Meaning of a verse in Venkatesha Prapatti

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Post by Rajani »

I would like to know the meaning of the words "samuditvara" and "samyakshu" ( confusing as it is generally an adverb) in verse 4 of the Venkatesha Prapatti ( sung along with the Suprabhatam)

sadyo-vikasi-samuditvara-sandraraga- saurabhya-nirbhara-saroruha-samya-vartam,
samyaksu sahasa-padesu vilekhayantau
sri-venkatesa-charanau saranam prapadye.

I seek refuge at Sri Venkatesa’s feet, and it induces us to compare His beautiful feet with lotuses that have just blossomed and emanate fragrance and red colour. This comparison is hasty and not right as the feet of the Lord are several times superior to lotuses.

(Words and meaning from

Thanks a lot.

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Post by cmlover »

with some corrections:
samyakShu sAhasa-padeShu vilekhayantau
sri-venkatesa-charanau saranam prapadye.

I seek refuge on the feet of Sri VEnkaTESa
(which are)
Just now(sadyo) blossomed(vikAsi) highly possessed of (samuditvara)abundant(sAndra)pollen (rAga)sweet-smelling (saurabhya) filled(nirbhara) lotus(saroruha) equivalent(sAmya) description(vArttAm),
eye-filling (samyakShu) in the forceful feet (sAhasapadeShu) making a mark (vilekhayantau)

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Post by ksrimech »

Rajani madam,

The tAmarai (lotus) which SrI vAdibhIkarar svAmi is talking about tiruvaDi tAmarai not the tAmarai which blossoms in a puddle of mud and sludge. Each avyayam of SrInivAsan itself a tAmarai. tirumangaiyAzhvAr calls each of the avyayam as tAmarai. Now coming to this SlOkA. Why SrInivAsan's tiruvaDi tAmarai has blossomed here? I hope you know SrI nammazhvAr aka kAri mAran aka saDagOpan, the prapannajanakUTastar (leader) of SrIVaishNavasamUham. He performed a dhIrgaSaraNagathi are the tiruvaDi tAmarai of SrInivAsan in the presence of tAyAr, alamElu manga nAcciyAr. He mentions this in his pAsuram akalakillEn iraiyum enRu (tiruvAymozi 6.10.10 #3451). SrInivasan's tiruvaDi now became happy that kAri mAran performed SaraNagathi at HIS feet with the reference to tAyAr. Now, it blossoms. Like a lotus which blossoms at the sight of the sun (ravikara vikasita as refered by svAmi rAmAnujar in his SrIbhASyam), SrInivAsan's tiruvaDi also blossoms at the sight of nammazhvAr, the saDagOpabhAnu. Also, near SrInivAsan's tiruvaDi arcakA's would have kept the SatAri which is the pratinidhi (representative) to nammazhvar. Hence, SrInivAsan's tiruvaDi is always blossomed because of the fact that nammazhvAr is always with him now. Secondly, it gets the fragrance and other attributes because here when SrI vAdibhIkarar svAmi has come to perform SaraNAgathi, SrInivAsan's tiruvaDi is again happy that SrI vAdibhIkarar svAmi has come to perform SaraNAgathi. Not only only when each of us also go and perform SaraNAgathi , SrInivAsan's tiruvaDi will be happy, particularly when we say we are his property and protect help ourselves. One more important thing aDiyEn is not trying to tell the similarity/equivalence (taulyam) of SrI kArimaran and a pApatma like aDiyEn.
Last edited by ksrimech on 26 Mar 2007, 01:36, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Rajani »

Thanks a lot , cml and ksrimech. Would like some more light to be shed on the word "eye-filling (samyakShu) ". What is being thus described?

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Post by cmlover »

This word is formed as
sami (unite)+akSha (eyes) +u (pratyaya denoting habituality etc) (in the sandhi the 'a' gets elided) and hence it means pleasingly uniting/meeting the eyes. In this context it refers to the eyes being focussed on the beautiful divine feet of the Lord!
Alternate way of interpreting is to take it as the saptami (locative of the word 'samyak' (meaning proper/correct/accurate/completely/..) which qualifies the word 'padEShu'. In that context it would mean how correctly the lotus, the fragrance etc are marking/decorating Lord's feet! I take the former interpretation more appropriate from the devotee's point of view!

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Post by ksrimech »

I would also go with the explanations given by Sri cmlover.

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Joined: 04 Feb 2010, 19:52

Post by Rajani »

Thank you very much for the nice clarification.

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