RSM FHS Bangalore - RaGa Sisters - 2022-04-03

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RSM FHS Bangalore - RaGa Sisters - 2022-04-03

Post by ranjanimalavi »

Ranjani & Gayatri - Vocal
H M Smitha - Vilolin
Sai Giridhar - Mridangam
Omkar - Ghatam

1. paridAnamiccitE pAlintuvEmO - Bilahari - PSI (RS)
2. callarE rAmacandruni - Ahiri - T
3. nagumOmu kanalEni - Abheri - T (RNS) (grahabedam to Mohana Kalyani)
4. Thani
5. irabEku haridAsara - Bahudari - PD
6. RTP Panthuvarali (grahabedam to Shuddha Dhanyasi)
Pallavi: rAma bhajanalOlA AnjanEya bhakthapAlA abhayimayya vaiyyA SrI
Talam: Khanda Jaathi Triputa, Trimukhi
Ragamalika: ?, Patdeep

Very good concert by the Sisters.
After 2 years finally get to hear a live concert.
Even though i missed the beginning and the end, 2:30 hours was well spent.
Gayathri was saying they are singing RTP in Panthuvarali for the first time.


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