpuf
read the comments also at this link..

These are facts..not bashing.....

Irrespective of Brahmin Association views, many Brahmins preferred to vote for Modi.
There is no denying of the fact..

Sundara Rajan
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Joined: 08 Apr 2007, 08:19

Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by Sundara Rajan »

I invite the attention of fellow forumites to the rejoinder in the Sunday magazine of The Hindu dated May 17,2014 by Sriram Balasubramanian to TMK's article. Many of you may not have read that.

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Joined: 28 Feb 2009, 11:35

Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by munirao2001 »

Why as a citizen, musician should stay away from politics? Why as a socially conscious individual, musician should not communicate his own observation? Why readers and rasikas, fellow members do not appreciate musician's (in this instance TMK) communication in written text while appreciate and enjoy his communication through syllabo-melodic? Why rasikas are conditioned in mind-thinking?

TMK, a citizen of India and the World has expressed about his concerns about the continued Brahminical influence, with selective or compromised practices and its effects in the social order. Rasikas are fully aware that TMK is not the first and the last to express. Many vaggeyakaras compositions either question the practices or clearly decry the many prejudices and customs and also caste divisions.
Please understand the musician and his state of mind. As R.K.Srikantan had said in his talk at the Gayana Samaja- "Kale Balale Beku, Belagale Beku"-Art has to live, Grow and Prosper' - 'Sangita sukumararige, somarigalige, ahamkarigalige mattu havyasigalige dorakuvadalla'- One can not gain Classical music if the person who shuns hard work, work, egoistic and indulges as a hobby'. TMK, a maestro musician and is popular musician and does not have all the qualities listed by RKS.
High time, rasikas should put an end to hateful and distasteful comments in this forums.


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Joined: 23 Oct 2013, 12:42

Re: Should musicians stay away from politics?

Post by Dhruv »

not sure, if musicians should stay from musicians,

but I'd stay away from
Sanatana dharma haters' music
#antiHindu musicians' noise
music of the communists - who hate only one religion
#shaheenbagh supporters working on a Pakistani agenda

remember it was also musicians like Bharathi ji and DMK amma - who worked hard to get us independence too; not just Nehru [TMK's grandfather was a scam-tainted finance minister in Nehru's cabinet]and Gandhi

#ShaheenBagh protestor TMK is a mixed khanfusing bag, good music, bad ideology!

TMK - has it all from a communist perspective to be used as a poster boy for #antihindu drive; just like Sitaram Yetchury, or even the nirmala from the Mother teresa org!!

he is a brahmin hating brahmin,
he is a hindu-hating-Hindu [communists love them, the left loves this lot],
he is rich [God! the media loves $$], his grandad was in Nehru's ministry [and was also involved in the first post-1987's financial scam of Indian stock market - so media and Congress politicians and allies love him twice],
he speaks English
he is the new darling of the leftists, communists, #HinduHaters, #AntiIndians, #AntiHindus and the #ModiHaterClub

but TM Krishna instead of helping correct t the social issues, has jumped into the enemy camp - and is criticizing Hindus, our way of life, and of course, he gets awards.

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